

Java 1.2

This interface defines constants that represent low-level BSD Unix-style socket options and methods that set and query the value of those options. In Java 1.2, SocketImpl and DatagramSocketImpl implement this interface. Any custom socket implementations you define should also provide meaningful implementations for the getOption( ) and setOption( ) methods. Your implementation may support options other than those defined here. Only custom socket implementations need to use this interface. All other code can use methods defined by Socket , ServerSocket , DatagramSocket , and MulticastSocket to set specific socket options for those socket types.

 public interface  SocketOptions  {  // Public Constants  public static final int  IP_MULTICAST_IF  ;  =16   1.4  public static final int  IP_MULTICAST_IF2  ;  =31   1.4  public static final int  IP_MULTICAST_LOOP  ;  =18   1.4  public static final int  IP_TOS  ;  =3  public static final int  SO_BINDADDR  ;  =15   1.4  public static final int  SO_BROADCAST  ;  =32   1.3  public static final int  SO_KEEPALIVE  ;  =8  public static final int  SO_LINGER  ;  =128   1.4  public static final int  SO_OOBINLINE  ;  =4099  public static final int  SO_RCVBUF  ;  =4098  public static final int  SO_REUSEADDR  ;  =4  public static final int  SO_SNDBUF  ;  =4097  public static final int  SO_TIMEOUT  ;  =4102  public static final int  TCP_NODELAY  ;  =1   // Public Instance Methods  Object  getOption  (int  optID  ) throws SocketException;        void  setOption  (int  optID  , Object  value  ) throws SocketException;   } 


DatagramSocketImpl , SocketImpl

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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