Lab Report 11.3


What is the Clipboard?

memory space used to hold information that is being copied or cut.


When do you use cut and paste? When do you use copy and paste?

you cut and paste when you want to remove information from its location and place it in another location. you copy and paste when you want the information to remain in its present location and you also want a second copy of the information.


How do you open the Recycle Bin?

there are two options: right-click the recycle bin icon and select open from the menu, or double-click the recycle bin icon.


What is the purpose of the asterisk in the Find dialog box?

the asterisk is a wildcard you can use to represent any number of unknown letters.



Memory space used to hold information that is being copied or cut.


You cut and paste when you want to remove information from its location and place it in another location. You copy and paste when you want the information to remain in its present location and you also want a second copy of the information.


There are two options: Right-click the Recycle Bin icon and select Open from the menu, or double-click the Recycle Bin icon.


The asterisk is a wildcard you can use to represent any number of unknown letters.

A+ Complete Lab Manual
A+ Complete Lab Manual
ISBN: 782128041
Year: 2003
Pages: 160 © 2008-2017.
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