WaitForEmailActivity, testing execution of, 218–219

WaitForEmailService code sample, 213–214

WaitForIdle property in ExternalDataEventArgs class, description of, 106

wca.exe data-exchange service

command-line switches for, 117

features of, 48

generating communication activities with, 117–119

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)

ABC’s of, 347

benefit of, 348

bindings in, 347

communication contract for, 351

endpoints in, 347

exposing workflows as web services with, 349–354

features of, 59–60, 347–349

preconfigured bindings in, 348

role in .NET Framework 3.0, 13

web resources for, 349

WCF service contracts, defining, 347–348

web references, adding to workflow projects, 337

web service class definitions, creating, 152

web service wizard

exposing workflows as web services with, 340–343

limitations of, 342–343

running from Visual Studio, 340

web services.

See also ASP.NET web services

calling, 336

calling inside workflows, 335–339

creating, 335

exposing workflows as, 340–346, 349–354

making calls to external web services, 134

managing sessions with clients, 342

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) resources for, 349

Web.config file

for manual scheduler, 343

for web service called inside workflow, 341–342

for WorkflowRuntime class, 322


BizTalk Server resource, 56

C# resource, 25

K2.net, 10

Lutz’s Reflector, 63

Skelta Workflow.NET, 10–11

SQL Server Management Studio download, 169

WebServiceFault activity

description of, 335

using, 141

WebServiceInput activity

using, 141–142

and WebServcieOutput activity, 334

WebServiceInputActivity class code sample, 152

WebServiceOutput activity, using, 142

web-services-related activities

InvokeWebService, 334

WebServiceFault, 335

WebServiceInput and WebServcieOutput, 334

wfc.exe compiler

displaying options for, 69–70

features of, 48–49

performing workflow compilation with, 68–70

using with XAML workflow, 63

While activity

using, 142

using activity rules with, 226–227

Windows CardSpace, role in .NET Framework 3.0, 14

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

ABC’s of, 347–349

benefit of, 348

bindings in, 347

communication contract for, 351

endpoints in, 347

exposing workflows as web services with, 349–354

features of, 59–60, 347–349

preconfigured bindings in, 348

role in .NET Framework 3.0, 13

web resources for, 349

Windows Event Log, logging workflow instance terminations to, 187–188

Windows Form shopping cart workflow application, 266270.

See also forms;

workflow forms

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), role in .NET Framework 3.0, 12–13

Windows service, requirement for, 353

Windows Workflow Foundation

audience for, 16–18

versus BizTalk Server, 56–57

deciding on use of, 15–16

integration with SharePoint, 57–59

running asynchronously, 43

Windows Workflow Foundation components

activities, 36–39

base activity library, 38

hosting component, 39–40

rules, 44–46

runtime services, 40–44

Visual Studio, 46–47

workflows, 35–36

Windows Workflow utilities

wca.exe, 48

wfc.exe, 48

wizards. See web service wizard

Word 2007, new features in, 356

work batch services.

See also batch services

DefaultWorkflowCommitWorkBatchService, 167

developing, 190

features of, 166–167

SharedConnectionWorkflowCommitWorkBatch- Service, 167

work batching, relationship to WorkflowEnvironment class, 101

WorkBatch property of WorkflowEnvironment class, using, 167

workflow Actions, defining SharePoint Designer 2007, 378

Workflow Activity Library project template, description of, 75

workflow applications, maintaining integrity in, 41

workflow associations

making in SharePoint 2007, 368–370

Start Options for, 369

workflow communication, parameters for, 102103.

See also local communication services

workflow compilation

performing with wfc.exe, 68–70

performing with WorkflowCompiler class, 70–71

steps for, 71

workflow customizations

debugging in SharePoint, 391–392

deploying and configuring to SharePoint, 390–391

workflow debugging. See debugging workflows

workflow definitions in filesystem, working with, 292

workflow designer hosting.

See also hosts;


description of, 282–283

event handlers for, 285, 289

Windows Forms fields and constructor for, 283–284

workflow designers

activities, 85

cancellation handler view, 82

capabilities of, 82

determining statuses of activities with, 86

displaying outside bounds of Visual Studio, 278

faults view, 83

hosting, 282–283

location of, 82

sequential workflows view, 82

state-machine workflows, 84–85

workflow view, 82

workflow development styles

code-beside model, 64–66

code-only, 65–66

markup only, 61–64

markup-only model, 68

workflow engines, features of, 10–11

workflow execution

process of, 100–101

using tracking profiles with, 175–178

workflow faults. See faults

workflow forms.

See also forms;

Windows Form shopping cart workflow application

association forms, 372

initiation forms, 373

modification forms, 374

task completion forms, 373–374

workflow instance terminations, logging to Windows Event Log, 187–188

workflow instances

aborting, 172

ensuring consistency in, 196

events related to, 96–97

locking, 173

obtaining references to, 99

pausing execution of, 139–140

setting current states of, 261–262

starting and managing, 94

using parameters with, 102–103

workflow loader services

developing, 202

features of, 189

Workflow menu, options on, 75–76

Workflow Monitor, using with SqlTrackingService, 186–187

workflow performance counters

using, 313–315

viewing, 314–315

workflow projects, adding web references to, 337

workflow queues

creating, 212

deleting, 212

role in host-to-workflow communication, 211–212

workflow rules. See rules

workflow runtime.

See also runtime services

adding SQL tracking service to, 50–51

code sample, 344

hosting when using ASP.NET, 320

managing, 92–93

managing in ASP.NET, 321–322

workflow scenarios

application flow, 6

human-to-system interaction, 6

system-to-system interaction, 6

workflow serialization, 66–68

workflow stack, 34

workflow tenets, 3–5, 15–16

workflow toolbar, options on, 77

workflow types

event-driven workflows, 5, 8

ordered workflows, 5

workflow view designer, description of, 82

Workflow1 class, modifying for HelloWorld project, 22

Workflow1.cs, 73

Workflow1.designer.cs file, partial class in, 73

WorkflowChanges class, using with dynamic update, 274

WorkflowCompiler class, performing workflow compilation with, 70–71

WorkflowCompleted event handler

using with HelloWorld project, 25

using with web services, 345

WorkflowDesignerLoader class in designer API, using, 278–280

WorkflowEnvironment class, explanation of, 101

WorkflowEventArgs class, using with workflow instances, 96

WorkflowHelper class for page flow engine, 326–328, 329

WorkflowHostService implementation, 352–353

WorkflowIdled event handler, using with communication service, 123

WorkflowInstance class

calling Start method of, 100

methods of, 99–100

monitoring and manipulating instances with, 99–100

WorkflowInvoked event handler, using with SharePoint workflows, 384

WorkflowMarkupSerializer class, description of, 67

WorkflowMarkupSerializer class, using with activities, 151

WorkflowRuntime class

obtaining reference to, 92

public methods exposed by, 93

tasks associated with, 92

Web.config file for, 322

WorkflowRuntime events, debugging workflows with, 306–308

WorkflowRuntime instance, creating, 97–98


See also SharePoint workflows

adding activities to, 160

adding scheduler services with, 343

calling web services inside of, 335–339

creating with SharePoint Designer, 376

defining in XAML, 62–64

definition of, 2

dynamic update from, 275–276

executing relative to threading, 43–44

exposing as web services, 142, 340–346, 349–354

hosting, 91–92

implementing, 8–11

indicating dirty workflows, 285

invoking, 135

monitoring, 51–52

monitoring and recording execution of, 42–43

monitoring with tracking services, 174

opening for HelloWorld project, 21

passing first names to, 26

placing fault handlers in, 301

retrieving messages from, 25

sequential workflows, 35–36

starting in host applications, 40

statefulness of, 4

state-machine workflows, 36

synchronizing execution of, 140

transparency of, 5

troubleshooting, 391–392

viewing .NET code behind, 21–22

WorkflowSchedulerService code sample, 190

WorkflowTrackingLocation, Events property of, 176

WorkflowType property in ExternalDataEventArgs class, description of, 106

WorkflowView class in designer API, using, 281

WorkflowwebHostingModule HTTP module, description of, 342

workflow.xml file for SharePoint, 381

WorkHandler property in ExternalDataEventArgs class, description of, 107

WorkItem property in ExternalDataEventArgs class, description of, 107

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), role in .NET Framework 3.0, 12–13

WriteFile activity

features of, 152

testing, 159

WriteFileActivity class code sample, 153–154

WriteFileActivityDesigner class implementation, 155–156

WriteFileActivityDesignerTheme class code sample, 157

WriteFileActivityValidator class code sample, 158–159

Professional Windows Workflow Foundation
Professional Windows Workflow Foundation
ISBN: 0470053860
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 118
Authors: Todd Kitta

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