The following table compares the different tools and commands as to their effect when adding or deleting points on a path.
Tool or Command
Add Anchor Point tool
Click a segment on the path
Always adds a point to the path.
Delete Anchor Point tool
Click an existing point on the path
Deletes the point. Path reshapes without any break.
Erase tool
Drag along a path
Creates a break in the path
Scissors tool
Click a point or a segment
Creates two end points at that position. Points can then be separated to create a break in the path.
Open Path command
Applied to a path
Creates two end points at the origin of the path. Points are indicated by selection.
Points can then be separated to create a break in the path.
Close Path command
Creates a segment that joins two end points of a path.
Delete command
Applied to points or segments selected with the Direct Selection tool
If applied to a selection in the middle of a path, the command breaks the path into two segments.
If applied to a selection at the end of a path, the command shortens the path.