Properties and Indexers

Indexers and properties are special type members that encapsulate the internal state of a type and provide specialized access to that state. For example, properties are used like fields (variables), but can be specialized to work with one or more fields within a type. Indexers expose an array-like interface to a type, changing the way that type can be used by calling applications.


A property is an efficient means of exposing a public interface to a type where an attribute of a type has get and set semantics. Properties don't accept parameters, but act more like a smart field and support type encapsulation. In practical usage, a property is accessed as if it were a public field on a type. The only limitation is that a property cannot be passed as a parameter to a method. Listing 2.22 shows how to declare and use a property.

Listing 2.22 Declaration and Use of Properties (Properties.cs)
 using System; class Properties {    private static decimal m_myMoney;    public static decimal MyMoney    {       get       {          return m_myMoney;       }       set       {          m_myMoney = value;       }    }    static void Main()    {       MyMoney = 1000000.00m;       Console.WriteLine("MyMoney: {0:$#,###.00}", MyMoney);       Console.ReadLine();    } } 

Most of the time, a property will be declared exactly like MyMoney in Listing 2.22. Properties without a get accessor are write-only and properties without a set accessor are read-only.


Indexers allow types to act like arrays or collections. They accept one or more parameters and return a specified type. Like properties, they also support get and set semantics. Listing 2.23 demonstrates how to declare and use an indexer.

Listing 2.23 Declaration and Use of Indexers (Indexers.cs)
 using System; class MyType {    int[] myInts = { 0, 0, 0 };    public int this[int i]    {       get       {          return i < myInts.Length ? myInts[i] : -1;       }       set       {          if (i < myInts.Length)          {             myInts[i] = value;          }       }    } } class Indexers {    static void Main()    {       MyType myType = new MyType();       for (int i=0; i < 5; i++)       {          myType[i] = i+1;          Console.WriteLine("myType[{0}] = {1}", i, myType[i]);       }       Console.ReadLine();    } } 

The indexer in Listing 2.23 lets the MyType class act just like an array. The get and set accessors protect the integrity of the data and avoid errors. A given implementation will depend on how the information is stored. A significant benefit of both indexers and properties is that the internal data implementation may change, but the public interface won't.

C# Builder KickStart
C# Builder KickStart
ISBN: 672325896
Year: 2003
Pages: 165 © 2008-2017.
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