1.8 Model Organization Principles

In simple-enough systems, you can pretty much do anything you like and still succeed. Once you have a system complex enough to require more than one person, then it begins to matter what you do and how you do it. Once there are teams of people in place, it matters a great deal how the work is organized for the teams to effectively work together.

1.8.1 Why Model Organization?

The reasons for worrying about model organization are to

  • Allow team members to contribute to the model without losing changes made by those or other team members, or in some other way corrupting your model

  • Allow team members to use parts of the model they are not responsible for developing

  • Provide for an efficient build process so that it is easy to construct the system

  • Be able to locate and work on various model elements

  • Allow the pieces of the system to be effectively reused in other models and systems

At first blush, it might appear that the first two issues contributing and using aspects of a common model are dealt with by configuration management (CM). This is only partially true. CM does provide locks and checks such that only one worker can own the "write token" to a particular model element and other users can only have a "read token." However, this is a little like saying that C solves all your programming problems because it provides basic programmatic elements such as assignment, branching, looping, and so on. CM does not say anything about what model elements ought to be configuration items (CIs), only that if a model element is a CI, then certain policies of usage apply. Effective model organization uses the CM infrastructure but provides a higher-level set of principles that allow the model to be used effectively.

For example, it would be awkward in the extreme if the entire model were the only CI. Then only a single worker could update the model at a time. This is clearly unacceptable in a team environment. The other extreme would be to make every model element at CI for example, every class and use case would be a separate CI. Again, in simple systems, this can work because there are only a few dozen total model elements, so it is not too onerous to explicitly check out each element on which you need to work. However, this does not work well on even medium-scale systems. You would hate to have to individually list 30 or 40 classes when you wanted to work on a large collaboration realizing a use case.

The UML provides an obvious organizational unit for a CI the package. A UML package is a model element that contains other model elements. It is essentially a bag into which we can throw elements that have some real semantic meaning in our model, such as use cases, classes, objects, diagrams, and so on. However, UML does not provide any criteria for what should go into one package versus another. So while we might want to make packages CIs in our CM system, this begs the question as to what policies and criteria we should use to decide how to organize our packages what model elements should go into one package versus another.

A simple solution would be to assign one package per worker. Everything that Sam works on is in SamPackage, everything that Julie works on is in JuliePackage, and so on. For very small project teams, this is in fact a viable policy. But again, this begs the question of what Sam should work on versus Julie. It can also be problematic if Susan wants to update a few classes of Sam's while Sam is working on some others in SamPackage. Further, this adds artificial dependencies of the model structure on the project team organization. This will make it more difficult to make changes to the project team (say to add or remove workers) and will really limit the reusability of the model.

It makes sense to examine the user workflow when modeling or manipulating model elements in order to decide how best to organize the model. After all, we would like to optimize the workflow of the users as much as possible, decoupling the model organization from irrelevant concerns. The specific set of workflows depends, of course, on the development process used, but there are a number of common workflows:

  • Requirements

    • Working on related requirements and use cases

    • Detailing a use case

      • Create set of scenarios

      • Create specification of a use case via statechart or activity diagram

    • Mapping requirements (e.g., use cases) to realizing model elements (e.g., classes)

  • Realizing requirements with analysis and design elements

    • Elaborating a collaboration realizing a use case

    • Refining collaborations in design

    • Detailing an individual class

  • Designing the architecture

    • Logical architecture working on a set of related concepts (classes) from a single domain

    • Physical architecture working on a set of objects in a single runtime subsystem or component

  • Construction and testing

    • Translation of requirements into tests against design elements

    • Execution of tests

    • Constructing the iterative prototypes from model elements at various stages in the project development

  • Planning

    • Project scheduling, including work products from the model

When working on related requirements and use cases, the worker typically needs to work on one or more related use cases and actors. When detailing a use case, a worker will work on a single use case and detailed views a set of scenarios and often either an activity diagram or a statechart (or some other formal specification language). When elaborating a collaboration, the user will need to create a set of classes related to a single use case, as well as refining the scenarios bound to that use case. These workflows suggest that one way to organize the requirements and analysis model is around the use cases. Use packages to divide up the use cases into coherent sets (such as those related by generalization, «includes», or «extends» relations, or by associating with a common set of actors). In this case, a package would contain a use case and the detailing model elements actors, activity diagrams, statecharts, and sequence diagrams.

The next set of workflows (realizing requirements) focus on classes, which may be used in either analysis or design. A domain, in the ROPES process, is a subject area with a common vocabulary, such as User Interface, Device I/O, or Alarm Management. Each domain contains many classes, and system-level use case collaborations will contain classes from several different domains. Many domains require rather specialized expertise, such as low-level device drivers, aircraft navigation and guidance, or communication protocols. It makes sense from a workflow standpoint (as well as a logical standpoint) to group such elements together because a single worker or set of workers will develop and manipulate them. Grouping classes by domains and making the domains CIs may make sense for many projects.

Architectural workflows also require effective access to the model. Here, the architecture is broken up into the logical architecture (organization of types, classes, and other design-time model elements) and physical architecture (organization of instances, objects, subsystems, and other runtime elements). It is common for the logical architecture to be organized by domains and the physical architecture to be organized around components or subsystems. If the model is structured this way, then a domain, subsystem, or component is made a CI and assigned to a single worker or team. If the element is large enough, then it may be further subdivided into subpackages of finer granularity based on subtopic within a domain, subcomponents, or some other criterion such as team organization.

Testing workflows are often neglected in the model organization, usually to the detriment of the project. Testing teams need only read-only access to the model elements under test, but nevertheless they do need to manage test plans, test procedures, test results, test scripts, and test fixtures, often at multiple levels of abstraction. Testing is often done at many different levels of abstraction but can be categorized into three primary levels: unit testing (often done by the worker responsible for the model element under test), integration (internal interface testing), and validation (black-box system level testing). Unit-level testing is usually accomplished by the owner of the model element under test or a "testing buddy" (a peer in the development organization). The tests are primarily white-box, design, or code-level tests and often use additional model elements constructed as test fixtures. It is important to retain these testing fixture model elements so that as the system evolves, we can continue to test the model elements. Since these elements are white box and tightly coupled with the implementation of the model elements, it makes the most sense to colocate them with the model elements they test. So, if a class myClass has some testing support classes, such as myClass_tester and myClass_stub, they should be located close together. If the same worker is responsible for all, then perhaps they should be located within the same package (or another package in the same scope). If a testing buddy is responsible, then it is better to have it in another package but make sure that it is in the same CI as the model elements under test.

Integration and validation tests are not so tightly coupled as at the unit level, but clearly the testing team may construct model elements and other artifacts to assist in the execution of those tests. These tests are typically performed by different workers than the creators of the model elements they test. Thus, independent access is required and they should be in different CIs.

It is important to be able to efficiently construct and test prototypes during the development process. This involves both tests against the architecture (the integration and testing activities) and against the entire prototype's requirements (validation testing activities). There may be any number of model elements specifically constructed for a particular prototype that need not be used anywhere else. It makes sense to include these in a locale specific to that build or prototype. Other artifacts, such as test fixtures that are going to be reused or evolved and apply to many or all prototypes should be stored in a locale that allows them to be accessed independently from a specific prototype. Tools such as I-Logix iNotion™ provide company-wide repositories, access, and control over the complete sets of management, development, marketing, and manufacturing artifacts.

1.8.2 Specific Model Organization Patterns

In the preceding discussion, we see that a number of factors influence how we organize our models: the project team organization, system size, architecture, how we test our software, and our project lifecycle. Let us now consider some common ways to organize models and see where they fit well and where they fit poorly.

The model organization shown in Figure 1-14 is the simplest organization we will consider. The system is broken down by use cases, of which there are only three in the example. The model is organized into four high-level packages: one for the system level and one per use case. For a simple system with three to 10 use cases, and perhaps one to six developers, this model can be used with little difficulty. The advantages of this organization are its simplicity and the ease with which requirements can be traced from the high level through the realizing elements. The primary disadvantages of this approach are that it doesn't scale up to medium- or large-scale systems. Other disadvantages include difficulty in reuse of model elements and that there is no place to put elements common to multiple use case collaborations, hence a tendency to reinvent similar objects. Finally, there is no place to put larger-scale architectural organizations in the model, and this further limits its scalability to large systems.

Figure 1-14. Use Case-Based Model Organization


The model organization shown in Figure 1-15 is meant to address some of the limitations of the use case-based approach. It is still targeted toward small systems, but adds a Framework package for shared and common elements. The Framework package has subpackages for usage points (classes that will be used to provide services for the targeted application environment) and extension points (classes that will be subclassed by classes in the use case packages). It should be noted that there are other ways to organize the Framework area that work well too. For example, Frameworks often consist of sets of coherent patterns the subpackaging of the Framework can be organized around those patterns. This organization is particularly apt when constructing small applications against a common Framework. This organization does have some of the same problems with respect to reuse as the use case-based model organization.

Figure 1-15. Framework-Based Model Organization


As mentioned early on, if the system is simple enough, virtually any organization can be made to work. Workflow and collaboration issues can be worked out ad hoc and everybody can get their work done without serious difficulty. A small application might be 10 to 100 classes realizing 3 to 10 use cases. Using another measure, it might be on the order of 10,000 or so lines of code.

One of the characteristics of successful large systems (more than, say, 300 classes) is that they are architecture-centric. That is, architectural schemes and principles play an important role in organizing and managing the application. In the ROPES process, there are two primary subdivisions of architecture logical and physical.[28] The logical model organizes types and classes (things that exist at design time), while the physical model organizes objects, components, tasks, and subsystems (things that exist at runtime). When reusability of design classes is an important goal of the system development, it is extremely helpful to maintain this distinction in the model organization.

[28] "Components: Logical and Physical Models" by Bruce Douglass, Software Development Magazine, December 1999.

The next model organization, shown in Figure 1-16, is suitable for large-scale systems. The major packages for the model are

  • System

  • Logical model

  • Subsystem model

  • Builds

Figure 1-16. Logical Model-Based Model Organization


The system package contains elements common to the overall system system level use cases, subsystem organization (shown as an object diagram), and system-level actors. The logical model is organized into subpackages called domains. Each domain contains classes and types organized around a single subject matter, such as User Interface, Alarms, Hardware Interfaces, Bus Communication, and so on. Domains have domain owners those workers responsible for the content of a specific domain. Every class in the system ends up in a single domain. Class generalization hierarchies almost always remain within a single domain, although they may cross package boundaries within a domain.

The physical model is organized around the largest-scale pieces of the system the subsystems. In large systems, subsystems are usually developed by independent teams, thus it makes sense to maintain this distinction in the model. Subsystems are constructed primarily of instances of classes from multiple domains. Put another way, each subsystem contains (by composition) objects instantiated from different domains in the system.

The last major package is builds. This area is decomposed into subpackages, one per prototype. This allows easy management of the different incremental prototypes. Also included in this area are the test fixtures, test plans, procedures, and other things used to test each specific build for both the integration and validation testing of that prototype.

The primary advantage of this model organization is that it scales up to very large systems very nicely because it can be used recursively to as many levels of abstraction as necessary. The separation of the logical and physical models means that the classes in the domains may be reused in many different deployments, while the use of the physical model area allows the decomposition of system use cases to smaller subsystem-level use cases and interface specifications.

The primary disadvantage that I have seen in the application of this model organization is that the difference between the logical and physical models seems tenuous for some developers. The model organization may be overly complex when reuse is not a major concern for the system. It also often happens that many of the subsystems depend very heavily (although never entirely) on a single domain, and this model organization requires the subsystem team to own two different pieces of the model. For example, guidance and navigation is a domain rich with classes, but it is usually also one or more subsystems.

The last model organization to be presented, shown in Figure 1-17, is similar to the previous one, except that it blurs the distinction between the logical and physical models. This can be appropriate when most or all subsystems are each dominated by a single domain. In this case, the domain package is decomposed into one package for each domain, and each of these is further decomposed into the subsystems that it dominates. For common classes, such as bus communication and other infrastructure classes, a separate shared Framework package is provided to organize them, similar to the Framework-based model organization shown in Figure 1-15.

Figure 1-17. Physical Model-Based Model Organization


Real Time UML. Advances in The UML for Real-Time Systems
Real Time UML: Advances in the UML for Real-Time Systems (3rd Edition)
ISBN: 0321160762
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 127

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