
Whether you've been following along so far with installing and setting up Quicken or you've already been exploring other chapters and features, this chapter brings it all hometo the Quicken Home page, that is. The Quicken Home page is a central location for all your account information, where you can access, organize, and update account information; view a big picture of your financial health and well-being; and explore your net worth.

The account bar, which appears alongside the home page, provides quick access to all your accounts and is divided into activity centers that categorize your accounts in logical groups. You can use the centers to access each of your accounts.

In this chapter, you will learn how to record and manage your account transactions and how to automatically update account information using online updates. You'll also find helpful information on Quicken Tips and Quicken Services, which provide you with additional tools and advice to help you manage your finances. In addition, you'll be privy to some keyboard shortcuts that will have you tooling around Quicken like a pro in no time.

Quicken 2007 On Demand
Quicken 2007 On Demand
ISBN: 0789736381
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 138
Authors: Gina Carrillo © 2008-2017.
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