

setting in HTTP, 448
using with tags, 2930
ParseState struct, defining, 321322
ParseToken method, overriding for stencils, 262263
cleaning up after, 408
customizing on server-side, 401410
authenticating with, 365369
benefits of, 365
creating OnLogoTag method for, 366
displaying user -specific content with, 369371
using, 357359
Passport login requests , authenticating, 369
Passport Manager
description of, 358
initializing, 359364
Passport profile information, getting, 370371
{{Passport_GetProfile}} stencil tag, creating, 370
{{Passport_LogoTag}} stencil tag, purpose of, 368
per-thread data and services, optimizing, 350
per-thread ISAPI services, using, 215219
PERF* counters, examples of, 116117
benefits of, 203
classes for, 106
initializing, 111
overview of, 105, 107108
using, 106
Perfmon counters.
See also counters
creating, 108111
exposing as ISAPI services, 111116
using ISAPI services with, 46
explanation of, 347348
improving, 350
measuring, 353355
overview of, 1718
of requests, 348350
performance counter API, determining CPU utilization with, 276277
performance counters in Win32, determining network usage with, 354355
performance monitor object managers, creating for Perfmon counters, 108110
performance objects, creating for Perfmon counters, 109
permissions, controlling with if/else statement in SRFs, 25
POST, specifying METHOD attribute as, 6667
problems, troubleshooting, 205206
% Processor Time performance counter, determining CPU utilization with, 276277
Products.h file sample code, 244246
profilers, benefits of, 202, 355
profiles, creating with Passport, 369
progid COM attribute, description of, 290
programming idioms, avoiding, 350353
protocol parameter of soap_handler attribute, explanation of, 131
proxy classes, using with ISAPI services, 215
proxycfg.exe tool, downloading for use with WinHTTP, 465
public member variables , SOAP headers as, 145
pvElement value, using with headers, 336
pvWorkerParam global parameter, advisory about, 164

ATL Server. High Performance C++ on. NET
Observing the User Experience: A Practitioners Guide to User Research
ISBN: B006Z372QQ
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 181 © 2008-2017.
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