Seek and Ye Shall Find: Search and Find Functions

The Report Manager provides two features to help users find information. The Search function helps the user locate a report within the Report Server folder structure, and the Find function enables the user to jump to a certain piece of information while viewing a report.

Searching for a Report

First, we look at the Search function. This function lets the user enter a portion of a word, a complete word, or a phrase. The Report Manager then searches the names and descriptions of items in the Report Server folder structure for occurrences of this text. The Report Manager does not search the contents of a report or supporting files.

For example, searching for “GDS Report” would find “The GDS Report” and “GDS Reporting.” It would not find “Report GDS Income” or “GDS Accounting Report.” This is strictly a search for the text exactly as it is entered—no Boolean logic, proximity searching, or other features you find in Internet search engines. Also, the search is not case-sensitive.

Follow these steps to use the Search function:

  1. Open the Report Manager in your browser and navigate to the Home folder.

  2. Type report for Search For in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then click Go. The Search page is displayed with the search results.

  3. The Report Manager finds five items: two folders, a text document, and two reports. No weighting or relevance is assigned to each result. They are simply displayed in alphabetical order. Click the Galactic Delivery Services folder. You see the contents of that folder.

  4. Click your browser’s Back button to return to the search results.

  5. Click ReportReadMe.txt. You see the contents of this file.

  6. Click your browser’s Back button.

  7. Click the SubReportTest report to execute this report. (Keep your browser on this report. We use it in the Find feature.)

Finding Text Within a Report

Next, we look at the Find function. This function also enables the user to enter a portion of a word, a complete word, or a phrase. The Report Manager then searches the contents of the current report for occurrences of this text. Next, it highlights the first occurrence and moves it to the top of the view. The user can use the Next button to move to the next occurrence.

As with the Search function, Find locates text just as it is entered—no Boolean logic or proximity searching. Also, Find is not case-sensitive.

We use the SubReportTest report to demonstrate the Find function. This report should be open in your browser. The SubReportTest report lists all the transports used by GDS. They are listed in transport number order. Suppose we want to look at just the Warp Hauler-type transports sprinkled throughout the report. Rather than skimming through the entire report looking for what we are interested in, here is a better way:

  1. Type warp haul in the entry area to the left of the words “Find | Next” in the Report Viewer toolbar.

  2. Click Find. The first Warp Hauler transport (#1303) is brought to the top of the viewing area and the Warp Haul portion of the transport type is highlighted.

  3. Click Next. (Make sure you do not click Find. Clicking Find simply starts the find operation again from the top of the page.) The next Warp Hauler transport (#1307) is brought to the top of the viewing area.

  4. Click Next. The report jumps to the next Warp Hauler transport (#1310). Click Next once more and the report jumps to the next Warp Hauler transport (#1311) on Page 2 of the report.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
MicrosoftВ® SQL Server(TM) 2005 Reporting Services Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735622507
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 115 © 2008-2017.
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