One of the most common questions we hear when discussing on-demand access computing is: How will it change the licensing requirements of an organization's applications? The answer is simple: It won'tbut it will make it easier to manage, track, and add/delete licenses. Most application manufacturers license their applications on either a concurrent user basis, a per-computer basis, or a per- user basis. By having the applications and any application metering software centralized, managing and reporting of application software is dramatically simplified. Although neither Windows Server 2003 nor Citrix Presentation Server 4 inherently track application usage or access, Citrix Resource Manager (included with the Enterprise Edition of Presentation Server 4) provides a variety of tools and reports regarding user and application usage. Additionally, tools from RES, triCerat, and AppSense provide robust application usage, metering, and reporting.

Citrix Access Suite 4 for Windows Server 2003. The Official Guide
Citrix Access Suite 4 for Windows Server 2003: The Official Guide, Third Edition
ISBN: 0072262893
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 137 © 2008-2017.
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