To close this chapter, Table 13.10 presents a complete list of the macro actions you can use.
Table 13.10. Macro Actions and Their Descriptions
Action | Description |
AddMenu | Replaces a built-in menu bar for a form or report with a custom menubar; replaces a built-in shortcut menu for a form, report, or form control with a custom shortcut menu. |
ApplyFilter | Uses a filter, query, or SQL WHERE clause to restrict and/or sort the records in a form or report. |
Beep | Beeps the computer's speakers. |
CancelEvent | Cancels the event that caused the macro to run. |
Close | Closes the active window or a specified window. |
CopyDatabaseFile | Makes a copy of the current Access database file. |
CopyObject | Copies a database object to another database or to the current database with a different name. |
DeleteObject | Deletes a specified database object or the selected object in the database window. |
Echo | Hides or shows the macro's actions while it runs. |
FindNext | Finds the next record that meets the criteria used in the most recent FindRecord action or Find dialog box usage. |
FindRecord | Finds the first record in a table or form that meets the specified criteria. |
GoToControl | Moves the focus to the specified field or control on the current datasheet or form. |
GoToPage | Moves the focus to the first field or control on the specified page in the active form. |
GoToRecord | Makes the specified record the current record in a table, query result, or form. |
Hourglass | Changes the mouse pointer from the normal icon to an hourglass icon; the pointer is restored when the macro stops. |
Maximize | Enlarges the active window to fill the Access window. |
Minimize | Reduces the active window to a title bar at the bottom of the Access window. |
MoveSize | Moves or resizes the active window. |
MsgBox | Displays a message to the user. |
OpenDataAccessPage | Opens a specified data access page. |
OpenDiagram | Opens a specified database diagram. |
OpenForm | Opens a specified form. |
OpenFunction | Opens a specified function. |
OpenModule | Opens a specified Visual Basic module at a specified procedure or function. |
OpenQuery | Opens a specified query. |
OpenReport | Opens a specified report. |
OpenStoredProcedure | Opens a specified stored procedure. |
OpenTable | Opens a specified table. |
OpenView | Opens a specified view. |
OutputTo | Exports data from a database object to a file in another format, such as HTML, Excel, or text. |
PrintOut | Prints the active datasheet, form, report, data access page, or module. |
Quit | Shuts down Access. |
Rename | Renames the specified database object. |
RepaintObject | Completes any pending screen updates or control recalculations for the specified database object. |
Requery | Updates data in the specified control in the active database object. |
Restore | Restores a maximized or minimized window to its original location and size. |
RunApp | Runs the specified application. |
RunCode | Runs the specified VBA function. (To run a procedure, create a function that calls the procedure and then use RunCode to run the function.) |
RunCommand | Runs the specified command in a built-in menu or toolbar. |
RunMacro | Runs the specified Access macro. |
RunSQL | Runs the specified SQL statement for an action or data definition query. |
Save | Saves the specified database object. |
SelectObject | Selects the specified database object. |
SendKeys | Sends one or more keystrokes to Access or the active application. |
SendObject | Includes the specified database object in an email message. |
SetMenuItem | Sets the state of menu items (such as checked or unchecked) on the custom or global menu bar for the active window. |
SetValue | Sets the value of a field, control, or property on a form or report. |
SetWarnings | Turns system messages on or off. |
ShowAllRecords | Removes any applied filter from the active table, query, or form. |
ShowToolbar | Displays or hides a built-in or custom toolbar. |
StopAllMacros | Stops all currently running macros. |
StopMacro | Stops the currently running macro. |
transferDatabase | Imports, exports, or links data between the current Access database and another database. |
TRansferSpreadsheet | Imports, exports, or links data between the current Access database and a spreadsheet file. |
transferSQLDatabase | Transfers an SQL database from one server to a SQL database on another server. |
TRansferText | Imports, exports, or links data between the current Access database and a text file. |