J2EE 1.3 Reference Implementation

J2EE 1.3 reference server, which was only available as a beta release at publication of this book, is a reference implementation from Sun Microsystems of the various J2EE APIs defined in the J2EE 1.3 specification. The reference implementation supports EJB 2.0, Servlet 2.3, JSP 1.2, and JMS 1.02 (which is mandatory in this specification). The beta version is available under the early access program and can be downloaded from http://java.sun.com/j2ee. The reference implementation is fully compliant with the JMS 1.02 specification and supports both Pub/Sub and PTP messaging models.

J2EE Server

J2EE server can be started by running the file j2ee.bat or j2ee.sh file available in the bin directory under the J2EE reference implementation installations. Make sure that you have set the environmental variables J2EE_HOME and JAVA_HOME before you start the server. By default, the server listens on the following ports for various services:

  • 8000 — For HTTP connections, which, can be altered by editing the web.properties file in the config directory under the J2EE installation

  • 7000 — For HTTPS connections, which can be altered by editing the web.properties file in the config directory under the J2EE installation

  • 1050 — For JNDI lookups, which can be altered by editing the orb.properties file in the config directory under the J2EE installation

The reference implementation defines two JMS-related properties files in the config directory.

  • jms_client.properties
    This file contains the various properties required by the JMS clients for JNDI lookup, connecting to the server, preferred communication protocol, and logging level.

  • jms_service.properties
    This file defines the various properties required for the JNDI server for implementing durable subscriptions and message redelivery.

Administration Tool

The administration tool is a command-line utility for managing various resources on the server. This tool can be run by using the j2eeadmin.bat or j2eeadmin.sh file that can be found in the bin directory. The tool can be used for:

  • Adding, listing, removing JDBC drivers

  • Adding, listing, removing JDBC data sources

  • Adding, listing, removing JDBC XA data sources

  • Adding, listing, removing JMS destinations

  • Adding, listing, removing JMS connection factories

  • Adding, listing, removing connector factories

We will have a look at some of the commands related to JMS:

Adding a queue named myQueue

j2eeadmin -addJmsDestination myQueue queue

Adding a topic names myTopic

j2eeadmin -addJmsDestination myTopic topic

Adding a queue connection factory named QCFactory

j2eeadmin -addJmsFactory QCFactory queue

Adding a topic connection factory named TCFactory

j2eeadmin -addJmsFactory TCFactory topic

Listing all the configured JMS destinations

j2eeadmin -listJmsDestination

Listing all the configured JMS connection factories

j2eeadmin -listJmsFactory

Removing a JMS destination named myQueue

j2eeadmin -removeJmsDestination myQueue

Removing a JMS connection factory named QCFactory

j2eeadmin -removeJmsFactory QCFactory

Running the Portable JMS Client

Configuring the Administered Objects

We will be storing the Administered objects in the internal JNDI namespace provided by the J2EE reference implementation.

Type the following commands to add a topic named myTopic and a topic connection factory named TCFactory in the command window:

     C:\ProJMS\AppendixA> j2eeadmin -addJmsDestination myTopic topic     C:\ProJMS\AppendixA> j2eeadmin -addJmsFactory TCFactory topic 

Running the Client

For running the client first start the J2EE server as explained earlier. Now invoke the Java interpreter on the class PortableJMSClient with all the required classes in the classpath and passing the location of the JMS client properties file as a system property using the -D option.

The required JAR files are:

  • j2ee.jar — This JAR file contains all the required classes for JNDI and JMS

The following property should be passed to the program using the -D option for the Java interpreter:

  • Property name — jms.properties.

  • Property value — <J2EE_HOME>\config\jms_client.properties. Where <J2EE_HOME> is the directory under which the J2EE reference implementation is installed

The figure below shows the JMS client running against the J2EE reference implementation:

click to expand

Professional JMS
Professional JMS
ISBN: 1861004931
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 154

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