

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), 3, 46

bankruptcy filing of, 54, 83, 190

Paradox: of failure and success, 81

general manager position and, 76–79

in losing-faith-in-the-system passage, 186

managing, 78–79

role of, in business, 76, 78

of success and failure in leadership development, 192–194

of work-family balance, 144

Passages: of acquisition or merger involvement, 119–131

of being fired or passed over, 107–118

categorization of, 17

characteristics of, 5–6

company facilitation of, 187–200

of coping with bad boss or competitive peers, 93–106

defined, 2, 6

of finding work-family balance, 144–156

gaining perspective from, 211–212

of joining a company, 34–44

lack of support for, 12–14, 16, 167–168

of letting go of ambition, 157–166

listed, 19

of living in a foreign country or culture, 132–143

of losing faith in the system, 178–186

of moving into a leadership role, 45–57

overview of, 8–9

personal, 132–186

of personal upheaval, 167–177

professional, 34–131, 195–196

of promotion to general manager, 70–80

reactions to, 5

of retirement, 213–214

of significant failure, 81–92

sources of insight about, 2–4

steps for facilitating, 201–214

of stretch assignments, 58–69

of work-family balance, 144–156. See also Learning, from passages

Patience, 78, 130

Peace Corps, 142

Peers. See Coworkers; Team members

Penalty box, 199–200

People focus: balancing results focus and, 78–79

for first-time leaders, 53–54

leadership without, 96–97

for new general managers, 72–73, 75

People processes: based on financial- planning model, 199–200

expanded view of leadership potential in, 190–192, 197–198

integration of learning from passages in, 182–200

traditional leadership development and, 188–189

People-task balance, 47–48, 50, 53–54

value-averse boss and, 95

Perfectionists, 199

Performance assessment, 199

Performance problems, as cause of termination, 113–114

Personal injury, case of learning from, 30–32

Personal passages, 132–186

discouragement for, 12–14, 16, 167–168

overview of, 132

relevance of, to leadership development, 5–6, 189

Personal upheaval passage, 167–177

authenticity in, 174

case examples of, 168–174

company responses to, 176– 177

denial or hiding in, 168, 173, 174, 176–177

as humanizing, 168, 170, 173, 175

leadership transformation from, 172

managing, 172–174

privacy ethic and, 167–168

regression from, 170–172

revealing vulnerability in, 173–174

stuckness in, 174

types of, 167

value of, for leadership maturity, 175–176

Perspective-gaining, 210–212

Pharmaceutical companies, cultures in, 42–43

Pixar, 101, 202

Pleasing others, 53, 117

Poland, living in, 136–137

Politics: with difficult boss or coworkers, 101–102

for first-time leaders, 54–55

necessity of, 54–55, 110

sense of betrayal and, 179, 185

transcending, in acquisition or merger, 124–125

Power: abuse of, 55

first-time leaders and, 54–55

victim attitude and, 183–184

Power needs, 34–35, 162

Predictability, of passages, 5–6

Problem solving, paradox management versus, 79

Processing, about being fired or passed over, 115

Professional passages, 34–131

company facilitation of, 195–196

Professionalism, emotional expression and, 167–168

Profit-and-loss responsibility: balancing values and, 78–79

of general manager, 72, 75, 78–79

myopic focus on, 75

Promotion: of dysfunctional or abusive leaders, 199

expanded view of potentials for, 190–192

to first-time leadership role, 45–57

to general manager role, 58–59, 64, 70–80

as passage, 79–80

political, 179

stretch assignments and, 58–69

Promotion, being passed over for: because of performance issues, 113–114

case examples of, 108–111

learning from, 114–116

learning potential from, 107–108, 116–118

as passage, 107–118

reactions to, 107, 108–109, 110, 111

reflection on, 108, 109–111, 114–115, 117–118, 205

signs of self-destruction in, 111–114

Psychological contract, 113

Psychotherapy, 176

Punishment, stretch assignment as, 63

Purposeful leadership, 185–186

Leadership Passages. The Personal and Professional Transitions That Make or Break a Leader
Leadership Passages: The Personal and Professional Transitions That Make or Break a Leader (J-B US non-Franchise Leadership)
ISBN: 0787974277
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 121 © 2008-2017.
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