182 Build a Blog Through the Wizard
181 Create an Account at
185 Read Blogger News
Many bloggers don't understand their own importance. There are many self-proclaimed experts out in blogging land. If you want to get serious consideration for your blogs , you must show that you, the author, are worthy of the consideration. In this section, we will work on the Blogger profile , a way to let readers know more about youas well as your ideas.
1. | Log In to Your Blog and Go to the Dashboard If you checked the Remember Me button in the past, the browser will remember your login information so that when you log in from this computer, you will be logged in to your page automatically. If you use this one computer all the time and no one else has access to the page, this saves you time. NOTE If you are on a computer that is set up to use a single account for more than one user , clicking the Remember Me button allows the next person who happens to go to the Blogger website total access to your page. This person could cause mischief by rewriting your blog to ruin your reputation. So, don't check this box on a shared computer. Typing an ID and password isn't too much work, right? |
2. | Click on the Edit Profile Link on the Dashboard This is where you can edit your user profile. Your profile provides information that can appear on your blog separate from your daily postings. You can place information about yourself or your company that will act as your mission statement for the site. 188. Set Your Blogger Profile TIP What do I mean by your company ? I mean a company or business you own. If you work for another company and consider it your own true love, you should check your company for any policies on employee blogs. You must follow your company's confidentiality policies whether you have a conversation in a bar or write a blog. Some employees have been fired over material they posted in a public blog. |
3. | Configure the Privacy Settings In the Privacy section of the profile, you can choose to have your profile available from your site. You can choose to show your real name by selecting the check box. This replaces your username with your real first and last names , which you can enter in the Identity section below. You can also set the profile to show all your blogs if you have more than one. If you are doing a blog for business, you might not want to select that option. However, if you have a cooking blog, a political blog, and a hobby blog, you might want people to be able to visit your different blogs. The Show My Email Address box is important if you want users to be able to reach you outside of the blog. Generally, you'll want to have the address there unless you are concerned you will be overwhelmed with email from the site. |
4. | Add Your Name and Photograph to Your Profile Your first and last names will only appear if you check the Show My Real Name check box in the Privacy section. If this is not checked, readers will only see the Display Name you have configured. Your picture will show in the profile regardless of the settings in the Privacy section. |
5. | Add Information to Your Profile The items in the remaining sections are more useful for personal sites than business sites, but if your business has a bricks -and-mortar location, you might enter your address in the Location area. |
6. | Save Your Profile Scroll to the bottom of the Profile screen and click the Save Profile button. You can now view your new profile or click to go to your blog. |