Recipe5.12.Performing Frequent Membership Tests on a Sequence

Recipe 5.12. Performing Frequent Membership Tests on a Sequence

Credit: Alex Martelli


You need to perform frequent tests for membership in a sequence. The O(n) behavior of repeated in operators hurts performance, but you can't switch to using just a dictionary or set instead of the sequence, because you also need to keep the sequence's order.


Say you need to append items to a list only if they're not already in the list. One sound approach to this task is the following function:

def addUnique(baseList, otherList):     auxDict = dict.fromkeys(baseList)     for item in otherList:         if item not in auxDict:             baseList.append(item)             auxDict[item] = None

If your code has to run only under Python 2.4, you can get exactly the same effect with an auxiliary set rather than an auxiliary dictionary.


A simple (naive?) approach to this recipe's task looks good:

def addUnique_simple(baseList, otherList):     for item in otherList:         if item not in baseList:             baseList.append(item)

and it may be sort of OK, if the lists are very small.

However, the simple approach can be quite slow if the lists are not small. When you check if item not in baseList, Python can implement the in operator in only one way: an internal loop over the elements of baseList, ending with a result of true as soon as an element compares equal to item, with a result of False if the loop terminates without having found any equality. On average, executing the in-operator takes time proportional to len(baseList). addUnique_simple executes the in-operator len(otherList) times, so, in all, it takes time proportional to the product of the lengths of the two lists.

In the addUnique function shown in the "Solution", we first build the auxiliary dictionary auxDict, a step that takes time proportional to len(baseList). Then, the in-operator inside the loop checks for membership in a dicta step that makes all the difference because checking for membership in a dict takes roughly constant time, independent of the number of items in the dict! So, the for loop takes time proportional to len(otherList), and the entire function takes time proportional to the sum of the lengths of the two lists.

The analysis of the running times should in fact go quite a bit deeper, because the length of baseList is not constant in addUnique_simple; baseList grows each time an item is processed that was not already there. But the gist of the (surprisingly complicated) analysis is not very different from what this simplified version indicates. We can check this by measuring. When each list holds 10 integers, with an overlap of 50%, the simple version is about 30% slower than the one shown in the "Solution", the kind of slowdown that can normally be ignored. But with lists of 100 integers each, again with 50% overlap, the simple version is twelve times slower than the one shown in the "Solution"a level of slowdown that can never be ignored, and it only gets worse if the lists get really substantial.

Sometimes, you could obtain even better overall performance for your program by permanently placing the auxiliary dict alongside the sequence, encapsulating both into one object. However, in this case, you must maintain the dict as the sequence gets modified, to ensure it stays in sync with the sequence's current membership. This maintenance task is not trivial, and it can be architected in many different ways. Here is one such way, which does the syncing "just in time," rebuilding the auxiliary dict when a membership test is required and the dictionary is possibly out of sync with the list's contents. Since it costs very little, the following class optimizes the index method, as well as membership tests:

class list_with_aux_dict(list):     def _ _init_ _(self, iterable=( )):         list._ _init_ _(self, iterable)         self._dict_ok = False     def _rebuild_dict(self):         self._dict = {  }         for i, item in enumerate(self):             if item not in self._dict:                 self._dict[item] = i         self._dict_ok = True     def _ _contains_ _(self, item):         if not self._dict_ok:             self._rebuild_dict( )         return item in self._dict     def index(self, item):         if not self._dict_ok:             self._rebuild_dict( )         try: return self._dict[item]         except KeyError: raise ValueError def _wrapMutatorMethod(methname):     _method = getattr(list, methname)     def wrapper(self, *args):         # Reset 'dictionary OK' flag, then delegate to the real mutator method         self._dict_ok = False         return _method(self, *args)     # in Python 2.4, only: wrapper._ _name_ _ = _method._ _name_ _     setattr(list_with_aux_dict, methname, wrapper) for meth in 'setitem delitem setslice delslice iadd'.split( ):     _wrapMutatorMethod('_ _%s_ _' % meth) for meth in 'append insert pop remove extend'.split( ):     _wrapMutatorMethod(meth) del _wrapMethod               # remove auxiliary function, not needed any more

The list_with_aux_dict class extends list and delegates to it every method, except _ _contains_ _ and index. Every method that can modify list membership is wrapped in a closure that resets a flag asserting that the auxiliary dictionary is OK. Python's in-operator calls the _ _contains_ _ method. list_with_aux_dict's _ _contains_ _ method rebuilds the auxiliary dictionary, unless the flag is set (when the flag is set, rebuilding is unnecessary); the index method works the same way.

Instead of building and installing wrapping closures for all the mutating methods of the list into the list_with_aux_dict class with a helper function, as the recipe does, we could write all the def statements for the wrapper methods in the body of list_with_aux_dict. However, the code for the class as presented has the important advantage of minimizing boilerplate (repetitious plumbing code that is boring and voluminous, and thus a likely home for bugs). Python's strengths at introspection and dynamic modification give you a choice: you can build method wrappers, as this recipe does, in a smart and concise way; or, you can choose to code the boilerplate anyway, if you prefer to avoid what some would call the black magic of introspection and dynamic modification of class objects.

The architecture of class list_with_aux_dict caters well to a rather common pattern of use, where sequence-modifying operations happen in bunches, followed by a period of time in which the sequence is not modified, but several membership tests may be performed. However, the addUnique_simple function shown earlier would not get any performance benefit if argument baseList was an instance of this recipe's list_with_aux_dict rather than a plain list: the function interleaves membership tests and sequence modifications. Therefore, too many rebuilds of the auxiliary dictionary for list_with_aux_dict would impede the function's performance. (Unless a typical case was for a vast majority of the items of otherList to be already contained in baseList, so that very few modifications occurred compared to the number of membership tests.)

An important requisite for any of these membership-test optimizations is that the values in the sequence must be hashable (otherwise, of course, they cannot be keys in a dict, nor items in a set). For example, a list of tuples might be subjected to this recipe's treatment, but for a list of lists, the recipe as it stands is just not applicable.

See Also

The Library Reference and Python in a Nutshell sections on sequence types and mapping types.

Python Cookbook
Python Cookbook
ISBN: 0596007973
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 420 © 2008-2017.
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