

Java 5.0

A MemoryUsage object represents a snapshot of memory usage for a specified type or pool of memory. Memory usage is measured as four long values, each of which represents a number of bytes. getInit( ) returns the initial amount of memory that the Java VM requests from the operating system. getUsed( ) returns the actual number of bytes used. getCommitted( ) returns the number of bytes that the operating system has committed to the Java VM for this pool. These bytes may not all be in use, but they are not available to other processes running on the system. getMax( ) returns the maximum amount of memory that the Java VM requests for this pool. getMax( ) returns -1 if there is no defined maximum value.

 public class  MemoryUsage  {  // Public Constructors  public  MemoryUsage  (long  init  , long  used  , long  committed  , long  max  );  // Public Class Methods  public static MemoryUsage  from  (  cd  );  // Public Instance Methods  public long  getCommitted  ( );        public long  getInit  ( );        public long  getMax  ( );        public long  getUsed  ( );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public String  toString  ( );   } 

Passed To

MemoryNotificationInfo.MemoryNotificationInfo( )

Returned By

MemoryMXBean.{getHeapMemoryUsage( ) , getNonHeapMemoryUsage( )} , MemoryNotificationInfo.getUsage( ) , MemoryPoolMXBean.{getCollectionUsage( ) , getPeakUsage( ) , getUsage( )}

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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