
Executive mentoring is a rapidly expanding area of practice. Most activity occurs through external provision, not least because senior managers find it hard to open themselves to peers who may also be rivals for the top jobs. It is quite difficult for many executives to admit their fears and weaknesses to colleagues. A few companies, such as Diageo, have experimented with internal specialists - usually people with a strong behavioural psychology background who operate with a high degree of independence. However, it is hard to develop the depth of friendship that typifies the really effective mentoring relationship. For those who venture outside the organisation, there is no shortage of willing providers. But there is often confusion between executive coaching (building a particular skill set) and executive mentoring (thinking through issues more deeply). Moreover, there are no barriers to entry and no widely subscribed set of professional standards. Caveat emptor!

Everyone Needs a Mentor(c) Fostering Talent in Your Organisation
Everyone Needs a Mentor
ISBN: 1843980541
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 124 © 2008-2017.
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