Recipe 8.6. Creating a Shortcut


You want to create a shortcut to a file or folder. A shortcut is simply a file with a .lnk extension that redirects you to another file or folder when clicked on in Windows Explorer. You can also distinguish shortcut files from regular files by a small arrow in the bottom left side of their icons.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Browse to the file or folder you want to create a shortcut for.

  3. Right-click the file or folder and select Create Shortcut.

  4. Move the shortcut file to desired location.

Using downloadable software

The Windows NT Resource Kit had a tool called shortcut that could be used to create shortcuts, but it isn't present in the Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 Resource Kits. The MKS Toolkit (, an excellent product that provides numerous Unix-like utilities for the Windows platform, contains a shortcut tool, which can create shortcuts. Here is the syntax for that tool:

> shortcut [-f dest-file] [-a arglist] [-w workdir] [-s show-keyword]  [-i iconpath[,iconindex]] [-d description] [-D] shortcut-file -a arglist   defines any arguments to the executable file specified with the -f dest-file option.  -d description   specifies descriptive text to be embedded in the link file. description is only  displayed when you use the -p option to print the contents of the link file. If  description includes space, the text should be enclosed in double quotes (").  -D shortcut-file   specifies the shortcut-file is on the desktop.  -f dest-file   specifies the full path and file name of the executable file to be run when the  link file is double clicked.  -i iconpath[,iconindex]   specifies the icon to be displayed for the link file. If the specified icon contains  multiple images, determine which image is to be displayed by entering the appropriate  number for iconindex.  -p   displays the contents of the specified shortcut file.  -s show-keyword   specifies how the executable is displayed when invoked. show-keyword can be one  of the following:  SW_SHOW             starts the program in standard mode SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED    starts the program in full screen mode SW_SHOWMINIMIZED    starts the program minimized SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE  displays the program as an icon but does not start it When this option is not specified, shortcut defaults to SW_SHOW.  -w workdir   specifies the working directory in which the program is started.

Here is an example:

> shortcut -f c:/perl/bin/perl.exe -a -L perl-link.lnk

The MKS Toolkit isn't free and can be quite expensive, but there is another shortcut utility from the following site that is free:

Using VBScript
' This code creates a shortcut. set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' Pass the path to the shortcut set objSC = objWSHShell.CreateShortcut("d:\mylog.lnk")  ' Description - Description of the shortcut objSC.Description = "Shortcut to MyLog file" ' HotKey - hot key sequence to launch the shortcut objSC.HotKey = "CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+X" ' IconLocation - Path of icon to use for the shortcut file objSC.IconLocation = "notepad.exe, 0"  ' 0 is the index ' TargetPath = Path to source file or folder objSC.TargetPath = "c:\windows\notepad.exe" ' Arguments - Any additional parameters to pass to TargetPath objSC.Arguments = "c:\mylog.txt" ' WindowStyle - Type of window to create objSC.WindowStyle = 1   ' 1 = normal; 3 = maximize window; 7 = minimize ' WorkingDirectory - Location of the working directory for the source app objSC.WorkingDirectory = "c:\" objSC.Save WScript.Echo "Shortcut to mylog created" ' This code finds all shortcuts on a system. ' ------ SCRIPT CONFIGURATION ------ strComputer = "." ' ------ END CONFIGURATION --------- set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") set colSCs = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_ShortcutFile") for each objSC in colSCs     WScript.Echo "Name:   " & objSC.Name     WScript.Echo "Target: " & objSC.Target     WScript.Echo     intCount = intCount + 1 next WScript.Echo "Total shortcuts: " & intCount


Shortcuts can be used to quickly access files and folders that are distributed across the filesystem or on remote systems. The problem with shortcuts is that they can quickly become out-of-date if not maintained. There is a tool in the Resource Kit to help identify dead shortcuts called chklnks.exe. It searches for all shortcuts whose target does not exist and displays them in a list. You can right-click on a shortcut to see the missing target location or delete selected dead shortcuts.

See Also

MS KB 140443, "How to Create a Shortcut on the Desktop"

Windows XP Cookbook
Windows XP Cookbook (Cookbooks)
ISBN: 0596007256
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 408 © 2008-2017.
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