27.4. Java Event Model Review

[Page 790 ( continued )]

24.10. (Optional) Synchronization Using Locks

In Listing 24.7, one hundred tasks deposit a penny to the same account concurrently, which causes conflict. To avoid it, you can simply use the synchronized keyword in the deposit method, as follows :

   public      synchronized      void   deposit(   double   amount) 

[Page 791]

A synchronized instance method implicitly acquires a lock on the instance before it executes the method.

JDK 1.5 enables you to use locks explicitly. The new locking features are flexible and give you more control for coordinating threads. A lock is an instance of the Lock interface, which declares the methods for acquiring and releasing locks, as shown in Figure 24.14. A lock may also use the newCondition() method to create any number of Condition objects, which can be used for thread communications.

Figure 24.14. The ReentrantLock class implements the Lock interface to represent a lock.

ReentrantLock is a concrete implementation of Lock for creating mutually exclusive locks. You can create a lock with the specified fairness policy . True fairness policies guarantee that the longest-wait thread will obtain the lock first. False fairness policies grant a lock to a waiting thread without any access order. Programs using fair locks accessed by many threads may have poorer overall performance than those using the default setting, but have smaller variances in times to obtain locks and guarantee lack of starvation .

Listing 24.8 revises AccountWithoutSync.java in Listing 24.7 to synchronize the account modification using explicit locks.

Listing 24.8. AccountWithSyncUsingLock.java
(This item is displayed on pages 791 - 792 in the print version)
 1   import   java.util.concurrent.*; 2    import   java.util.concurrent.locks.*  ; 3 4   public class   AccountWithSyncUsingLock { 5   private static   Account account =   new   Account(); 6 7   public static void   main(String[] args) { 8 ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); 9 10  // Create and launch 100 threads  11   for   (   int   i =     ; i <   100   ; i++) { 12 executor.execute(   new   AddAPennyTask()); 13 } 14 15 executor.shutdown(); 16 17  // Wait until all tasks are finished  18   while   (!executor.isTerminated()) { 19 } 

[Page 792]
 20 21 System.out.println(   "What is balance ? "   + account.getBalance()); 22 } 23 24  // A thread for adding a penny to the account  25   public static class   AddAPennyTask   implements   Runnable { 26   public void   run() { 27 account.deposit(   1   ); 28 } 29 } 30 31  // An inner class for account  32   public static class   Account { 33    private static   Lock lock =   new   ReentrantLock();  // Create a lock   34   private int   balance =     ; 35 36   public int   getBalance() { 37   return   balance; 38 } 39 40   public void   deposit(   int   amount) { 41  lock.lock();  // Acquire the lock   42 43   try   { 44   int   newBalance = balance + amount; 45 46  // This delay is deliberately added to magnify the  47  // data-corruption problem and make it easy to see.  48 Thread.sleep(   5   ); 49 50 balance = newBalance; 51 } 52   catch   (InterruptedException ex) { 53 } 54   finally   { 55  lock.unlock();  // Release the lock   56 } 57 } 58 } 59 } 

Line 33 creates a lock, line 41 acquires the lock, and line 55 releases the lock.


It is a good practice to always immediately follow a call to lock() with a try-catch block and release the lock in the finally clause, as shown in lines 41 “56, to ensure that the lock is always released.

The example in Listing 24.7 using the synchronized method is simpler than the example in Listing 24.8 using a lock. In general, using synchronized methods or statements is simpler than using explicit locks for mutual exclusion. However, using explicit locks is more intuitive and flexible to synchronize threads with conditions, as you will see in the next section.


Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version
Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version (6th Edition)
Year: 2004
Pages: 503

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