

IAsyncResult interface, System namespace

AsyncState property, 238

ICloneable interface, System namespace

Clone method, 198

Teacher class example, 199

ICollection interface, System.Collections namespace

ArrayList implemention example, 268

IComparable interface, System namespace

CompareTo method, 27

implemented by String class, 47

IDisposable interface, System namespace

Dispose method, 184

IEnumerable interface, System namespace

implemented by Array class, 47

IFormattable interface, System namespace, 29

IL (Intermediate Language)

see MSIL.


see MSIL Dissassembler.

illegal values

set property procedure, handling in, 136

implementation inheritance, 267

implementing_interfaces example, 285

implicit keyword, 193

indexed properties

see Indexers.

Indexers, 125, 127, 140

characteristics, 140

compiling into MSIL, 145

defining, 35

defining single indexer in a class, 141

indexers_indexer_name example, 144

indexers_simple example, 141

indexers_simple_arraylist example, 146

overloading, 148

overloading_indexer example, 148

summary, 150

uses, 141

using with ArrayLists, 146

indexers_indexer_name example, 144

indexers_simple example, 141

compared to VB .NET version, 143

indexers_simple_arraylist example, 146

IndexOf method, Array class, 44


abstract classes and interfaces, 266

example, 267

concrete classes, 266

creating a class hierarchy, 270

class definitions, 271

deriving classes, 277

designing a base class, 272

example_inheritance, 271

examples, 270

definition, 261

hierarchies, 264

interface based programming, 284

multiple inheritance, 268

overriding base class operations, 265

overriding methods, 25

types of, 267

UML diagrams, 262

value types, 25

InnerException property, SystemException class, 112

instance constructors

Teacher class example, 191

instance methods, 87

this keyword, 87

Int32 structure, System namespace, 18


End/BeginInvoke method not supported by, 234

interface based programming, 284

casting to different interface types, 293

defining an interface, 285

implementing the interface, 285

implementing_interfaces example, 285

interfaces in IL, 289

multiple interface inheritance, 288

name ambiguity and shadowing, 294

polymorphism with interfaces, 286

scoping interface methods, 291

interface inheritance, 267, 268


abstract classes and inheritance, 266

benefits of using, 51

compared to class types, 51

implementing in structures, 26

inheritance, 267, 268

introduction, 51

method scoping, 291

polymorphism and, 268

role of events, 256

internal access modifier

description, 38

internal accessibility level, 62

internal events, 242

InvalidCastException class, System namespace, 50

invoking methods, 85

IsDefined method, Enum class, 30

IsNan method, Double class, 19

IsNegativeInfinity method, Double class, 19

IsPositiveInfinity method, Double class, 19

Item property, ArrayList class, 49

C# Class Design Handbook(c) Coding Effective Classes
C# Class Design Handbook: Coding Effective Classes
ISBN: 1590592573
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 90 © 2008-2017.
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