

fadeout() method, 431

fade_out_music() function, 431

false conditions, 72–73

false values, 74, 76–77

Fancy Credits program, 22

File menu commands

New Window, 11

Save As, 11


access modes, 202

methods, list of, 208

storing data in, 208–213

text files

looping through, 205

opening and closing, 201–202

plain text files, 198

Read It program example, 199–201

reading characters from, 202–203

writing to, 205–208

Finicky Counter program example, 75–76

flip() method, 278

float() function, 46

floating-point numbers, 30–31, 50

for loops, 92–94

forward slash (/), 220

frames, creating, 308

from statement, 341

functions. See also methods

abstraction, 168

append(), 136, 138

client of, 243

close(), 202, 212

count(), 138

cPickle.load(), 211

defining, 167

display(), 170

documenting, 167–168

encapsulation, 171–172

fade_out_music(), 431

float(), 46

function definition, 167

imported, 284

index(), 138

Instructions program example, 165–167

int(), 45–46, 87

len(), 98

lists, 131

tuples, 118

load_image(), 344–345, 431

load_music(), 431

load_sound(), 388–389, 431

main(), 222–224, 420–421

mainloop(), 306, 425

nesting, 45

next_block(), 221–222, 224

next_line(), 221

open(), 201, 211

open_file(), 220–221

play_music(), 431

pop(), 138

programmer-created, 168

property(), 251–252

random.choice(), 159

random.randrange(), 103

randrange(), 56–57, 284

range(), 94, 96–97

raw_input(), 36–37, 46, 48

read(), 202–204, 208

readline(), 203–204, 208

readlines(), 204–205, 207–208

receiving and returning values in, 171–172

remove(), 137–138

reverse(), 138, 373

scale_image(), 431

sequence operators as, 97

software reuse, 176

sort(), 137–138

staticmethod(), 243

stop_music(), 431

str(), 46, 239, 265–266, 280

sync(), 212

sys.exit(), 220

welcome(), 222

write(), 206–208

writelines(), 207–208

Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 1435455002
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 194 © 2008-2017.
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