Creating the User Interface to Select a Voice

Creating the User Interface to Select a Voice

The file creates the user interface to select a voice. Listing 5-2 shows the contents of the file:

Listing 5-2: The File
start example
 /* Import required swing classes */ import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import java.awt.Container; import javax.swing.event.*; /* Import required awt classes */ import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.util.Enumeration;  import java.util.Hashtable; /* Import required speech classes */ import javax.speech.Central; import javax.speech.Engine; import javax.speech.EngineList; import javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer; import javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc; import javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerProperties; import javax.speech.synthesis.Voice; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; class SelectVoiceType extends JFrame implements ActionListener {    /*Declare object of JRadioButton class.*/    JRadioButton voiceradiobutton;    /*     Declare object of voiceradiobuttongroup class.    */    ButtonGroup voiceradiobuttongroup;    /*Declare object of JLabel class.*/    JLabel pageTitlelabel;    /*Declare objects of String class.*/    JButton okbutton;    JButton cancelbutton;    /*Declare objects of JPanel class.*/    JPanel buttonpanel;    JPanel voicepanel;    /*    Declare and initialize object of String class.    */    public static String retValue = "kevin16";    Hashtable voicehash;    public static String retkey=null;    SpeechCounting speechcount=null;    public SelectVoiceType()    {       /*Sets the window title.*/       super(" Select Voice ");       /*        Declare and initialize object of Container class.       */       Container contentpane=getContentPane();       /*Initialize object of ButtonGroup class.*/       voiceradiobuttongroup=new ButtonGroup();       /*Initialize object of JLabel class.*/       pageTitlelabel=new JLabel("Select the voice");       /*Initialize object of JPanel class.*/       voicepanel=new JPanel();       /*Adds label to contentpane.*/       contentpane.add(pageTitlelabel,BorderLayout.NORTH);       /*Sets label font.*/       pageTitlelabel.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 12));       /*Initialize objects of JButton class.*/       okbutton=new JButton("OK");       cancelbutton=new JButton("Cancel");       /*Sets action command for buttons.*/       okbutton.setActionCommand("ok");       cancelbutton.setActionCommand("cancel");       /*Adds action listener for buttons.*/       okbutton.addActionListener(this);       cancelbutton.addActionListener(this);       /*Sets mnemonic for buttons.*/       okbutton.setMnemonic('o');       cancelbutton.setMnemonic('c');       getVoices("general");       setResizable(false);       addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()       {          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)          {             setVisible(false);          }       });       buttonpanel=new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 4, 5, 5));       buttonpanel.add(okbutton);       buttonpanel.add(cancelbutton);       contentpane.add(buttonpanel,BorderLayout.SOUTH);       contentpane.add(voicepanel,BorderLayout.CENTER);            pack();    }    /*    getVoices: This method is used to get all available voices.    Parameter: modename - object of String class.    Return Value: NA    */    public void getVoices(String modename)    {       /*       Create an object of SynthesizerModeDesc class.       */         SynthesizerModeDesc required = new SynthesizerModeDesc       (          null,          modename,          Locale.US,          null,          null);          /*          Retrieve available synthesizers in an abject of EngineList class.          */          EngineList engineList = Central.availableSynthesizers(required);          voicehash=new Hashtable();          /*          Run a loop from 1 to the size of EngineList object.          */          for (int i = 0; i < engineList.size(); i++)           {             /*              Initialize an object of SynthesizerModeDesc class.             */             SynthesizerModeDesc desc = (SynthesizerModeDesc) engineList.get(i);             /*             Retrieve the voices available in the current synthesizer.             */             Voice[] voices = desc.getVoices();             /*Set layout of the voicePanel.*/             voicepanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(voices.length, 1));             /*             Add all the available voices to the voicePanel.             */             for (int j = 0; j <voices.length; j++)              {                String temp=voices[j].getName().toString();                int x=j+1;                String voiceno="Voice"+x;                voicehash.put(voiceno,temp);                System.out.println(temp);                /*                Initialize an object of JRadioButton class.                */                voiceradiobutton=new JRadioButton(temp);                /*                Set kelvin16 as the default selected voice.                */                if(temp.equals("kevin16"))                voiceradiobutton.setSelected(true);                /*                Add JRadioButton to a buttongroup.                */                voiceradiobuttongroup.add(voiceradiobutton);                /*Add JRadioButton to voicePanel.*/                voicepanel.add(voiceradiobutton);             }          }       }       /*       getOkButton: This method is used to get object of ok button.       Parameter: NA       Return Value: JButton       */       public JButton getOkButton()       {          return okbutton;       }       /*       getVoiceName: This method is used to get select voice name.       Parameter: NA       Return Value: getVoiceName - object of string type.       */       public String getVoiceName()       {          /*          Retrieve all the elements in the button group in an enumeration.          */          Enumeration enum=voiceradiobuttongroup.getElements();          /*          Run until the enumeration has any element          */          while(enum.hasMoreElements())          {             JRadioButton button=(JRadioButton)enum.nextElement();             /*             Retrieve the label of the JRadioButton that is currently selected.             */             if (button.isSelected())             {                retValue=button.getText();                this.setVisible(false);                return retValue;             }          }          return "";       }       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)       {          String actioncommand=ae.getActionCommand();          /*          This code executes when the user clicks the OK button.          */          if(actioncommand=="ok")          {             /*             Retrieve all the elements in the button group in an enumeration.             */             Enumeration enum=voiceradiobuttongroup.getElements();             /*             Run until the enumeration has any element.             */             while(enum.hasMoreElements())             {                JRadioButton button=(JRadioButton)enum.nextElement();                /*Retrieve the label of the JRadioButton that is currently selected.*/                if (button.isSelected())                {                   retkey=button.getText();                   retValue=(String)voicehash.get(retkey);                   this.setVisible(false);                   speechcount.setvoice(retValue);                }             }          }          /*This part of code executes when the user clicks cancel button.*/          if(actioncommand=="cancel")          {             setVisible(false);          }       }    } 
end example

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In the above code, the constructor of the SelectVoiceType class creates the user interface to select a voice.

The methods defined in Listing 5-2 are:

  • getOkButton: Returns an object of the OK button.

  • getVoices(): Retrieves all the voices available in an end user's computer.

  • getVoiceName: Retrieves the name of the selected voice.

Select File-> Select Voice to read out the text in the selected voice. The Select Voice dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 5-5:

this figure shows the select voice dialog box that contains two radio buttons, voice 1 and voice 2 and two command buttons, ok and cancel.
Figure 5-5: Selecting a Voice

Java InstantCode. Developing Applications using Java Speech API
Java InstantCode. Developing Applications using Java Speech API
Year: 2004
Pages: 46 © 2008-2017.
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