Several people toiled laboriously to create and produce this high-quality publication. I owe special thanks to Stephanie McComb for choosing me to author this book; to my agent, Neil Salkind of Studio B, for handling the assorted details to get this book in gear; and to team coordinator , Sharry Lee Gregory, for her attention to details. Thanks to Mark Cierzniak for guiding the content of this book and keeping it focused on new users. Thanks to Chuck Hutchinson for ferreting out all my typos and fine-tuning my sentences. And thanks to Lovisa Bedwell for making sure the information in this book is accurate and timely . Sheila Schroeder deserves a round of applause for shepherding the manuscript (and accompanying art) through production. And, last but not least, thanks to Que's production team for transforming a loose collection of electronic files and screen shots into such an attractive, bound book ![]() |