13.4 Bounded Buffer Example

13.4 Bounded Buffer Example

Program 13.1 below reproduces the bounded buffer implementation from Chapter 5, Program 5.6 published in the first printing and first edition of this book. In this section, we develop a detailed model of the synchronization of this program and investigate its properties. As usual, we abstract from the details of what items are stored in the buffer and how these items are stored. Consequently, the only variable that we need to consider modeling is the variable count that stores the number of items currently stored in the buffer. The state of the buffer monitor implementation is as follows with the count variable initialized to zero:

 const Size = 2 // number of buffer slots ||BUFFERMON  = ( Threads::LOCK || WAITSET || SAFEMON                ||Threads::(count:VAR(0))                ).

Program 13.1: Buffer interface and BufferImpl class.

image from book
   public void put(Object o)      throws InterruptedException; //put object into buffer   public Object get()      throws InterruptedException; //get object from buffer } class BufferImpl implements Buffer {   protected Object[] buf;   protected int in = 0;   protected int out= 0;   protected int count= 0;   protected int size;   BufferImpl(int size) {     this.size = size; buf = new Object[size];   }   public synchronized void put(Object o)             throws InterruptedException {     while (count==size) wait();     buf[in] = o;     ++count;     in=(in+1) %size;     notify();   }   public synchronized Object get()             throws InterruptedException {     while (count==0) wait();     Object o =buf[out];     buf[out]=null;     --count;     out=(out+1) %size;     notify();     return (o);     } }
image from book

The alphabet for each thread is defined by:

 set BufferAlpha = {count.VarAlpha, LockOps, SyncOps}

13.4.1 put() and get() Methods

We can now translate the put() and get() methods of Program 13.1 into FSP into a reasonably straightforward way. Since we have abstracted from the details of storing items in the buffer, we replace the actions to place an item in the buffer with the action put and the actions to remove an item with the action get.

 /* put method */ PUT   = (acquire -> WHILE), WHILE   = (count.read[v:Int] ->   // while (count == size) wait();      if v==Size then WAIT;WHILE else CONTINUE     ), CONTINUE   = (put                    // buf [in] = o; in=(in+1) %size;      -> count.inc           // ++count;      -> notify -> release -> END     ) + BufferAlpha. /* get method */ GET   = (acquire -> WHILE), WHILE   = (count.read[v:Int] ->   // while (count == 0 ) wait()       if v==0 then WAIT;WHILE else CONTINUE     ), CONTINUE     = (get                // Object[o] = buf [out]; buf [out]=null;      -> count.dec         // --count;      -> notify -> release -> END      ) + BufferAlpha.

13.4.2 Producer and Consumer Threads

To investigate the properties of the bounded buffer implementation, we model systems consisting of one or more producer threads and one or more consumer threads. The producer threads call put() and the consumer threads call get () as shown below.


We noted in section 13.2.1 that we must explicitly define the set of threads that will access the monitor being modeled. For the bounded buffer example, we have a set of producer threads, which put items into the buffer, and a set of consumer threads, which take items out of the buffer, identified as follows:

 const Nprod = 2                // #producers const Ncons = 2                // #consumers set   Prod  = {prod[1..Nprod]} // producer threads set   Cons  = {cons[1..Ncons]} // consumer threads const Nthread  = Nprod + Ncons set   Threads  = {Prod,Cons}

The producer and consumer processes are composed with the processes modeling the buffer monitor by:

 ||ProdCons = (Prod:PRODUCER || Cons:CONSUMER              || BUFFERMON).

13.4.3 Analysis

To verify our implementation model of the bounded buffer, we need to show that it satisfies the same safety and progress properties as the design model. However, the bounded buffer design model was specified in Chapter 5, which preceded the discussion of how to specify properties. Consequently, we simply inspected the LTS graph for the model to see that it had the required synchronization behavior. The LTS of the implementation model is much too large to verify by inspection. How then do we proceed? The answer with respect to safety is to use the design model itself as a safety property and check that the implementation satisfies this property. In other words, we check that the implementation cannot produce any executions that are not specified by the design. Clearly, this is with respect to actions that are common to the implementation and design models – the put and get actions. The property below is the same BUFFER process shown in Figure 5.11, with the addition of a relabeling part that takes account of multiple producer and consumer processes.

 property       BUFFER = COUNT[0],       COUNT[i:0..Size]             = (when (i<Size) put->COUNT[i+1]               |when (i>0)    get->COUNT[i-1]               )/{Prod.put/put,Cons.get/get}.

The LTS for this property with two producer processes, two consumer processes and a buffer with two slots (Size = 2) is shown in Figure 13.7.

image from book
Figure 13.7: LTS for property BUFFER.

We are now in a position to perform a safety analysis of the bounded buffer implementation model using the composition:

 ||ProdConsSafety = (ProdCons || BUFFER).

With two producer processes (Nprod=2), two consumer processes (Ncons=2) and a buffer with two slots (Size=2), safety analysis by the LTSA reveals no property violations or deadlocks. In this situation, the implementation satisfies the design. However, safety analysis with two producer processes (Nprod=2), two consumer processes (Ncons=2) and a buffer with only one slot (Size=1) reveals the following deadlock:

 Trace to DEADLOCK:   cons.1.acquire   cons.1.count.read.0   cons.1.wait                 // consumer 1 blocked   cons.1.release   cons.2.acquire   cons.2.count.read.0   cons.2.wait                 // consumer 2 blocked   cons.2.release   prod.1.acquire   prod.1.count.read.0   prod.1.put                  // producer 1 inserts item   prod.1.count.inc   prod.1.notify               // producer 1 notifies item available   prod.1.release   prod.1.acquire   prod.1.count.read.1   cons.1.unblock              // consumer 1 unblocked by notify   prod.1.wait                 // producer 1 blocks trying to insert 2nd item   prod.1.release   prod.2.acquire   prod.2.count.read.1   prod.2.wait                 // producer 2 blocks trying to insert item   prod.2.release   cons.1.endwait   cons.1.acquire   cons.1.count.read.1   cons.1.get                  // consumer 1 gets item   cons.1.count.dec   cons.1.notify               // consumer 1 notifies space available   cons.1.release   cons.1.acquire   cons.1.count.read.0   cons.2.unblock              // consumer 2 unblocked by notify   cons.1.wait   cons.1.release   cons.2.endwait   cons.2.acquire   cons.2.count.read.0   cons.2.wait                 // consumer 2 blocks since buffer is empty   cons.2.release

The deadlock occurs because at the point that the consumer process calls notify to indicate that a space is available in the buffer, the wait set includes the second consumer process as well as both the producer processes. The consumer is unblocked and finds that the buffer is empty and goes back to waiting. At this point no further progress can be made and the system deadlocks since neither of the producer processes can run. This deadlock occurs if either the number of producer processes or the number of consumer processes is greater than the number of slots in the buffer. Clearly in this situation, the implementation given in the first printing of Chapter 5 was incorrect!

To correct the bounded buffer program of Chapter 5, to handle the situation of a greater number of producer or consumer threads than buffer slots, we need to replace the calls to notify() with calls to notifyAll(). This unblocks both consumer and the producer threads, allowing an insertion or removal to occur. Replacing the corresponding actions in the implementation model removes the deadlock and verifies that the Java program is now correct.

The lesson here is that it is always safer to use notifyAll() unless it can be rigorously shown that notify() works correctly. We should have followed our own advice in Chapter 5! The general rule is that notify() should only be used if at most one thread can benefit from the change of state being signaled and it can be guaranteed that the notification will go to a thread that is waiting for that particular state change. An implementation model is a good way of doing this.

The corrected model satisfies the following progress properties, which assert lack of starvation for put and get actions:

 progress PUT[i:1..Nprod] = {prod[i].put} progress GET[i:1..Ncons] = {cons[i].get}

Concurrency(c) State Models & Java Programs
Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs
ISBN: 0470093552
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 162

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