3.3.1 Securing WuFTPd

Despite the recent increase in the deployed footprint of encrypted services such as SSH, FTP services are still sometimes necessary. Many clients (most notably certain Redmond-based operating systems) do not ship with an SSH client at all, which forces many administrators to accept the risks of cleartext FTP transfers. This section will discuss the configuration of the WUFTPd FTP server package shipped with Red Hat7.3 for individual file transfers and anonymous file access in a secure manner. Fortunately, the Washington University FTP daemon has gotten progressively more intelligent and useful over the years , and it now ships with a fairly secure default configuration from Red Hat. We'll edit this configuration file to enable secure user FTP sessions, then again for anonymous file transfers. User File Transfers

By default, WUFTPd comes pre-configured to chroot all users into their home directories automatically. Even better, this action is done by the daemon and does not require creating additional binary or library directories on the server in order to function: it just works. In order to properly secure this, though, we'll need to tweak the main FTP configuration file, /etc/ftpaccess .

/etc/ftpaccess (Changes are marked in bold , comments in italics )

  • Don't allow system accounts to login over FTP. Comment out the right for the FTP user to login over FTP ”that's only needed for anonymous transfers

     deny-uid %-99 %65534-         deny-gid %-99 %65534-  # allow-uid ftp   # allow-gid ftp  
  • Chroot all users by default

     guestuser * 
  • List any users you wish to grant "real" privileges to (i.e. that should not be chrooted ) here

     realuser <ftp administrators, etc.> 
  • We don't need an explicit chroot group : all users will be chrooted!

      # guestgroup ftpchroot  
  • Set your email address

     email  ftpadmin@ftpserver.mydomain.com  
  • Permit only 2 failed logins before terminating the session

     loginfails  2  
  • Set the welcome message to something we can control and eliminate from directory listings

     message  /.ftpwelcome.msg  login 
  • Do not allow on-the-fly tarring and compressing

     compress  no  all         tar  no  all 
  • Prevent certain actions by anonymous and/or guest users. Explicitly list permissions for everyone.

     chmod      no    guest,anonymous         delete     no    anonymous         overwrite  no    anonymous         rename     no    anonymous         umask  no    real,guest,anonymous         delete     yes   real,guest         overwrite  yes   real,guest         rename     yes   real,guest  
  • Log commands and transfers to and from the server (this will not log passwords unless the user types one as a command by mistake).

      log commands real,anonymous,guest   log transfers anonymous,guest,real inbound,outbound  
  • Mark certain files as non-retrievable

      noretrieve .notar noretrieve .ftpwelcome.msg  
  • Set a secure path filter to weed out evil files

      path-filter guest,anonymous /etc/pathmsg ^[-A-Za-z0-9_\.]*$ ^\. ^-  
  • Shorten the greeting string so as not to provide the server version

      greeting terse  
  • Use secure default umasks for everyone

      defumask 0377 defumask 0177 real defumask 0133 guest  

Finally, we need to make some modifications to our users' home directories. Let's set up a user who will only be permitted to FTP files in and out of his directory, but nothing more.

 useradd -d /home/user -s /sbin/nologin -m user     passwd user # Set the user's password     cd /home/user     cp /etc/issue.net /home/user/.ftpwelcome.msg # You have a security banner in /etc/issue.net, right?     chown root:root /home/user/.ftpwelcome.msg     chmod 444 /home/user/.ftpwelcome.msg # Keep the user from tampering with the message or     chattr +i /home/user/.ftpwelcome.msg # disabling it.     for file in .rhosts .shosts .netrc .forward ; do # Script the creation and lockdown      touch $file     # of some sensitive files.      chown root:root $file      chmod 0 $file      chattr +i $file      done     rm .bash* .gtk* # Since he'll never login, he'll never need shell files 

Now test the server:

 [user@otherhost user]$ ftp     Connected to     220 FTP server ready.     User ( luser     331 Password required for luser.     Password:     230-### WARNING ###     230-     230-This automated information system is for the exclusive use of     230-Systems Engineering personnel. Use of this system     230-without privilege or in excess of granted authority is forbidden, and     230-may be subject to civil and criminal penalties up to and including the     230-fullest extent permitted by law.     230-     230-Users accessing this system are subject to having their actions     230-monitored and recorded at any time. Use or access of this system in     230-any fashion constitutes expressed knowledge and acceptance of this     230-policy.     230-     230-### WARNING ###230-     230 User luser logged in. Access restrictions apply.     ftp> pwd     257 "/" is current directory.     ftp> ls -la     200 PORT command successful.     150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.     total 24     drwx--------- 2     2501   2501    4096 Aug 18 22:39 .     drwx--------- 2     2501   2501    4096 Aug 18 22:39 ..     --------------- 1 root   root    0 Aug 18 22:39 .forward     -r---r---r--- 1     root   root    554 Aug 18 22:38 .ftpwelcome.msg     --------------- 1 root   root    0 Aug 18 22:39 .netrc     --------------- 1 root   root    0 Aug 18 22:39 .rhosts     --------------- 1 root   root    0 Aug 18 22:39 .shosts     226 Transfer complete.     ftp: 455 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 455000.00Kbytes/sec.     ftp> put foo.txt     200 PORT command successful.     150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for foo.txt.     226 Transfer complete.     ftp: 479 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds 479000.00Kbytes/sec.     ftp> del foo.txt     250 DELE command successful.     ftp> mkdir foo     257 "/foo" new directory created.     ftp> rmdir foo     250 RMD command successful.     ftp> cd /     250 CWD command successful.     ftp> ls -a     200 PORT command successful.     150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.     .     ..     .forward     .ftpwelcome.msg     .netrc     .rhosts     .shosts     226 Transfer complete.     ftp: 60 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 60000.00Kbytes/sec.     ftp> cd ../../../../../etc     550 ../../../../../etc: No such file or directory.     ftp> bye     221-You have transferred 466 bytes in 1 files.     221-Total traffic for this session was 2347 bytes in 1 transfers.     221-Thank you for using the FTP service on ftpserver.mydomain.com.     221 Goodbye. Anonymous File Serving

To enable an anonymous FTP server, we only require a little further tweaking of the configuration file, and the careful creation of an FTP server root directory. Anonymous FTP servers should be handled like live snakes : treat them carefully , don't trust them fully, and keep them as far away from sensitive areas as possible! Thankfully, the combination of a good default ftpaccess file and the ease of configuring this latest WUFTPd means that anonymous FTP services can be configured with a minimum of heartburn.

First, we'll need to add some information to /etc/ftpaccess , in addition to the changes made above. Both sets of changes have been presented below, for simplicity's sake, but be careful to enter all of these changes to keep things nice and secure.

  • Don't allow system accounts to login over FTP.

     deny-uid %-99 %65534-         deny-gid %-99 %65534- 
  • Chroot all users by default

     guestuser * 
  • List any users you wish to grant "real" privileges to (i.e. that should not be chrooted) here

     realuser <ftp administrators, etc.> 
  • We don't need an explicit chroot group: all users will be chrooted!

      # guestgroup ftpchroot  
  • Set your email address

     email  ftpadmin@ftpserver.mydomain.com  
  • Permit only 2 failed logins before terminating the session

     loginfails  2  
  • Set the welcome message to something we can control and eliminate from directory listings

     message  /.ftpwelcome.msg  login 
  • Do not allow on-the-fly tarring and compressing

     compress  no  all         tar  no  all 
  • Prevent certain actions by anonymous and/or guest users. Explicitly list permissions for everyone.

     chmod      no    guest,anonymous         delete     no    anonymous         overwrite  no    anonymous         rename     no    anonymous         umask  no    real,guest,anonymous         delete     yes   real,guest         overwrite  yes   real,guest         rename     yes   real,guest  
  • Log commands and transfers to and from the server (this will not log passwords unless the user types one as a command by mistake).

      log commands real,anonymous,guest   log transfers anonymous,guest,real inbound,outbound  
  • Mark certain files as non-retrievable

      noretrieve .notar noretrieve .ftpwelcome.msg  
  • Set up permissions for anonymous users within their file structure. Anonymous users may not upload files anywhere except specifically -configured areas.

      upload /usr/local/ftp * no  
  • Anonymous users may upload files to their incoming directory, but the files will be immediately owned by a different user and group on the server and changed to read-only for members of that group. This will prevent the anonymous users from listing the contents of the incoming directory, preventing them from turning it into a wAreZ storehouse. They won't be able to retrieve anything from that directory either, and can't create subdirectories.

      upload /usr/local/ftp/incoming yes ftpusers ftpusers 0040 nodirs  
  • Set a secure path filter to weed out evil files

      path-filter guest,anonymous /etc/pathmsg ^[-A-Za-z0-9_\.]*$ ^\. ^-  
  • Shorten the greeting string so as not to provide the server version

      greeting terse  
  • Use secure default umasks for everyone

      defumask 0377   defumask 0177 real   defumask 0133 guest  

Next, we'll need to create the anonymous file directory. Mercifully, we no longer have to create binary or library directories, just file storage areas. Be careful with the permissions in this area! First, we'll need a user and group with no privileges: they'll wind up owning uploaded files, which "real" users on the system (who have been added to that group) can login through SSH and copy to other areas of the server to retrieve:

 useradd -d /usr/local/ftp -s /dev/null ftpusers     passwd -l ftpusers 

Now we can create the storage tree in /usr/local/ftp :

 mkdir /usr/local/ftp     cd /usr/local/ftp     mkdir incoming     mkdir pub     chmod 755 pub     chown ftp:ftpusers incoming  # Note the "ftp" user here: that's so the                                                        anonymous user can write to this directory.  chmod 0370 incoming  # Grant write and execute privileges for                                                        storage, but no reads  chown root:root pub  # /pub will be a read-only file retrieval area  cp /etc/issue.net ./.ftpwelcome.msg  # You have a security banner in /etc/issue.net,                                                        right?  chown root:root ./.ftpwelcome.msg     chmod 444 ./.ftpwelcome.msg  # Keep the user from tampering with the                                                        message or disabling it.  chattr +i ./.ftpwelcome.msg     for file in .rhosts .shosts .netrc .forward ; do  # Script the creation and lockdown  touch $file  # of some sensitive files.  chown root:root $file        chmod 0 $file        chattr +i $file        done     rm .bash* .gtk*  # Since he'll never login, he'll never need                                                        shell files  

Finally, change the home directory for the ftp user in /etc/passwd to the new FTP server directory at /usr/local/ftp :

 ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/var/ftp:/sbin/nologin 


 ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/usr/local/ftp:/sbin/nologin 

Now you can test the server:

 [user@other user]# ftp     Connected to (     220 FTP server ready.     Name ( anonymous     331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.     Password:     230-### WARNING ###     230-     230-This automated information system is for the exclusive use of     230-Systems Engineering personnel. Use of this system     230-without privilege or in excess of granted authority is forbidden, and     230-may be subject to civil and criminal penalties up to and including the     230-fullest extent permitted by law.     230-     230-Users accessing this system are subject to having their actions     230-monitored and recorded at any time. Use or access of this system in     230-any fashion constitutes expressed knowledge and acceptance of this     230-policy.     230-     230-### WARNING ###     230-     230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.     Remote system type is UNIX.     Using binary mode to transfer files.     ftp> ls     227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,1,47,87,244)     150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.     total 16     d-wxrwx--- 2 14 2500 4096 Aug 18 22:07 incoming     drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 18 22:02 pub     226 Transfer complete.     ftp> mkdir asdf     550 asdf: Permission denied on server. (Upload dirs)     ftp> cd pub     250 CWD command successful.     ftp> mkdir asdf     550 asdf: Permission denied on server. (Upload dirs)     ftp> ls     227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,1,47,179,115)     150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.     total 8     -rw-r---r--- 1 root   root   3859 Aug 18 22:02 osshChroot-3.4.diff     226 Transfer complete.     ftp> get osshChroot-3.4.diff     local: osshChroot-3.4.diff remote: osshChroot-3.4.diff     227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,1,47,236,173)     150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for osshChroot-3.4.diff (3859 bytes).     226 Transfer complete.     3859 bytes received in 0.000342 secs (1.1e+04 Kbytes/sec)     ftp> del osshChroot-3.4.diff     553 osshChroot-3.4.diff: Permission denied on server. (Delete)     ftp> cd ../incoming     250 CWD command successful.     ftp> ls     227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,1,47,205,141)     150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.     total 0     226 Transfer complete.     ftp> put osshChroot-3.4.diff     local: osshChroot-3.4.diff remote: osshChroot-3.4.diff     227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,1,47,242,244)     150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for osshChroot-3.4.diff.     226 Transfer complete.     3859 bytes sent in 0.0105 secs (3.6e+02 Kbytes/sec)     ftp> ls     227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,1,47,9,59)     150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.     total 0     226 Transfer complete.     ftp> ls -a     227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,1,47,155,95)     150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.     total 0     226 Transfer complete.     ftp> ls -la     227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,1,47,48,107)     150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.     total 0     226 Transfer complete.     ftp> get osshChroot-3.4.diff     local: osshChroot-3.4.diff remote: osshChroot-3.4.diff     227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,1,47,67,94)     550 /incoming/osshChroot-3.4.diff is marked unretrievable     ftp> mkdir asdf     550 asdf: Permission denied on server. (Upload dirs)     ftp> exit     221-You have transferred 7718 bytes in 2 files.     221-Total traffic for this session was 10482 bytes in 2 transfers.     221-Thank you for using the FTP service on ftpserver.mydomain.com.     221 Goodbye.     [user@other user]# 

3.3.2 NFS Security

The words "NFS" and "security" are not usually used in the same sentence together, unless it's a discussion of the lack of the latter in the former. There are times, however, when NFS is the simplest answer to solving a problem: sharing filesystems between multiple servers is never a simple problem, and NFS is sometimes the path of least resistance. The following section should assist administrators in securing this service as much as possible without vast complication.

We'll discuss two possible configurations: one featuring a transient filesystem that is only mounted when needed, and one featuring a more permanent filesystem mount, such as a shared set of home directories or system library or binary directories for thin clients. NFS Server Security

Before attempting any sort of file sharing from an NFS server, it is a good idea to take some basic steps to secure the server's configuration. One major problem with NFS is its reliance on RPC-based services: rather than being assigned to a fixed port, RPC services are assigned a port randomly (or semi-randomly, or in some cases, not randomly at all) when they are initiated, by the RPC portmapper daemon. Clients wishing to connect to those services will first contact the portmapper daemon to inquire to which port the needed service has been assigned. Among other things, this plays havoc with firewalls, which rely on services being assigned a particular port time and again, which can make firewalling NFS services very difficult.

Fortunately, Red Hat's NFS implementation reduces this headache considerably through the use of some thoughtful configuration options: with the following quick changes, we can make NFS as firewall-friendly as possible. Portmapper

First, we need to configure the portmapper daemon. It is always assigned the same port (TCP and UDP 111), so we don't need to worry about fixing that, but we do need to restrict access to it. Since this will be the gateway to the NFS services on the server, we need to carefully control to whom we grant access. By default, the portmapper daemon on Red Hat Linux comes compiled with support for Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers, which allows us to control access to it using a pair of configuration files. In /etc/ hosts .deny , we'll first set a default-deny policy for the portmapper:

 /etc/hosts.deny     portmap: ALL 

Now we'll configure /etc/hosts.allow to permit access to the portmapper from trusted internal machines. Add IP addresses into this file to permit NFS clients access to the portmapper, being careful to list specific IPs rather than subnets, where possible. Below, we've granted access only to the NFS client at IP address

 /etc/hosts.allow     portmap: mountd

The mount daemon (mountd) actually implements NFS mount requests : when a client wishes to mount a filesystem over NFS, it sends a MOUNT request to mountd to initiate the process, who verifies the request against the list of exported filesystems and returns a filehandle of the filesystem if the request is approved.

Mountd is an RPC service, so the first thing to do is to lock in the port to which it will be assigned. Anticipating this desire , Red Hat has configured a simple way to do this by adding the information to a configuration file rather than having to edit the startup file for this service by hand. First, choose a port for the mount daemon: it can be any port number higher than 1024, with the default choice being 2050 most of the time. Once you've selected your port, edit /etc/sysconfig/network as follows (we've used 2050 as an example):

 /etc/sysconfig/network     MOUNTD_PORT=2050 

On Red Hat Linux, mountd has also been compiled with support for TCP wrappers, so this service can be granted additional security by permitting access only from selected clients. This prevents an NFS problem in which clients could bypass restrictions on the portmapper and mount a filesystem by sending the request directly to mountd if they could figure out on what port mountd was running. To implement this, edit /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow again and add to the bottom the following lines (as an example, we've again granted access only to the NFS client at IP address

 /etc/hosts.deny     mountd: ALL     /etc/hosts.allow     mountd: nfsd

The NFS daemon (nfsd) is a sort of go-between, shuttling information back and forth between the userland space and the kernel module (nfsd.o) actually implementing NFS under Linux. Like mountd, nfsd is an RPC service, so it has no fixed port, and unlike mountd, it has not been compiled with support for TCP wrappers nor does it have a convenient shortcut in the system configuration files for pre-selecting a port. However, we can pre-select the port on it by editing the startup script ( /etc/init.d/nfs ) by hand and adding the following information:


Find this block:

 echo -n $"Starting NFS daemon: "     daemon rpc.nfsd $RPCNFSDCOUNT 

And change it to read thus (using 2049 as our pre-selected port for nfsd):

 echo -n $"Starting NFS daemon: "     daemon rpc.nfsd -p 2049 $RPCNFSDCOUNT Rquotad

The remote quota daemon ( rquotad ) is responsible for answering clients' queries about user quotas for exported NFS filesystems. That is, when a client attempts to write to an NFS filesystem, it will first inquire of the quota daemon (if the server has quotas active for that filesystem) whether the client has sufficient quota to issue the write. Rquotad will then check the local quotas for that user and return that information to the client. Unfortunately, in addition to lacking TCP wrappers support, rquotad cannot be fixed to a specific port. If you wish to tie user quotas to NFS, you will need to plan for this, since rquotad cannot be further secured.

On the other hand, if you are not using quotas, there is no reason to run rquotad, and you can deactivate it without having an impact on your NFS filesystems. To do so, edit the NFS startup script ( /etc/init.d/nfs ):


Comment out the following blocks in this file to deactivate rquotad:

 if [ -x /usr/sbin/rpc.rquotad ] ; then      echo -n $"Starting NFS quotas: "      daemon rpc.rquotad      echo     fi     if [ -x /usr/sbin/rpc.rquotad ] ; then      echo -n $"Stopping NFS quotas: "      killproc rpc.rquotad      echo     fi     if [ -x /usr/sbin/rpc.rquotad ] ; then      status rpc.rquotad     fi 

You'll notice that all of these blocks check to see if rpc.rquotad is executable (using the -x flag) before running these commands. One possible way of deactivating rquotad is to remove the executable bits from it using chmod ( chmod a-x /usr/sbin/rpc.rquotad would work). While this would deactivate it, an RPM update to quota RPM (or a well-meaning administrator!) would likely restore those executable privileges, thus inadvertently reactivating the daemon. If you've really decided not to use quotas over NFS, commenting those blocks will help guarantee that the service stays deactivated until you choose to activate it. Obviously, if the service is not needed, you should uninstall it to keep it from being a liability to the system in the future: a quick ˜rpm -e quota will accomplish this. NFS Client Security

Securing the client is relatively simple: it will only require the portmapper. The mount command will handle the necessary NFS module activations when called upon to mount a filesystem over NFS. Since the client will be running the portmapper, however, this should be secured in the same manner as the server's, restricting inbound connections to only those necessary. Example I: Transient Filesystem

In this example, we'll present a sample configuration for a secured NFS mount between a client and server which would be mounted manually by administrators. This would include shared directories that contain system patches, for example, so that a central patch repository could be remotely mounted to patch servers and then unmounted when not needed. Since the directory containing the patches will only be read by the client and should not be altered , we can export this filesystem read-only. We can also export the filesystem using "squashing", an option that maps UIDs and GIDs on the client to corresponding UIDs and GIDs on the server. Commonly, this is done to the root account, so that the remote client's root account is not automatically granted root-level privileges to the filesystems on the server. In this case, however, we only need the right to read the patches, so we'll export the filesystem with complete squashing: we'll create an unprivileged user on the server who can only read the patches, and map all remote UIDs to that user, reducing all of the client's privileges accordingly . NFS also allows us to export the filesystem to a specific client or group of clients: never export a filesystem to the world! We'll restrict access to the patches share to a local, internal subnet:, e.g.

Linux offers some convenient extra tweaks to NFS to tighten security a little: the "hide" feature, enabled by default, means that a filesystem mounted within a shared filesystem (such as having /usr and /usr/local on separate disk partitions) is not automatically shared: the server must share that secondary filesystem separately, and the client must mount it separately. In addition, the "secure" feature, also enabled by default, requires that NFS mount requests originate from a privileged port, helping to ensure that the user making the remote mount request is root or has root privileges. This isn't a foolproof determinant, but every little bit helps.

On the Server

  1. Create the patch directory

     mkdir /local/patches 
  2. Create the unprivileged user and group

     groupadd -g 1500 patches         useradd -u 1500 -g patches -d /local/patches -s /dev/null patches 
  3. Edit /etc/exports to configure the share

     /etc/exports         /local/patches,secure,hide,all_squash,anonuid=1500,anongid=1500) 
  4. Ensure that the NFS services are running on the server

     /etc/init.d/portmap start         /etc/init.d/nfs start         /etc/init.d/nfslock start 
  5. Export all configured filesystem shares (-a), using verbose output (-v)

     /usr/sbin/exportfs -va 
  6. Copy patches into


On the Client

  1. Ensure the portmapper is running

     /etc/init.d/portmap start 
  2. Create the mount point

     mkdir /nfsmount/patches 
  3. Mount the remote filesystem from the server at

     /bin/mount -t nfs /nfsmount/patches Example II: At-Boot Filesystem

The example being explored here is a filesystem that would be mounted at boot off of a central fileserver. Frequently, this is done with user home directories. Since the users will need individual access to their directories, we cannot employ complete squashing as we did in the previous example. Instead, we'll be sure to use root squashing. In order to do this, you must be careful to synchronize UIDs between the clients and the server. Since access is granted by numerical UID and not by username, a user with a different UID on the client and the server would not have access rights to her own directory, and might (even worse ) have complete access to someone else's entirely!

On the Server

  1. Create the users for whom you'll want to grant access, and synchronize their UIDs with the client. If the users will not ever login to the NFS server directly, they can be granted user accounts with null shells (/dev/null or /bin/false or the like), since that account information will then only be used for mapping NFS privileges. We can at least restrict the access to this filesystem to the local LAN (as is almost always a good idea for security), and we can employ root squashing to prevent root-level breaches.

  2. Edit /etc/exports to configure the share

     /etc/exports         /home,secure,hide,root_squash) 
  3. Ensure that the NFS services are running on the server

     /etc/init.d/portmap start         /etc/init.d/nfs start         /etc/init.d/nfslock start 
  4. Export all configured filesystem shares (-a), using verbose output (-v)

     /usr/sbin/exportfs -va 

On the Client

One extra piece of security checking to be performed: the client should mount the filesystem as an untrusted volume. This means mounting it without SUID files (nosuid), without devices (nodev) and preferably without executables, to prevent the server from being granted additional privileges on the client. The first two options are particularly important: without them, an attacker with access to the NFS server could insert a SUID shell or compromised device into the shared filesystem and be automatically granted privileges on the other filesystems. Although we've enabled root squashing, remember that there is no squashing for users such as bin or daemon, which are potentially just as dangerous to the client as root access!

  1. Ensure the portmapper is running

     /etc/init.d/portmap start 
  2. Test connectivity by mounting the remote filesystem from the server at

     /bin/mount -t nfs /home 
  3. Configure /etc/fstab to mount the filesystem automatically

     /etc/fstab: /home nfs nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 0 

3.3.3 SAMBA Security (http://www.samba.org/)

As much as many Unix administrators revile it, Microsoft's Windows family of operating systems are a fact of modern life at most companies. Fortunately, the interoperability of Unix and Windows hosts is alive and well, thanks both to considerable hard work from open standards bodies such as the IETF, and thanks to programs like Samba. Samba, in the words of its creators , "is an Open Source/Free Software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients." (http://us2.samba.org/samba/samba.html).

SMB/CIFS is a standard developed by Microsoft to offer shared file and print services; thanks to the hard work of the Samba development team, Unix hosts can join in the CIFS fun as clients and as servers, even to the point of masquerading as Windows NT Domain Servers for an entire network of Windows hosts, none of whom will notice the difference.

This section eschews a general configuration discussion of Samba, and focuses on securing Samba on Red Hat Linux 7.3, using the supplied Red Hat packages. We will configure Samba as a server to share files and printers securely, and as a client. SAMBA Server

Configuring Samba as a server is fairly simple, once you have the packages for Samba installed. First, decide what filesystems and/or printers you will share to other hosts. Then follow these instructions. For this example, we'll configure a server that will share out user home directories and its printers for its local users. The server will live at IP, and will permit IPs in the 192.168.1 network to mount its shares. To increase the security of this configuration, the server will not be part of a domain, but will instead use a local password file for users, who will not be granted command-line access to the server.

  1. Install the Samba packages

     rpm -ivh samba-2.2.3a-6.i386.rpm         rpm -ivh samba-common-2.2.3a-6.i386.rpm 
  2. You'll need to assemble some information:

    • Your NT domain name or workgroup name:

    • List of hosts or networks to grant access to this server's shares:

    • IP of NT domain server, if applicable :

  3. Edit the main Samba configuration file, /etc/samba/smb.conf (changes excerpted and highlighted in bold, with comments in italics ):

      /etc/samba/smb.conf  # workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name #  Set this field to your NT domain name or the name of your Windows Workgroup   workgroup = Mygroup  # Server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field  # Change this string to something innocuous, per your organization's standards. # This information will show up in the "Network Neighborhood" browser for users on the # network.   server string = Home directory server   # Set the list of hosts allowed to connect to this one for services # Be sure to use only IP addresses in this list: hostnames can be spoofed. # The following are all valid IPs for this list: # 192.168.1. would choose all IPs starting with 192.168.1. # 127. would choose anything on the loopback network (e.g. # would choose only this host   hosts allow = 192.168.1.   # Server security level: # This will set the method by which Samba authenticates users for shares. Do NOT set this # to "share", as this can allow remote clients to mount shares by only sending a username # for access. # Set this to "user" (as is the default) if you are a standalone server, not part of an NT # domain. # If this machine is part of an NT domain, use smbpasswd to add it to the domain, and then # set this value to "domain" to authenticate against the domain server.   security = user   # Password Level should be set to zero: unless you're using Windows 95 or 98, current Windows # versions can handle properly encoding password strings. Win95, Win98, and Windows for # Workgroups had a habit of sending passwords in all-upper-case letters, which would cause # password checks to fail unless you set this parameter to have the server try setting # various letters in the password to lower-case. A similar thing happens with the username # and older DOS-based clients.   password level = 0 username level = 0   # Enable password encryption, to be stored in the smbpasswd file. Fortunately, Red Hat uses # the right behavior by default.  encrypt passwords = yes smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd  # Commenting the following lines prevents synchronization of Unix and SMB passwords, which # in this case is what we want, to keep the two databases separate. We're going to lock # the local user accounts and only grant Samba access.   unix password sync = no # passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u # passwd chat = *New*password [etc.]  pam password change = no   # Instruct Samba to map NT users to local Unix accounts using this file  username map = /etc/samba/smbusers  # Do not have Samba act as a domain logon server for Windows 95 workstations   domain logons = no   # Now we define the shares # Here are the home directories  [homes]   comment = Home Directories  # Do not list these shares without authentication, e.g. in "Network Neighborhood"  browseable = no   writable = yes  # User accounts are normally valid...  valid users = %S  # ...unless they appear in this list. Note the use of "@wheel" to designate anyone   # in the "wheel" group.  invalid users = root bin daemon adm lp sync halt shutdown mail news uucp operator \       games gopher ftp nobody vcsa mailnull ntp rpc xfs gdm rpcuser nfsnobody nscd pcap @wheel  # Set the default umask   create mode = 644   # Set the default permissions mode for shared directories   directory mode = 755   # Here are the printer shares  [printers]   comment = Shared Printers   path = /var/spool/samba   # Do not list printer shares without authentication, e.g. in "Network Neighborhood"   browseable = no  # Users must be authenticated to use these printer  sguest ok = no  # Users may not remove or disable these printers  writable = no   printable = yes 
  4. Create a user on the Samba server

    1. First, we'll create the user, with a locked shell

       useradd -u 1500 -d /home/user -s /dev/null -m user 
    2. Next we can lock the user's local password, and set the Samba password, which will be stored in Samba's separate password database, /etc/samba/smbpasswd

       passwd -l user         smbpasswd -a user         [Enter a password for this user to authenticate for Samba shares] 
  5. Start up the Samba services, and you should be able to map a drive as that user from a Windows machine on the network.

     /etc/init.d/smb start 

Samba Client

Next, we'll mount a share from a Windows server on the same network, using smbmount , then configure it to mount at boot.

  1. Check that you can mount the share from the command line. For our example, the server will be named saturn, at IP, with a client named mercury at IP We'll mount a shared directory to a local directory named /local/samba on mercury. To ease our configuration a little, we'll add saturn to the hosts file on mercury, so we can locate it by name quickly.

     [root@mercury root]# echo "<tab>saturn" >> /etc/hosts         [root@mercury root]# echo >> /etc/hosts         [root@mercury root]# mount -t smbfs -o username=user,workgroup=MYGROUP \         //saturn/shared /local/samba         Password: <Enter password>         [root@mercury root]# ls /local/samba         somefiles somemorefiles someotherfiles         [root@mercury root]# umount /local/samba 
  2. Next, we'll secure the mount as much as we can: we'll create an unprivileged user and corresponding group to own the files in the directory, and set the mount to be group-accessible only. Any users who need access to these files should be added to the group.

     useradd -u 5000 -d /local/samba -s /dev/null smbowner         passwd -l smbowner 
  3. Unfortunately, since the mount point requires authentication, there is no way for the client to create the mount without entering a password of some kind. Since /etc/fstab needs to be world-readable, we'll instead store the credentials for this mount in a file within root's home directory, and make them readable only by root. You can also opt to mark the mount point as not automatically mounted at boot time ( noauto ), and mount it by hand when you reboot, entering the password at the console or over a secure login session. This is more secure, but means that unattended reboots will make the filesystem vanish until someone connects to the server and manually mounts it.

     [root@client root]# cat >> /root/.smbmount            username = NTUser         # Make these values very secure and don't make them the same as            password = NTPassword # any other credentials for any other server!            [ Press <Ctrl>-D ]         [root@client root]# chmod 400 /root/.smbmount         [root@client root]# chown root /root/.smbmount         [root@client root]# chattr +i /root/.smbmount 
  4. Edit /etc/fstab and set up the mount options

     /  etc  /  fstab  [...]            #  The following should be all on one line  //saturn/shared /local/samba    smbfs credentials=/root/.smbmount,workgroup=MYGROUP \            uid=smbowner,gid=smbowner 0 0 
  5. In order for your filesystem to mount automatically at boot, you either have to hack /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit or else run the netfs service on your machine, which automatically mounts any network-based filesystems configured in /etc/fstab . Without that service, Samba filesystems will not be mounted automatically. To turn it on, run this command:

     /sbin/chkconfig ---level 2345 netfs on 

3.3.4 SCP and SFTP

The need for remote file-transfer and command-line control sessions is of paramount importance to Unix administrators. For many years, however, only protocols such as FTP, Telnet and RSH were available. These protocols transmitted not only the data of the session but the authentication information as well in cleartext over the network. The advent of the Secure Shell (ssh) protocol introduced a much-welcomed answer to this problem, providing complete encryption of both command-line and data transfer sessions using strong encryption algorithms. Particularly welcome has been the recent development of OpenSSH, a spinoff of the OpenBSD project, which has helped bring this protocol into wider use with its open-source implementation that compiles on any number of different Unix platforms. As a result, most Linux distributions now ship with OpenSSH pre-installed.

While configuration of SSH for command sessions is covered in another section of this text, one feature that is sometimes overlooked is its file-transfer capabilities, intended to replace rcp and ftp at one blow. The scp and sftp commands do an excellent job of replacing their non-encrypted counterparts, emulating the command-line switches and options so well that in most cases, scp in particular can simply be used as a drop-in replacement for rcp . In this section, we'll configure an SSH server such that file transfers using sftp are as secure as possible, including the use of chroot to jail the users' file-transfer sessions, by patching the SSH source code. Unfortunately, the patch currently does not work for scp, but chrooted and non-chrooted users can exist side-by-side.

Red Hat, even with the most current patches, does not always offer the latest SSH build, so it will be necessary to get the portable distribution of OpenSSH from the OpenSSH team (http://www.openssh.com). You can fetch the portable version in a binary RPM, source RPM, or gzipped source tarball; since the chroot will require modifications to the code, we'll need one of the two latter options.

If you're not interested in implementing the chroot feature, you can skip ahead: you'll need the configuration files for SSH featured at the end of this section and you'll be set. Chrooting SFTP

  1. Fetch and unpack the sources

    Table 3-4: Fetching and Unpacking Sources

    Using Source Tarball

    Using Source RPM

    cd /usr/src

    cd /usr/src

    tar zxvf /usr/src/openssh-3.4p1.tar.gz

    rpm -ivh /usr/src/openssh-3.4p1-1.src.rpm

    cd /usr/src/openssh-3.4p1

    cp /usr/src/osshChroot-3.4.diff /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES

    patch -p1 < /usr/src/osshChroot-3.4.diff

    cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS


    add lines to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/openssh.spec
    ( See end of section for modifications to spec file )

  2. Configure, build and install the package

    Table 3-5: Configuring, Building, and Installing Packages

    Using Source Tarball

    Using Source RPM

     ./configure \ ---prefix=/usr\ ---with-tcp-wrappers \ ---with-rsh=/bin/rsh \ ---with-default-path=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin \ ---with-superuser-path=\ /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin \ ---with-privsep-path=/var/empty/sshd \ ---with-ipv4-default \ ---with-pam \ ---with-md5-passwords 
     rpm -bb /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/openssh.spec 


    cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386

     make install 
     [ If you already have Red Hat's SSH installed ] rpm -Fvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/openssh*.rpm [ If this is a fresh install of SSH ] cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 rpm -ivh ./openssh-3.4p1-1.i386.rpm rpm -ivh ./openssh-clients-3.4p1-1.i386.rpm rpm -ivh ./openssh-server-3.4p1-1.i386.rpm 
  3. Create the chroot directory

     /bin/mkdir /usr/local/chroot         cd /usr/local/chroot         /bin/mkdir -p bin dev/pts lib/i686 home usr/bin usr/libexec/openssh usr/lib etc var/log         for prog in bash cp ls mkdir mv rm rmdir ; do          /bin/cp -p /bin/$prog /usr/local/chroot/bin          done         for file in ld-linux.so.2 libcrypto.so.2 libdl.so.2 libnsl.so.1 libtermcap.so.2 libutil.so.1 ; do          /bin/cp -p /lib/$file /usr/local/chroot/lib          done         /bin/cp -p /lib/i686/libc.so.6 /usr/local/chroot/lib/i686/libc.so.6         /bin/cp -p /usr/lib/libz.so.1 /usr/local/chroot/lib/libz.so.1         cd /usr/local/chroot/dev         /bin/mknod null c 1 3         /bin/mknod tty c 5 0         /bin/mknod zero c 1 5         /bin/mknod pts/0 c 136 0         /bin/mknod pts/1 c 136 1         /bin/chmod 650 pts/*         /bin/chmod 666 tty null zero         /bin/touch /usr/local/chroot/etc/passwd 
  4. Test the chroot

    To ensure the chroot is working properly, we'll chroot a shell as root. Since sftp uses chroot behind the scenes to perform its actions, we need to make sure that a chrooted shell will have all of the libraries it needs.

     [root@host root]# /usr/sbin/chroot /usr/local/chroot /bin/bash         bash-2.05a# ls         bin dev etc home lib usr var         bash-2.05a# exit         [root@host root]# 
  5. Create the chrooted user account

    We will create a single user account to test the chroot: note that the home directory for this user will contain " /./ " as a trigger to the SSH daemon to activate the chroot when this user logs in. This means that users without that trigger can login normally and see the whole filesystem (and will be able to use scp), whereas the chrooted users will use sftp and will be limited to only their own directories.

     /usr/sbin/useradd -d /usr/local/chroot/./home/chuser -s /bin/bash -m chuser         /bin/grep chuser /etc/passwd >> /usr/local/chroot/etc/passwd          /bin/chmod 444 /usr/local/chroot/etc/passwd         /usr/bin/chattr +i /usr/local/chroot/etc/passwd 
  6. Run the daemon and test the chroot by transferring a file

     [root@host root]# /usr/sbin/sshd -D         (From another host)         [root@other root]# sftp chuser@ssh-host         chuser@ssh-host's password: <Enter password>         sftp> ls         drwx--------- 2 2000 2000 4096 Aug 15 23:07 .         drwxr-xr-x 3 0 0 4096 Aug 15 22:59 ..         -rw--------- 1 2000 2000 68 Aug 15 22:52 .bash_history         -rw-r---r--- 1 2000 2000 24 Aug 15 22:52 .bash_logout         -rw-r---r--- 1 2000 2000 191 Aug 15 22:52 .bash_profile         -rw-r---r--- 1 2000 2000 124 Aug 15 22:52 .bashrc         sftp> pwd         Remote working directory: /home/chuser         sftp> put foo         Uploading foo to /home/chuser/foo         sftp> ls         drwx--------- 2 2000 2000 4096 Aug 15 23:07 .         drwxr-xr-x 3 0 0 4096 Aug 15 22:59 ..         -rw-r---r--- 1 2000 2000 17371 Aug 15 23:19 foo         sftp> quit         [root@other root]#  [ START HERE if you're NOT using the chroot patch for sftp ]  
  7. Secure the daemon's configuration

    On the server, modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config to match the version at the end of this section.

    On all clients, modify /etc/ssh/ssh_config to match the version at the end of this section.

    Create /etc/issue.net with a suitable warning banner; one is provided in the example section.

  8. Create keypairs

    File transfers can be automated (as one might like to do for log rotation and storage or automated backup routines) using RSA or DSA keypairs. To do this, follow these instructions to create your keypairs and transmit them to the server (we'll use a DSA keypair for this example).

    On the client:

     [user@host user]$ ssh-keygen -t dsa         Generating public/private dsa key pair.         Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_dsa): <Press Enter>         Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <Enter a passphrase>         Enter same passphrase again: <Confirm your passphrase>         Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_dsa.         Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_dsa.pub.         The key fingerprint is:         7b:ab:75:32:9e:b6:6c:4b:29:dc:2a:2b:8c:2f:4e:37 user@host         [user@host user]$ ls -l ~/.ssh         -rw--------- 1 user user 526 Aug 15 01:21 id_dsa         -rw-r---r--- 1 user user 330 Aug 15 01:21 id_dsa.pub         [user@host user]$ cd ~/.ssh         [user@host user]$ sftp user@sftp-server         user@sftp-server's password: <Enter password>         sftp> put id_dsa.pub         Uploading id_dsa.pub to /home/user         sftp> exit 

    On the server:

     [ Login as user on the SFTP server, either through SSH with a password or on the console ]         [user@host user]$ mkdir ~/.ssh         [user@host user]$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh         [user@host user]$ cd ~/.ssh         [user@host .ssh]$ mv ../id_dsa.pub ./authorized_keys2         [user@host .ssh]$ chmod 600 authorized_keys2 

    That should do it! If you entered a passphrase to encrypt the DSA keypair, you'll have to enter it on the client when connecting to the remote host (which is more secure, since the passphrase is never transmitted over the wire). For automated connections, you can create a keypair with a blank password by hitting <CR> when prompted for a passphrase to encrypt the keypair during the generation process. That will mean that anyone with the private half of that keypair ( id_dsa ) can login as that user, so be very careful to guard that file well!


    The various "flavors" of SSH (the commercial version from ssh.com, OpenSSH, etc.) differ somewhat in their key formats, especially when exchanging keys between a Windows client and a Unix server. If you need to exchange keys between different flavors of ssh, one option is the ssh-keyinstall utility (http://www.stearns.org/ssh-keyinstall/).

  9. Add the daemon to the system startup scripts

    If you've installed using the source RPM, a quick " chkconfig ”level 2345 sshd on " will activate the SSH daemon; if not, use the SSH startup script in the section covering SSH daemon configuration elsewhere in this guide.


    Where files are modified, the unaltered text appears in a normal font, with the needed changes in bold .

       /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/openssh.spec   [...]  # Do we want to disable building of x11-askpass (1=yes 0=no)  %define no_x11_askpass  1   # Do we want to disable building of gnome-askpass (1=yes 0=no)  %define no_gnome_askpass  1  [...]  # Disable 1Pv6 (avoids DNS hangs on some glibc versions)  %define noip6  1   # Do we want kerberos5 support (1=yes 0=no)  %define kerberos5   [...]       Source1: http://www.pobox.com/jmknoble/software/x11-ssh-askpass/x11-ssh-askpass-%[aversion].tar.gz  Patch0: http://chrootssh.sourceforge.net/patches/osshChroot-3.4.diff  License: BSD       [...]       %prep       %if ! %{no_x11_askpass}       %setup -q -a 1       %else       %setup -q       %endif  %patch -p 1  [...]   /etc/ssh/ssh_config   Host *       # Do not ask for port-forwarding by default       ForwardAgent no       # Do not ask for X11 forwarding by default       ForwardX11 no       # Do not ever use .rhosts files for authentication       RhostsAuthentication no       # Do not use .rhosts file for authentication, even with RSA keypairs       RhostsRSAAuthentication no       # Use keypairs for authentication, where available       RSAAuthentication yes       # Fall back to password authentication when necessary       PasswordAuthentication yes       # By default, ask for passwords interactively       BatchMode no       # Check that the host's IP matches the key it is presenting in the known_hosts file       CheckHostIP yes       # Ask the user if she would like to add keys to the known_hosts file when an unknown key is presented       StrictHostKeyChecking ask       # Use these files for RSA and DSA keypairs by default       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa       Port 22       # Use only protocol 2 by default  Protocol 2  # Try AES (Rijndael) encryption with a 192-bit key first  Cipher aes192-cbc  # If that fails, try these ciphers in this order.  Ciphers aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,3des-cbc  # Use this key to suspend the session to change settings       EscapeChar ~   /etc/ssh/sshd_config   Port 22   # Use only version 2 of the protocol    Protocol 2  ListenAddress       HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key       HostKey /etc/ssh_ssh_host_dsa_key       SyslogFacility AUTH       LogLevel INFO   # Offer the user 90 seconds to finish authenticating or time out the connection    LoginGraceTime 90    # Do not permit root to login directly    PermitRootLogin no  StrictModes yes       RSAAuthentication yes       PubkeyAuthentication yes       AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys       RhostsAuthentication no       IgnoreRhosts yes       RhostsRSAAuthentication no       HostbasedAuthentication no       IgnoreUserKnownHosts no       PasswordAuthentication yes       PermitEmptyPasswords no   # Do not use challenge-response-type authentication (unless you're using S/KEY, in which case you'll want to turn this on)    ChallengeResponseAuthentication no  KerberosAuthentication no       KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes       KerberosTicketCleanup yes       AFSTokenPassing no       KerberosTgtPassing no       PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt yes       X11Forwarding no       X11DisplayOffset 10       X11UseLocalhost yes       PrintLastLog yes       KeepAlive yes       UseLogin no       UsePrivilegeSeparation yes       Compression yes       MaxStartups yes   # Print this banner prior to allowing the user to authenticate.       # Remember to put a system warning in this file!    Banner /etc/issue.net  VerifyReverseMapping no       Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server 

Securing Linux. A Survival Guide for Linux Security
Securing Linux: A Survival Guide for Linux Security (Version 2.0)
ISBN: 0974372773
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 39

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