Section 16.15. Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation

16.15. Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation

In this section, we use random-number generation to develop a program that simulates card shuffling and dealing. These techniques can form the basis of programs that implement specific card games.

Class Card (Fig. 16.16) contains two String instance variablesface and suitthat store references to the face value and suit name of a specific card. The constructor for the class receives two Strings that it uses to initialize face and suit. Method ToString (lines 1214) creates a String consisting of the face of the card and the suit of the card to identify the card when it is dealt.

Figure 16.16. Card class.

  1  ' Fig. 16.16: Card.vb  2  ' Stores suit and face information on each card.  3  Public Class Card  4     Private face As String  5     Private suit As String  6  7     Public Sub New(ByVal faceValue As String, ByVal suitValue As String)  8        face = faceValue  9        suit = suitValue 10     End Sub ' New 11 12     Public Overrides Function ToString() As String 13        Return face & " of " & suit 14     End Function ' ToString 15  End Class ' Card 

The DeckForm application (Fig. 16.17) creates a deck of 52 Card objects. Users can deal each card by clicking the Deal Card button. Each dealt card is displayed in a Label. Users can also shuffle the deck at any time by clicking the Shuffle Cards button.

Figure 16.17. Card shuffling and dealing simulation.

  1  ' Fig. 16.17: DeckForm.vb  2  ' Simulating card shuffling and dealing.  3  Public Class frmDeck  4     Private deck(51) As Card ' deck of 52 cards  5     Private currentCard As Integer ' count which card was just dealt  6  7     ' handles form at load time  8     Private Sub frmDeck_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _  9        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 10 11        Dim faces As String() = _                                         12           {"Ace", "Deuce", "Three", "Four" , "Five", "Six" , "Seven", _  13           "Eight" , "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King"}              14        Dim suits As String() = {"Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades"} 15 16        currentCard = -1 ' no cards have been dealt 17 18        ' initialize deck                                     19        For i As Integer = 0 To deck.Length - 1               20           deck(i) = New Card(faces(i Mod 13), suits(i \ 13)) 21        Next i                                                22     End Sub ' frmDeck_Load 23 24     ' deal a card 25     Private Sub btnDeal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ 26        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDeal.Click 27 28        Dim dealt As Card = DealCard() 29 30        ' if dealt card is Nothing, then no cards left 31        ' player must shuffle cards 32        If Not (dealt Is Nothing) Then 33           lblDisplay.Text = dealt.ToString()        34           lblStatus.Text = "Card #: " & currentCard 35        Else 36           lblDisplay.Text = "NO MORE CARDS TO DEAL" 37           lblStatus.Text = "Shuffle cards to continue" 38        End If 39     End Sub ' btnDeal_Click 40 41     ' shuffle cards 42     Private Sub Shuffle() 43        Dim randomNumber As New Random() 44        Dim temporaryValue As Card 45 46        currentCard = -1 47 48        ' swap each card with randomly selected card (0-51) 49        For i As Integer = 0 To deck.Length - 1 50           Dim j As Integer = randomNumber.Next(52) 51 52           ' swap cards             53           temporaryValue = deck(i) 54           deck(i) = deck(j)        55           deck(j) = temporaryValue 56        Next i 57 58        btnDeal.Enabled = True ' shuffled deck can now deal cards 59     End Sub ' Shuffle 60 61     ' deal a card if the deck is not empty 62     Private Function DealCard() As Card 63        ' if there is a card to deal then deal it; 64        ' otherwise, signal that cards need to be shuffled by 65        ' disabling dealButton and returning Nothing 66        If currentCard + 1 < deck.Length Then 67           currentCard += 1 ' increment count 68           Return deck(currentCard) ' return new card 69        Else 70           btnDeal.Enabled = False ' empty deck cannot deal cards 71           Return Nothing ' do not return a card 72        End If 73     End Function ' DealCard 74 75     ' handles btnShuffle Click 76     Private Sub btnShuffle_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ 77        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnShuffle.Click 78 79        lblDisplay.Text = "SHUFFLING..." 80        Shuffle() 81        lblDisplay.Text = "DECK IS SHUFFLED" 82     End Sub ' btnShuffle_Click 83  End Class ' frmDeck 





Method frmDeck_Load (lines 822 of Fig. 16.17) uses a loop (lines 1921) to fill the deck array with Cards. Each Card is instantiated and initialized with two Stringsone from the faces array (Strings "Ace" through "King") and one from the suits array ("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs" or "Spades"). The calculation i Mod 13 always results in a value from 0 to 12 (the 13 subscripts of the faces array), and the calculation i \13 always results in an Integer value from 0 to 3 (the four subscripts in the suits array). The initialized deck array contains the cards with faces Ace through King for each suit.

When the user clicks the Deal Card button, event handler btnDeal_Click (lines 2539) invokes method DealCard (defined in lines 6273) to get the next card in the deck array. If the deck is not empty, the method returns a Card object reference; otherwise, it returns Nothing. If the reference is not Nothing, lines 3334 display the Card in lblDisplay and display the card number in lblStatus. If DealCard returns Nothing, the String "NO MORE CARDS TO DEAL" is displayed in lblDisplay, and the String "Shuffle cards to continue" is displayed in lblStatus.

When the user clicks the Shuffle Cards button, event handler btnShuffle_Click (lines 7682) invokes method Shuffle (defined in lines 4259) to shuffle the cards. The method loops through all 52 cards (array subscripts 051). For each card, the method randomly picks a number between 0 and 51. Then the current Card object and the randomly selected Card object are swapped in the array. To shuffle the cards, method Shuffle makes a total of only 52 swaps during a single pass of the entire array. When the shuffling is complete, lblDisplay displays the String "DECK IS SHUFFLED".

Visual BasicR 2005 for Programmers. DeitelR Developer Series
Visual Basic 2005 for Programmers (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 013225140X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 435 © 2008-2017.
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