
System java.lang

Java 1.0

This class defines a platform-independent interface to system facilities, including system properties and system input and output streams. All methods and variables of this class are static, and the class cannot be instantiated . Because the methods defined by this class are low-level system methods, most require special permissions and cannot be executed by untrusted code.

getProperty( ) looks up a named property on the system properties list, returning the optionally specified default value if no property definition is found. getProperties( ) returns the entire properties list. setProperties( ) sets a Properties object on the properties list. In Java 1.2 and later, setProperty( ) sets the value of a system property. In Java 5.0, you can clear a property setting with clearProperty( ) . The following table lists system properties that are always defined. Untrusted code may be unable to read some or all of these properties. Additional properties can be defined using the -D option when invoking the Java interpreter.

Property name



Platform directory separator character

path .separator

Platform path separator character


Platform line separator character(s)

user .name

Current user s account name


Home directory of current user


The current working directory


Where classes are loaded from


Version of the Java class file format


The name of the just-in-time compiler


Path to directories that hold extensions


The directory Java is installed in

The directory that temporary files are written to


Directories to search for native libraries


Version of the Java API specification


Vendor of the Java API specification

Name of the Java API specification


Version of the Java API implementation


Vendor of this Java API implementation


URL of the vendor of this Java API implementation


Version of the Java VM specification


Vendor of the Java VM specification

Name of the Java VM specification


Version of the Java VM implementation


Vendor of the Java VM implementation

Name of the Java VM implementation

Name of the host operating system


Host operating system architecture


Version of the host operating system

The in , out , and err fields hold the standard input, output, and error streams for the system. These fields are frequently used in calls such as System.out.println( ) . In Java 1.1, setIn( ) , setOut( ) , and setErr( ) allow these streams to be redirected.

System also defines various other useful static methods. exit( ) causes the Java VM to exit. arraycopy( ) efficiently copies an array or a portion of an array into a destination array. currentTimeMillis( ) returns the current time in milliseconds since midnight GMT, January 1, 1970 GMT. In Java 5.0, nanoTime( ) returns a time in nanoseconds. Unlike currentTimeMillis( ) this time is not relative to any fixed point and so is useful only for elapsed time computations .

getenv( ) returns the value of a platform-dependent environment variable, or (in Java 5.0) returns a Map of all environment variables. The one-argument version of getenv( ) was previously deprecated but has been restored in Java 5.0.

identityHashCode( ) computes the hashcode for an object in the same way that the default Object.hashCode( ) method does. It does this regardless of whether or how the hashCode( ) method has been overridden.

In Java 5.0, inheritedChannel( ) returns a java.nio.channels.Channel object that represents a network connection passed to the Java process by the invoking process. This allows Java programs to be used with the Unix inetd daemon, for example.

load( ) and loadLibrary( ) can read libraries of native code into the system. mapLibraryName( ) converts a system-independent library name into a system-dependent library filename. Finally, getSecurityManager( ) and setSecurityManager( ) get and set the system SecurityManager object responsible for the system security policy.

See also Runtime , which defines several other methods that provide low-level access to system facilities.

 public final class  System  {  // No Constructor   // Public Constants  public static final  err  ;        public static final  in  ;        public static final  out  ;  // Public Class Methods  public static void  arraycopy  (Object  src  , int  srcPos  , Object  dest  , int  destPos  ,       int  length  );  native   5.0  public static String  clearProperty  (String  key  );        public static long  currentTimeMillis  ( );  native  public static void  exit  (int  status  );        public static void  gc  ( );  5.0  public static java.util.Map<String,String>  getenv  ( );        public static String  getenv  (String  name  );        public static java.util.Properties  getProperties  ( );        public static String  getProperty  (String  key  );        public static String  getProperty  (String  key  , String  def  );        public static SecurityManager  getSecurityManager  ( );  1.1  public static int  identityHashCode  (Object  x  );  native   5.0  public static java.nio.channels.Channel  inheritedChannel  ( ) throws;        public static void  load  (String  filename  );        public static void  loadLibrary  (String  libname  );  1.2  public static String  mapLibraryName  (String  libname  );  native   5.0  public static long  nanoTime  ( );  native  public static void  runFinalization  ( );  1.1  public static void  setErr  (  err  );  1.1  public static void  setIn  (  in  );  1.1  public static void  setOut  (  out  );        public static void  setProperties  (java.util.Properties  props  );  1.2  public static String  setProperty  (String  key  , String  value  );        public static void  setSecurityManager  (SecurityManager  s  );  // Deprecated Public Methods   1.1#  public static void  runFinalizersOnExit  (boolean  value  );   } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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