area area-id authentication[message-digest] | Enables type 1 or type 2 authentication for an area. |
area area-id default-cost cost | Specifies a cost for the default route sent into a stub area by an ABR. |
area area-id nssa [ no-redistribution ][ default-information-originate ][ no-summary ] | Configures an area as not-so-stubby (NSSA). |
area area-id range address mask | Summarizes addresses into or out of an area. |
area area-id stub [ no-summary ] | Configures an area as a stub or totally stubby area. |
area area-id virtual-link router-id | Defines a virtual link between ABRs. |
debug ip ospf adj | Shows the events involved in the building or breaking of an OSPF adjacency . |
ip ospf authentication-key password | Assigns a password to an OSPF interface for use with type 1 authentication. |
ip ospf cost cost | Specifies the outgoing cost of an OSPF interface. |
ip ospf dead-interval seconds | Specifies the OSPF RouterDeadInterval for an interface. |
ip ospf demand-circuit | Configures an interface as an OSPF demand circuit. |
ip ospf hello-interval seconds | Specifies the OSPF HelloInterval for an interface. |
ip ospf message-digest-key key-id md5 key | Specifies an interface's key ID and key (password) for use with type 2 authentication. |
ip ospf name -lookup | Enables the reverse DNS lookup of names to match Router IDs in certain show commands. |
ip ospf network [broadcast] [nonbroadcast][point-to-multipoint] | Configures the OSPF network type. |
ip ospf priority number | Sets the router priority of an interface for use in the DR/BDR election process. |
ip ospf retransmit-interval seconds | Sets an interface's OSPF RxmtInterval. |
ip ospf transmit-delay seconds | Sets an interface's OSPF InfTransDelay. |
maximum-paths | Sets the number of paths over which OSPF performs load balancing. |
neighbor ip-address [ priority number ][ poll-interval seconds ] [ cost cost ] | Manually informs a router of its neighbors on a non-broadcast network. |
network address inverse-mask area area-id | Specifies the interfaces on which OSPF is to run and specifies the area to which the interface is connected. |
ospf auto-cost reference-bandwidth reference-bandwidth | Changes the default OSPF reference bandwidth used for the calculation of link costs. |
ospf log-adjacency-changes | Logs neighbor state changes. |
router ospf process-id | Enables an OSPF routing process. |
show ip ospf [ process-id ] | Displays general information about an OSPF routing process. |
show ip ospf border-routers | Displays a router's internal OSPF route table. |
show ip ospf [ process-id area-id ] database | Displays all entries in the OSPF link state database. |
show ip ospf [ process-id area-id ] database router [ link state-id ] | Displays type 1 LSAs in the OSPF link state database. |
show ip ospf [ process-id area-id ] database network [ link state-id ] | Displays type 2 LSAs in the OSPF link state database. |
show ip ospf [ process-id area-id ] database summary [ link state-id ] | Displays type 3 LSAs in the OSPF link state database. |
show ip ospf [ process-id area-id ] database asbr-summary [ link state-id ] | Displays type 4 LSAs in the OSPF link state database. |
show ip ospf [ process-id area-id ] database nssa-external [ link state-id ] | Displays type 7 LSAs in the OSPF link state database. |
show ip ospf [ process-id ] database external [ link state-id ] | Displays type 5 LSAs in the OSPF link state database. |
show ip ospf [ process-id area-id ] database database-summary | Displays the number of LSAs in the OSPF link state database by type and by area ID. |
show ip ospf interface [ type number ] | Displays OSPF-specific information about an interface. |
show ip ospf neighbor [ type number ][ neighbor-id ] [ detail ] | Displays information from the OSPF neighbor table. |
show ip ospf virtual-links | Displays information about OSPF virtual links. |
timer lsa- group -pacing pacing-time | Sets the minimum pacing time between two groups of LSAs whose refresh timers have expired . |