

ICryptoTransform algorithm, 449

id element, 286

Identity class, 429, 555

identity permissions, 416, 555

IDispatch interface, 56–57

IgnoreSchema value

in XmlReadMode, 273–274

in XmlWriteMode, 274

IIS (Internet Information Server)

basic authentication, 413

discovery in, 116

.NET remoting object deployment in, 492–495

for XML Web services, 106

IL (Intermediate Language) Disassembler tool (ildasm.exe), 63, 63, 555

Immediate window, 361

immutable interfaces, 56

imperative permissions, 421, 555

impersonation, 407, 529, 556

Implementation property, 305

ImportNode method, 306

ImportRow method, 206

Imports statement, 42

In Cabinet File(s) option, 463

In Setup File option, 462

Indent method, 369

Indentation property, 294

IndentChar property, 295

IndentLevel property

in Debug and Trace, 369

in TextWriterTraceListener and EventLogTraceListener, 373

IndentSize property

in Debug and Trace, 369

in TextWriterTraceListener and EventLogTraceListener, 373

InferSchema value, 273–274

InferXmlSchema method, 204, 272, 274

Info value, 375

information disclosure, 408

initial catalogs in connection strings, 145

Initialize method

in DebugExtension, 390

in SoapExtension, 131, 386

InitializeLifetimeService method, 80–81

InitialLeaseTime property, 80

injection attacks, 146–147

InnerText property

in XmlCharacterData and XmlText, 310

in XmlNode, 302

InnerXml property, 302

InRowChangingEventException class, 218

InsertAfter method, 304, 307

InsertBefore method, 304, 307

InsertCommand property, 199–201, 556

InsertData method, 310

InsertNewStore stored procedure, 183

InsertStoreSales stored procedure, 183

InstallAssembly method, 486

Installation utility, 473–478, 475, 477

InstallationFlags enumeration, 486

Installer class, 474

installer components, 13–14, 13

InstallerComponent class, 473

installing Windows services, 16, 16–17

InstallUtil.exe utility, 556

instances, 556


remote methods, 87–89, 88

ServiceController objects, 20

instrumentation and tracing, 367–369, 556

with assertions, 371, 371, 383–384, 384–385

with Debug and Trace, 369–370

with TraceListeners, 372–373, 376–379, 377–379

with TraceSwitches, 373–376, 380–383, 381–383

integrated security, 145

integrated Windows authentication, 413, 524

integration testing, 354, 556

interface DLLs, 82–84, 82–83

Intermediate Language (IL) Disassembler tool (ildasm.exe), 63, 63, 555

Internet Information Server (IIS)

basic authentication, 413

discovery in, 116

.NET remoting object deployment in, 492–495

for XML Web services, 106

Internet permission set, 418

Interop.dll file, 63


component, 38

XA, 41

InteropServices namespace, 58, 64

Intersect method, 422–424

InvalidConstraintException class, 218

InvalidExpressionException class, 218

invoking remote methods, 87–89, 88

IsCallerInRole method, 54, 445, 500

IsClosed property, 152

IsDBNull method, 152

IsDefault property, 291

IsDescendant method, 320

IsEmpty property, 308

IsEmptyElement property

in XmlReader, 291

in XPathNavigator, 319

ISerializable interface, 77

IsInTransaction property, 53

IsName method, 292

IsNameToken method, 292

IsNull method, 208

IsNullable property, 168

IsolatedStoragePermission class, 417

isolation in ACID properties, 52

IsolationLevel property, 180–181, 556

IsPrimaryKey property, 234

IsReadOnly property, 303

IsSamePosition method, 320

IsSecurityEnabled method, 53, 445, 500

IsStartElement method, 292

IsSubsetOf method, 422, 424

Item property

in DataRow, 207

in DataView, 227

in SqlDataReader and OleDbDataReader, 152

in XmlNode, 303

in XmlReader, 291

ItemArray property, 207

IUnknown interface, 57

MCAD/MCSD(c) Visual Basic. NET XML Web Services and Server Components Study Guide
MCAD/MCSD: Visual Basic .NET XML Web Services and Server Components Study Guide
ISBN: 0782141935
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 153 © 2008-2017.
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