Section 3.5. The Win32 (Windows) Standard

3.5. The Win32 (Windows) Standard

Win32 was named for an expansion of the older Microsoft Windows interface, renamed the Win16 interface once Microsoft was shipping credible 32-bit systems. I have a confession to make. In my career, I completely ignored the original 16-bit Windows on MS-DOS. At that time, I was already working on sane 32-bit systems (68000 based), and dealing with the original insane 8086 segmented architecture was too painful to contemplate. Win32 was Microsoft's attempt to move the older architecture beyond the limitations of MS-DOS and into something that could compete with Unix systemsand to a large extent Microsoft succeeded spectacularly.

The original 16-bit Windows API added a common GUI on top of MS-DOS, and also abstracted out the lower-level MS-DOS interfaces so that application code had a much cleaner "C" interface to operating system services (not that MS-DOS provided many of those). The Win32 Windows API was actually the "application" level API (not the system call level; I'll discuss that in a moment) for a completely new operating system that would soon be known as Windows NT ("New Technology"). This new system was designed and implemented by Dave Cutler, the architect of Digital Equipment Corporation's VMS system, long a competitor to Unix. It does share some similarities with VMS. The interface choice for applications was very interesting, sitting on top of a system call interface that looks like Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2. Architecture of the Win32 API

The idea behind the Windows NT kernel was that it could host several "subsystem" system call interfaces, providing completely different application behavior from the same underlying kernel. It was meant to be a completely customizable operating system, providing different kernel "personalities" any ISV might require. The DOS subsystem and the (not-shown) 16-bit Windows subsystem were essential, as they provided backward compatibility for applications running on MS-DOS and 16-bit Windows; the new operating system would have gathered little acceptance had it not been able to run all the old MS-DOS and Windows applications. The OS/2 subsystem was designed to allow users of text mode OS/2 applications (which was at one time a Microsoft product) to port them to Windows NT.

The two interesting subsystems are the original POSIX subsystem and the new Win32 subsystem. The POSIX subsystem was added, as the POSIX standard had become very prevalent in procurement contracts. Many of these valuable contracts were available only to systems that passed the POSIX conformance tests. So Microsoft added a minimal POSIX subsystem into the new Windows NT operating system. This original subsystem was, I think it's fair to say, deliberately crippled to make it unuseful for real-world applications: applications using it had no network access and no GUI access, so although a POSIX-compliant system might be required in a procurement contract, there usually was no requirement that the applications running on that system also had to be POSIX compliant. This allowed new applications using the Microsoft-preferred Win32 subsystem to be used instead. All might not have been lost if Microsoft had documented the internal subsystem interface, allowing third-party ISVs to create their own Windows NT kernel subsystems, but Microsoft kept this valuable information to itself (there was an exception to this, which I'll discuss shortly).

So, let's examine the Win32 standard API, the interface designed to run on top of the Win32 kernel subsystem. It would be logical to assume that, like the POSIX system calls, the calls defined in the Win32 API would closely map to kernel-level Win32 subsystem system calls. But that would be incorrect. It turns out that, when released, the Win32 subsystem system call interface was completely undocumented. The calls made from the application-level Win32 API were translated, via various shared libraries (DLLs in Windows parlance)mainly the NTDLL.DLL libraryinto the real Win32 subsystem system calls.

Why do this, one might ask? Well, the official reasoning is that it allows Microsoft to tune and modify the system call layer at will, improving performance and adding features without being forced to provide backward compatibility application binary interfaces (or ABIs for short). The more nefarious reasoning is that it allows Microsoft applications to cheat, and call directly into the undocumented Win32 subsystem system call interface to provide services that competing applications cannot. Several Microsoft applications were subsequently discovered to be doing just that, of course. One must always remember that Microsoft is not just an operating system vendor, but also the primary vendor of applications that run on its platforms. These days, this is less of a problem, as there are several books that document this system call layer, and there are several applications that allow snooping on any Windows NT kernel calls made by applications, allowing any changes in this layer to be quickly discovered and published. But it left a nasty taste in the mouths of many early Windows NT developers (myself included).

The original Win32 application interface was, on the surface, very well documented and cheaply available in paper form (five books at only $20 each; a bargain compared to a POSIX specification). Like most things in Windows, on the surface it looks great. It covers much more than POSIX tries to standardize, and so offers flexible interfaces for manipulating the GUI, graphics, sound, and pen computing, as well as all the standard system services such as file I/O, file locking, threading, and security. Then you start to program with it. If you're used to the POSIX specifications, you almost immediately notice something is different. The details are missing. It's fuzzy on the details. You notice it the first time you call an API at runtime, and it returns an error that's not listed anywhere in the API documentation. "That's funny...." you think. With POSIX, all possible errors are listed in the return codes section of the API call. In Win32, the errors are a "rough guide."

The lack of detail is one of the reasons that the Wine project finds it difficult to create a working implementation of the Win32 API on Linux. How do you know when it's done? Remember that Linus, with some help, was able to create a decent POSIX implementation within a few years. The poor Wine developers have been laboring at this for 12 years, and it's still not finished. There's always one more wrinkle, one more undocumented behavior that some critical application depends on. Reminds me of Samba somehow, and for very similar reasons.

It's not entirely Microsoft's fault. It hasn't documented its API because it hasn't needed to. POSIX was documented in detail due to need: the need of the developers creating implementations of the standard. Microsoft knows that whatever it makes the API do in the next service pack, that's still the Win32 standard. "Wherever you go, there you are," so to speak.

However, the Win32 design does some things very well; security, for instance. Security isn't the number one thing people think of when considering Windows, but in the Win32 API, security is a very great concern. In Win32, every object can be secured, and a property called a Security Descriptor, which contains an ACL, can be attached to it. This means objectssuch as processes, files, directories, and even Windowscan have ACLs attached. This is much cleaner than POSIX, in which only objects in the filesystem can have ACLs attached to them.

So, let's look at a Win32 ACL. As in POSIX, all users and groups are identified by a unique identifier. On POSIX, it's a uid_t type for users, and a gid_t type for groups. In Win32, both are of type SID or security identifier. A process or thread in Win32 has a token attached to it that lists the primary SID of the process owner and a list of secondary group SID entries this user belongs to. Like in POSIX, this is attached to a process at creation time and the owner can't modify it to give himself more privileges. A Win32 ACL consists of a list of SID entries with an attached bit mask identifying the operations this SID entry allows or denies. Sounds reasonable, right? But the devil is in the details (see Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-3. Win32 access control

Each SID entry in an ACL can be an allow entry or a deny entry. Their order is important. Reorder a list of entries and swap a deny entry with an allow entry, and the meaning of the ACL can change completely. POSIX ACLs don't have that problem because the evaluation algorithm defines the order in which entries are examined. In addition, the flags defining the entry (marked as [f*] in Figure 3-3) control whether an entry is inherited when the ACL is attached to a "container object" (such as a directory in the filesystem) and may also affect other attributes of this particular entry.

The bit mask enumerates the permissions that this entry allows or denies. But the permissions are (naturally) different, depending on what object the ACL is attached to. Let's look at the kinds of permissions available for a file object:


Delete the object.


Read the ACL on an object.


Write the ACL on an object.


Read from the file.


Read file metadata.


Read extended attributes (if the file has any).


Write to the file.


Write extended attributes (if the file has any).


Open for execute (why do we need the .EXE tag then?).


A permission related to an open file handle, not the file.

And this is one of the simpler kinds of permission-bearing objects in Win32.

If the Win32 API treats security so seriously, why does Windows fail most security tests in the real world? The answer is that most applications ignore this wonderful, flexible security mechanism because it's just too hard to usejust like the problem with the POSIX pathconf( ) call. No one can use the security mechanism correctly; applications would degenerate into a mess. It doesn't help that Microsoft, having realized the APIs controlling security were too difficult to use, keeps adding functions to simplify this mess, sometimes also adding new APIs with a new service pack. In addition, as Microsoft has moved in the "Active Directory" world, it has extended the underlying semantics of the security mechanism,adding new flags and behaviors.

Try taking a look at the "file security dialog" in Windows 2000. It's incomprehensible. No one, especially a system administrator, can keep track of this level of detail across their files. Everyone just sets one default ACL on the root of a directory hierarchy and hopes for the best. Most administrators usually want to do two simple things with an ACL: allow group X but not user Y, and allow group X and also user Z. This is just about comprehensible with POSIX ACLs, although those are near the limit of complexity that people can deal with. The Win32 security system is orders of magnitude more complex than that; it's hopelessly overdesigned. Computer scientists love it, as it's possible to do elegant little proofs of how secure it is, but in the real world, it's simply too much to deal with effectivelygreat idea, adding ACLs to every system object, but a real shame about the execution.

Just to spread the blame around, the networking "experts" who designed the latest version of Sun's network filesystem, NFS version 4, fell in love with this security mechanism and decided it would be a great idea to add it into the NFSv4 specification. They probably thought it would make interoperability with Windows easier. Of course, they didn't notice that Microsoft had been busily extending the security mechanism as Windows has developed, so they standardized on an old version of the Windows ACL mechanism, as Microsoft documented it (not as it actually works). So now, the Unix world has to deal with this messor rather, a new network filesystem with an ACL model that is almost, but not quite, compatible with Windows ACLs, and that is completely alien to anything currently found on Unix. I sometimes feel Unix programmers are their own worst enemies.

Open Sources 2.0
Open Sources 2.0: The Continuing Evolution
ISBN: 0596008023
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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