
When you're done preparing your slide show, it's time to consider how to show it to your audience. Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 gives you several ways to give and share your presentations.

When you're ready to give a slide show, PowerPoint provides many tools for presenting your show to audiences everywhere. When you are presenting the show in person, you can use PowerPoint's slide navigation tools to move around your presentation. You can move forward and backward or move to a specific slide. By using the various navigation keys on the keyboard, you can jump to any part of the presentation.

As you're presenting your slide show, you can highlight key ideas by using the mouse as a pointer or pen/highlighter. By annotating your slide show, you can give extra emphasis on a topic or goal for your audience. You can save your annotations as enhancements to your presentation later. If you are presenting a slide show using a second monitor or projection screen, PowerPoint includes the tools you need to properly navigate the display equipment.

If you are taking your presentation to another site, you might not need the entire PowerPoint package. Rather than installing PowerPoint on the sites' computer, you can pack your presentation into one compressed file, storing it on a CD. Once you reach your destination, you can expand the compressed file onto your client's computer and play it, regardless of whether that computer has PowerPoint installed.

Show Me Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 (Show Me Series)
ISBN: 078973009X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 271 © 2008-2017.
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