You ve Got Mail: tips for using mail

You've Got Mail: tips for using mail

All right, you're probably thinking "Hey, that's not a song or a movie, that's the AOL greeting when you have mail in your inbox, right?" Well, it actually was a movie based on AOL's email greeting, and it starred Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. It actually was a pretty decent movie, but it was clearly not the Sleepless in Seattle, Part 2 they hoped it would be. The problem was that it wasn't shot in Seattle, and that's what Sleepless in Seattle was really about. It wasn't about Tom and Meg, it was about Microsoft (as all things ultimately are). The whole love story was just a subterfuge for what was really going onwhich was a thinly veiled marketing campaign by Microsoft designed to draw potential Microsoft employees to the Seattle area. See, it's all so simple when you break it down. Anyway, what does all this have to do with Apple's Mail application? Well, I was hoping we wouldn't get to that. Hey, how about that Tom Hanks, though, he's some actor. Did you see him in Apollo 13?

Mac OS X Tiger Killer Tips
The Photoshop Channels Book
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 568
Authors: Scott Kelby © 2008-2017.
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