Keep arranged by option, 172
kernel extensions, 107
in Apple System Profiler, 257
in boot process, 94
in updates, 146
Key Caps utility, 269–270, 269–270
Key Xing utility, 234
access options for, 83
for Dock, 226–227
for launching applications, 234–235, 235
layouts for, 63
for navigating, 211
on-screen, 84, 84
for screenshots, 266
volume keys for, 74–75
Keyboard Maestro program, 228–229
for clipboards, 280, 282
for hotkeys, 234
Keyboard pane, 73
keyboard shortcuts for text, 276
Keyboard tab, 83
Keychain Access utility, 271, 468, 475
Keychain First Aid utility, 477, 477
Keychain menu extra, 467–468
Keychains, 395, 395, 469–470
access in, 471–477, 472
alternatives to, 478
Keychain-aware applications, 470, 471
for locking screen, 467–468
repairing, 477–478, 477
KeyStrokes function, 84, 84
kill command, 68, 548–549
killall command, 549
of applications, 240–241
of files, 204