Index C

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]

cancelling PMP exam  2nd 
candidate/certificant professional practice (Code of Professional Conduct)  2nd 
Category One candidates (PMP exam)  2nd  3rd  4th 
Category Two candidates (PMP exam)  2nd  3rd  4th 
cause-and-effect diagrams 
CCRs (Continuing Certification Requirements) 
CD-ROM  2nd  3rd 
CDM (Conditional Diagramming Method) network diagram 
change requests 
change-control board, project control and  2nd 
charters (project)
    elements of  2nd 
    importance of  2nd 
    issuing  2nd 
    purpose of 
    Gantt charts 
closing process.  [See Project Closing]
Closing processes 
Code of Professional Conduct 
    advancement of the profession  2nd 
    areas of responsibility 
    candidate/certificant professional practice  2nd 
    conflict of interest  2nd  3rd 
        customers and 
    cooperation concerning code violations 
    cultural differences and  2nd 
    currency of skills and knowledge 
    disclosing conflicts of interest/improprieties 
    organizational rules and policies 
    professional behavior  2nd 
    professional services requirements  2nd 
    reporting of violations 
    responsibilities to customers/public 
    truthful representations of information  2nd 
    Web site 
collocation (team development) 
communication skills
    project execution  2nd 
communications management 
communications plan  2nd  3rd  4th 
    guidelines  2nd 
    recommended mechanisms  2nd 
    team members and 
communications planning (facilitating process) 
companion CD-ROM  2nd  3rd 
comparative approach to project selection  2nd 
conceptual gaps (IT project managers)  2nd 
conceptual understanding questions (PMP exam) 
configuration management plan 
conflict of interest  2nd  3rd  4th 
    customers and 
    rule of thumb about 
conflict resloution
    team development  2nd  3rd 
constrained optimization  2nd 
    triple constraint  2nd 
Continuing Certification Requirements (CCRs) 
contract administration 
    outputs  2nd  3rd 
contract closeout 
Contract Closeout 
    activities  2nd 
    compared to Administrative Closure 
    contract documentation  2nd 
    ending  2nd 
    types and components  2nd 
control charts 
Controlling processes 
cooperation concerning code violations (Code of Professional Conduct) 
core controlling processes, project control and  2nd 
core processes 
    compared to facilitating processes  2nd  3rd 
    impact by facilitating processes  2nd 
corrective action, project control  2nd 
cost accounting  2nd  3rd 
    accelerated depreciation 
    BCR (benefit cost ratio) 
    direct costs 
    fixed costs 
    indirect costs 
    IRR (internal rate of return) 
    lifecycle costing 
    NPV (net present value) 
    opportunity cost 
    payback period 
    PV (present value) 
    straight-line depreciation 
    sunk cost 
    variable costs 
    working capital 
cost control 
cost estimating 
cost management 
cost management plan 
cost of PMP exam  2nd 
    accelerated depreciation 
    BCR (benefit cost ratio) 
    cost accounting  2nd  3rd 
    cost management 
    direct costs 
    fixed costs 
    indirect costs 
    IRR (internal rate of return) 
    lifecycle costing 
    NPV (net present value) 
    opportunity cost 
    payback period 
    PV (present value) 
    straight-line depreciation 
    sunk cost 
    variable costs 
    working capital 
CPI (Cost Performance Index), Earned Value Management 
crashing, shortening project schedule 
critical path
    project schedule and  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th 
Crosby, Phillip 
cultural differences
    professional conduct and  2nd 
customer service (PrepLogic) 
customers (Code of Professional Conduct) 
    conflict of interest 
    process interactions  2nd 
CV (cost variance), Earned Value Management 

PMP Exam Cram 2. Project Management Professional
PMP Exam Cram 2. Project Management Professional
Year: 2003
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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