


caution about renaming tables, 151

information, listing, DB2 UDB 8.1, 467

papers, storing collections. See CLOB


listing information, DB2 UDB 8.1, 467

passing, 493–496

setting sessions, 209–210

parent key, 149

parent row, automatic changes to child (CASCADE), 90, 92–93

parentheses (()), operations, precedence of, 385

parity, 391

parsing, SQL statements, 527–528

partitioning tables and indexes, 188


encrypting, 443, 444

existing user, Oracle 9i, 406

pattern matching, finding and replacing characters within a string, 326–327

payment terms, 297

percent sign (%), 378

percentages, 243–245


concurrency control mechanism, 229

cross join, 290

databases, installing, 208

flat file databases, 11

indexes, 106

multi-table queries, 304–305

nested subqueries, 262

orphaned sessions, 216

stored procedures, 489

tables, partitioning, 188

triggers, 489

user-defined functions, 489

views, recompiling, 162

XML, 40

permanent tables, 82

permissions. See privileges

persistency, 6–7

persistent stored routines. See PSR

Pervasive SQL 2000i, 769

pessimistic concurrency, 229

phone numbers. See telephone numbers

physical properties, tables

changing, 147

constraints, 97–100

specifying tablespaces

altering and destroying, 166–167

changing, when table created in wrong, 147

creating, 131–133

described, 130–131

dropping, 167

files, adding, Oracle 9i, 166

information, listing, DB2 UDB 8.1, 467

specifying, 98, 110

pi, 58

pixels, 390

platform. See operating system


caution about renaming tables, 151

conditional execution, 497

cursors, programming, 503

described, 28

error handling, 505–506

loops, 499

parameters, passing, 493

repeated execution, 499

stored procedures, creating, 508

triggers, creating, 521–522

user-defined functions, 515–518

variables, 490

XML, developing, 593

plus operator (+)

concatenating, 248

outer joins, Oracle 9i, 294–295, 300

plus sign within parentheses ((+)), 298

polymorphism, OOP (object-oriented approach), 602

populating tables (INSERT)

by default, ACME database, 614


clauses, 178–181

DB2 UDB 8.1, 189–190

described, 177–178

from other tables, 184–185

inserting for all columns, 182–183

integrity constraints, 186

MS SQL Server 2000, 190–192

NULL and default values, 183–184

Oracle 9i, 188–189

SQL99 specifics, 187–188

PostgreSQL, 11, 130, 769

pound sign (#), 84

pound sign, double (##), 84


Boolean algebra, 777–778

columns, sorting by more than one, 268–269

SQL operators, 382–385

precision, rounding number to specific, 312


DB2 UDB 8.1 operators, 372

joins, mixing, 284

syntax, 734–736

price, 321–322

primary key

constraints, 635

described, 17

indexes, dropping, 160

information, viewing

DB2 UDB 8.1, 466

MS SQL Server 2000, 472

listing, 457

single column of single row, updating, 194


constraints, 85, 88

dropping, MS SQL Server 2000, 158

index-organized, 99

relationships, ACME database, 615

values, generating

accessible, listing, 460, 461, 462

accessing, 136–138

altering, 168

ascending and descending, 135

caching, 136

collating, 87–88

creating, 100, 133–138

cycling, 135

described, 133–134

dropping, 169

generating, 74

information, listing, 467

inserting, 189

order of values, guaranteeing, 136

syntax, 134

private versus public synonyms, 123, 164


assigning at object level, 434

connection, establishing, 211, 415–421

described, 398

groups, 420–421

object-level, 415–421, 456

revoking, 421–427

security, data, 38

SELECT statement, 240


DB2 UDB 8.1, 411–413

Oracle 9i, 405–411

user, creating, 399

viewing, 471

Pro*C, 534

procedural language

conditional execution

DB2 UDB, 497–498

PL/SQL, 497

Transact-SQL, 498

cursors, 500–505

described, 308

error handling, 505–507


DB2 UDB 8.1, 716

user-defined, 365

modularity, subprograms, and block structure, 491–493

parameters, passing

DB2 IBM SQL, 494

by name and by value, 495–496

PL/SQL, 493

Transact-SQL, 494

repeated execution, 498–499


DB2 IBM SQL, 491

PL/SQL, 490

Transact-SQL, 491


ACME database, 614

columns, synchronizing, 203–204

descriptions of all sold in certain quantity, 376

ID with description and price, 373–375

output combining price and description in special format, 321–322

program executables, holding. See binary strings

program flow, embedded SQL, 541–542

programming languages


embedded SQL

data retrieval and SELECT INTO statement, 535–536

database connection, 533–535

described, 39

dynamic SQL versus, 554

errors, handling, 537–540

future of, 553–554

host variables, 530–533

multirow query results, storing with cursors, 536–537

program flow, sample, 541–542

standards, 529

OCI interface, 574

SQL, 30

programs. See applications

Progress v9.0, 769

PSR (persistent stored routines), 488

public key encryption, 445

public versus private synonyms, 123, 164

SQL Bible
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Bible
ISBN: 0470257040
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 208 © 2008-2017.
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