Part 10. Preparing for Printing Worksheets

Excel's Print Preview mode is a convenient way to prepare your workbooks and worksheets for printing, without having to print numerous copies to get it right. Using Print Preview mode, you can access all the printing options and even make changes that will be saved with your worksheet in case it's printed again in the future.

In Excel, you can print your worksheets by using a basic printing procedure, or you can enhance the printout with several print options. Options for setting up the printed page include orientation (portrait or landscape), scaling, paper size, and page numbering. You can use these options to change how the worksheet is printed on the page or even so that your multipage worksheet prints on a single page.

There are also sheet options that control which elements of your worksheet are printed gridlines, notes, row headings, and so on. You might want to make some changes to these options depending on how you want your printout to look. Another common change is to repeat column or row headings on a multipage worksheet. On worksheets that span two pages, the information on the second page might not make sense without proper headings.

Easy Microsoft Office 2003
Easy Microsoft Office 2003
ISBN: 0789729628
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 281
Authors: Nancy Lewis © 2008-2017.
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