Appendix E: Project Management Life-Cycle Framework

 < Day Day Up > 







Project planning, initiation, & commitment

  1. Receive authorized request from executive sponsor and working clients

  2. Analyze project/service request

  3. Define project scope

  4. Determine approach

  5. Define project team assignments

  6. Model resource requirements

  7. Hold commitment review, obtain signoffs

  8. Obtain resource commitments

  9. Create the project control process

  10. Create project scorecard

  11. Hold kickoff meeting

  1. Commitment document with signoffs by executive sponsor, working clients, and all IT organization partner providers for the project

  2. Project plan

  3. Project budget

  4. Master project schedule entry

  5. Scorecard (monthly updates)

  6. Scope change control forms

  7. Deliverable acceptance forms

  1. Project director and manager meet iteratively with project sponsor and working client(s) to define scope and resources

  2. Project director, project manager, and working clients develop commitment document and draft project plan

  3. Project director or project manager obtain input on commitment document and plan from IT organization partner providers

Analysis, Part 1

Business requirements analysis

  1. Confirm project scope

  2. Establish customer needs

  3. Assess current business processes

  4. Define quality assurance (QA) evaluation process and scope

  5. Identify gaps and opportunities for IT-enabled process changes

  6. Develop launch strategy and preliminary implementation plan

  7. Model process and data requirements

  8. Develop project measures and metrics

  9. Review and sign off on business requirements

  10. Change management process in place

  1. Business requirements document with business benefits/ROI analysis if appropriate

  2. Functional requirements document for IT-enabled business solution

  3. Process model/use cases

  4. Page schematics for Web solutions

  5. Review scope changes

  6. Updated commitment document

  7. Deliverable acceptance form signed by the customer at each project phase

  1. Project team, led by project director, with management and analysis services provided by PMO (if applicable); technical analysis provided by partner providers and external resources as needed

  2. Project team, including working clients, to develop customer service strategy and plan, including help desk training and customer feedback plan

  3. Project team ensures deliverables acceptance by the customer and formally ends the phase

  4. Project team ensures that QA reviews phase outcomes for the subsequent development of test plans and scripts

Analysis, Part 2

Technical and infrastructure requirements analysis

  1. Analyze solution alternatives

  2. Recommend technical solution

  3. Architect and model initial IT solution

  4. Define QA evaluation process and scope

  5. Validate against organization's existing IT architectural standards and best practices

  6. Gather technical requirements and discuss implications with appropriate IT infrastructure management personnel (i.e., network, server, storage, production services impacts)

  7. Review and sign off on technical specification

  8. Review and approve recommended solution with working clients and IT partner providers

  1. Complete technical requirements questionnaire form with stakeholder input (both working clients and partner providers as required)

  2. Technical specification document

  3. Updated commitment document

  4. Deliverable acceptance form signed by the customer at each project phase

  1. Project team to engage internal and external partner providers in process

  2. QA, partner providers, external parties, et al., to provide technical input

  3. In particular, the project team must involve IT infrastructure personnel (e.g., system services and network services) at this stage of the project and thereafter as changes occur in the technical architecture and deployment plans for the project

  4. Project team ensures deliverables acceptance by the customer and formally ends the phase

  5. Project team ensures that QA reviews phase outcomes for the subsequent development of test plans and scripts

Design, Part 1

Solution definition and design

  1. Establish business process and technical frameworks

  2. Specify systems/subsystems involved in the delivery of the IT solution

  3. Specify data requirements

  4. Design databases

  5. Specify/design data conversion process

  6. Complete documentation of business process changes and system specifications

  7. Specify operational requirements, including training for IT and customer support units and end users

  8. Define QA testing and evaluation

  9. Define test strategy

  10. Define development infrastructure

  11. Training and support needs defined

  1. Detailed functional specifications

  2. Preliminary visual designs and screenshots

  3. Development infrastructure specifications

  4. QA/test scripts and infrastructure specifications

  5. Workflow design and organization plan

  6. Adjustments to technical specification document

  7. Deliverable acceptance form signed by the customer at each project phase

  8. Capture any scope changes in commitment document

  9. Draft service level agreement (SLA) matrix and associated IT operational service delivery agreement (OSDA) metrics

  1. Project manager to ensure review and signoff on detailed functional specification

  2. Project manager or business analyst to carry out usability planning with working clients, other customers, and the project team

  3. Release strategy developed by QA working with project manager

  4. Review and approve final specifications and agree on change management process by project team and working clients

  5. PMO personnel to modify technical specifications as required

  6. Project director ensures deliverables acceptance by the customer and formally ends the phase

Design, Part 2

Prototype [1]

  1. Create visual prototype based on business and technical requirements; employ "sandbox" IT environments as appropriate

  2. Conduct focus groups

  3. Adjust solution design as necessary, based on feedback

  4. Place orders for IT hardware and software as appropriate

  1. Nonworking prototype an aid to understanding requirements

  2. Launch plan

  3. Focus groups findings document

  4. Purchase orders

  5. Deliverable acceptance form signed by the customer at each project phase

  6. Capture any scope changes in commitment document and project plan

  1. Working clients review and provide feedback

  2. Working clients review and sign off on prototype and also visual designs/prototypes

  3. Working clients review and approve updated project plan and commitment document

  4. Launch planning with customers and project team, including IT infrastructure personnel

  5. Project director ensures deliverables acceptance by the customer and formally ends the phase


Infrastructure requirements for development, testing, and production

  1. Review project technical specifications with IT infrastructure and QA personnel

  2. Given the technical specifications, identify development environment

  3. Secure development lab resources

  4. As development proceeds, anticipate implications of changes in technical requirements that impact IT test and production environments

  5. Communicate implications to QA regarding test lab

  6. Communicate implications to IT infrastructure personnel regarding production

  7. Take steps during development to ensure that both test and production platforms are properly resourced to receive the project's system at the times stated in the project plan

  8. Architectural review

  9. Business continuity and disaster recovery review

  1. Development lab specifications

  2. Test lab specifications (or at least the beginnings of gap analysis between current capabilities and projected needs once the project proceeds to QA)

  3. Production environment specifications (or at least the beginnings of gap analysis between current capabilities and projected needs once the project proceeds to production)

  4. Purchase orders as appropriate

  5. Synchronization of test lab and production change scheduling in line with the project plan

  6. Delivery plan adjustments as appropriate

  7. Deliverable acceptance form signed by the customer at each project phase

  8. Capture any scope changes in commitment document and on project plan

  9. Defined backup, restore, and disaster recovery standards/thresholds

  1. Review and signoff by the development lab coordinator

  2. Review and signoff by IT infrastructure personnel

  3. Review and signoff by QA

  4. Review and signoff by the IT team that will host the application once it is in production

  5. IT executive approval of all software acquisitions

  6. IT executive approval of all hardware acquisitions

  7. Architectural review and signoff by IT management

  8. IT business officer approval of purchase orders



  1. System(s) installation and modification

  2. Technical development of database, middleware, and front-end components

  3. Data feeds/cleanup

  4. Develop reporting services and reports

  5. Unit testing

  6. Develop test planning and test script

  7. Support staff training and document development

  8. Prepare customer service and marketing plans

  9. Reengineer business processes

  10. Screenshots documented

  11. Support staff and end-user training developed

  12. Communication and marketing strategies developed

  1. Application that conforms to functional specifications

  2. User documentation

  3. Technical documentation

  4. Reporting package (for canned reports) and reporting/query tools for end-user ad hoc reporting

  5. Business workflow procedures document

  6. User training package

  7. Deliverable acceptance form signed by the customer at each project phase

  8. Capture any scope changes in commitment document

  9. Technical design document

  10. Training program descriptions

  1. Project team develops solution in partnership with internal and external partner providers

  2. Data lead ensures all data feeds in place and that the data is clean/normalized for use by application

  3. PMO personnel and working clients provide business process and application documentation

  4. PMO personnel provide business cases for test plan

    • AA. Project team to review and approve reporting package with working clients

    • AB. PMO personnel to coordinate technical support and user training and customer service and marketing plans; ensure partner provider agreement

    • AC. Project director to provide metrics for stress and acceptance testing


QA testing and release management

  1. Perform functional QA tests

  2. Perform technical tests

  3. Perform usability testing

  4. Perform system integration testing

  5. Perform stress testing

  6. Perform acceptance testing

  7. Fix bugs!

  8. Initiate communications and marketing strategies

  9. Collect information about future enhancements as part of the development of a release strategy for the new or revised IT product or service

  1. Testing approaches/scripts

  2. Implemented system in test environment

  3. QA certification

  4. Final implementation plan

  5. Support team training validation

  6. Customer training validation

  7. Refined application per functional QA, technical, usability, system integration, environmental, and acceptance testing activities

  8. Deliverable acceptance form signed by the customer at each project phase

  9. Capture any scope changes in commitment document

  1. QA to review and approve test acceptance criteria

  2. QA to review and approve test approach and plan

  3. QA to perform functional, technical, usability, system, and stress testing, typically within QA lab

  4. Perform customer acceptance testing, typically within customer environments

  5. QA certifies ready for production

  6. Project manager to communicate customer feedback to project team and working clients

  7. Project director to communicate with users regarding pilot/full launch

  8. Executive sponsor and working clients sign off on system

    • AA. Risk review held with IT management for formal "Go/No Go" signoff


Pilot [2]

  1. Extend the implementation of communications and marketing strategies

  2. Implement pilot system or system (as appropriate)

  3. Regression testing completed and all bug fixes either addressed or plans in place for resolution

  4. Transition to servicing team

  5. For Web sites, load Web assets and site content (ongoing process)

  6. Training underway; user support in place

  1. Implemented production-ready system

  2. Launch-ready organizational packages

  3. SLAs, including future enhancements, ongoing maintenance, release planning, and support costs

  4. Augmented future enhancements document

  5. User training and documentation in place

  1. Project team monitors pilot progress

  2. Revise launch plans with working clients and project team

  3. Project team reviews pilot feedback; determines need to incorporate feedback prior to launch

  4. Project team risk review held with management for formal "Go/No Go" signoff

  5. IT customer services to publish training schedules and documentation

  6. PMO personnel to adjust IT OSDAs and customer SLAs.


Go live

  1. Go live signoff by QA

  2. Implement production system

  3. For Web sites, load Web assets and site content (ongoing process)

  4. As part of hand-off to ongoing IT service provider, assist in development of release strategy that defines future enhancements as part of a 1–2 year view of the product/service offering

  5. Meet with your team to bring closure

  1. Documentation completed

  2. Communication/press release

  3. Code archived

  4. All technical, systems, and user documentation archived

  5. All project artifacts in IT knowledge repository

  6. Project signoff by customer

  7. Release strategy

  1. Project team to assist with user training and launch activities

  2. Customer signoff on deliverables

  3. Appropriate IT manager to meet with project team and discuss lessons learned

  4. Project director to monitor ongoing feedback mechanisms — e-mail, calls to service center, metrics, and measures — and, as appropriate, initiate steps to enhance program and services

  5. Project manager to deposit all major project documents in an IT project knowledge management repository


Retire existing and replaced platforms

  1. Recovery planning for legacy systems

  2. Data preservation for historical reporting/audit purposes

  3. Uninstall software as it comes offline

  4. Uninstall hardware as it comes offline

  1. Postimplementation celebration

  2. Update IT organization asset inventories

  3. Adjust OSDAs and SLAs accordingly

  4. Lessons-learned document in IT knowledge repository

  1. Project director ensures that all changes are well communicated in advance to customers and IT personnel

[1]May not apply in all cases.

[2]This step does not apply in all project instances.

 < Day Day Up > 

The Hands-On Project Office(c) Guaranteeing ROI and On-Time Delivery
E-Commerce Security: Advice from Experts (IT Solutions series)
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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