
Thread java.lang

Java 1.0 runnable

This class encapsulates all information about a single thread of control running on the Java interpreter. To create a thread, you must either pass a Runnable object (i.e., an object that implements the Runnable interface by defining a run( ) method) to the Thread constructor or subclass THRead so that it defines its own run( ) method. The run( ) method of the Thread or of the specified Runnable object is the body of the thread. It begins executing when the start( ) method of the Thread object is called. The thread runs until the run( ) method returns. isAlive( ) returns TRue if a thread has been started, and the run( ) method has not yet exited.

The static methods of this class operate on the currently running thread. currentThread( ) returns the Thread object of the currently running code. sleep( ) makes the current thread stop for a specified amount of time. yield( ) makes the current thread give up control to any other threads of equal priority that are waiting to run. holdsLock( ) tests whether the current thread holds a lock (through a synchronized method or statement) on the specified object; this Java 1.4 method is often useful with an assert statement.

The instance methods may be called by one thread to operate on a different thread. checkAccess( ) checks whether the running thread has permission to modify a THRead object and throws a SecurityException if it does not. join( ) waits for a thread to die. interrupt( ) wakes up a waiting or sleeping thread (with an InterruptedException ) or sets an interrupted flag on a nonsleeping thread. A thread can test its own interrupted flag with the static interrupted( ) method or can test the flag of another thread with isInterrupted( ) . Calling interrupted( ) implicitly clears the interrupted flag, but calling isInterrupted( ) does not. Methods related to sleep( ) and interrupt( ) are the wait( ) and notify( ) methods defined by the Object class. Calling wait( ) causes the current thread to block until the object's notify( ) method is called by another thread.

setName( ) sets the name of a thread, which is purely optional. setPriority( ) sets the priority of the thread. Higher priority threads run before lower priority threads. Java does not specify what happens to multiple threads of equal priority; some systems perform time-slicing and share the CPU between such threads. On other systems, one compute-bound thread that does not call yield( ) may starve another thread of the same priority. setDaemon( ) sets a boolean flag that specifies whether this thread is a daemon or not. The Java VM keeps running as long as at least one nondaemon thread is running. Call getThreadGroup( ) to obtain the ThreadGroup of which a thread is part. In Java 1.2 and later, use setContextClassLoader( ) to specify the ClassLoader to be used to load any classes required by the thread.

suspend( ) , resume( ) , and stop( ) suspend, resume, and stop a given thread, respectively, but all three methods are deprecated because they are inherently unsafe and can cause deadlock. If a thread must be stoppable, have it periodically check a flag and exit if the flag is set.

In Java 1.4 and later, the four-argument Thread( ) constructor allows you to specify the "stack size " parameter for the thread. Typically, larger stack sizes allow threads to recurse more deeply before running out of stack space. Smaller stack sizes reduce the fixed per-thread memory requirements and may allow more threads to exist concurrently. The meaning of this argument is implementation dependent, and implementations may even ignore it.

Java 5.0 adds important new features to this class. getId( ) returns a unique long identifier for the thread. getState( ) returns the state of the thread as an enumerated constant of type Thread.State . Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler defines an API for handling exceptions that cause the run( ) method of the thread to exit. Register a handler of this type with setUncaughtExceptionHandler( ) or register a default handler with the static methods setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler( ) . Obtain a snapshot of a thread's current stack trace with getStackTrace( ) . This returns an array of StackTraceElement objects: the first element of the array is the most recent method invocation and the last element is the least recent. The static getAllStackTraces( ) returns stack traces for all running threads (the traces may be obtained at different times for different threads).

Figure 10-63. java.lang.Thread

 public class  Thread  implements Runnable {  // Public Constructors  public  Thread  ( );        public  Thread  (String  name  );        public  Thread  (Runnable  target  );        public  Thread  (Runnable  target  , String  name  );        public  Thread  (ThreadGroup  group  , String  name  );        public  Thread  (ThreadGroup  group  , Runnable  target  );        public  Thread  (ThreadGroup  group  , Runnable  target  , String  name  );  1.4  public  Thread  (ThreadGroup  group  , Runnable  target  , String  name  , long  stackSize  );  // Public Constants  public static final int  MAX_PRIORITY  ;  =10  public static final int  MIN_PRIORITY  ;  =1  public static final int  NORM_PRIORITY  ;  =5   // Nested Types   5.0  public enum  State  ;  5.0  public interface  UncaughtExceptionHandler  ;  // Public Class Methods  public static int  activeCount  ( );        public static Thread  currentThread  ( );  native  public static void  dumpStack  ( );        public static int  enumerate  (Thread[ ]  tarray  );  5.0  public static java.util.Map<Thread,StackTraceElement[ ]>  getAllStackTraces  ( );  5.0  public static Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler  getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler  ( );  1.4  public static boolean  holdsLock  (Object  obj  );  native  public static boolean  interrupted  ( );  5.0  public static void  setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler  (Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler  eh  );        public static void  sleep  (long  millis  ) throws InterruptedException;  native  public static void  sleep  (long  millis  , int  nanos  ) throws InterruptedException;        public static void  yield  ( );  native   // Public Instance Methods  public final void  checkAccess  ( );  1.2  public ClassLoader  getContextClassLoader  ( );  5.0  public long  getId  ( );  default:7  public final String  getName  ( );  default:"Thread-0"  public final int  getPriority  ( );  default:5   5.0  public StackTraceElement[ ]  getStackTrace  ( );  5.0  public Thread.State  getState  ( );        public final ThreadGroup  getThreadGroup  ( );  5.0  public Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler  getUncaughtExceptionHandler  ( );  default:ThreadGroup  public void  interrupt  ( );        public final boolean  isAlive  ( );  native  default:false      public final boolean  isDaemon  ( );  default:false  public boolean  isInterrupted  ( );  default:false  public final void  join  ( ) throws InterruptedException;        public final void  join  (long  millis  ) throws InterruptedException;  synchronized  public final void  join  (long  millis  , int  nanos  ) throws InterruptedException;  synchronized   1.2  public void  setContextClassLoader  (ClassLoader  cl  );        public final void  setDaemon  (boolean  on  );        public final void  setName  (String  name  );        public final void  setPriority  (int  newPriority  );  5.0  public void  setUncaughtExceptionHandler  (Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler  eh  );        public void  start  ( );  synchronized   // Methods Implementing Runnable  public void  run  ( );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public String  toString  ( );  // Deprecated Public Methods   #  public int  countStackFrames  ( );  native   #  public void  destroy  ( );  #  public final void  resume  ( );  #  public final void  stop  ( );  #  public final void  stop  (Throwable  obj  );  synchronized   #  public final void  suspend  ( );   } 

Passed To

Runtime.{addShutdownHook( ) , removeShutdownHook( )} , SecurityManager.checkAccess( ) , Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException( ) , THReadGroup.{enumerate( ) , uncaughtException( )} , java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.beforeExecute( ) , java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.timedJoin( ) , java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.isQueued( ) , java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.unpark( ) , java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.hasQueuedThread( ) , java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock.hasQueuedThread( )

Returned By

java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory.newThread( ) , java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.getFirstQueuedThread( ) , java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.getOwner( ) , java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock.getOwner( )

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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