| < Day Day Up > |
caching-only DNS servers, 546, 549-551
case sensitivity, in Linux, 497
cat command, 18, 112
CD backups, 35
cd command, 17
cdrecord command, 113
CD-ROM, accompanying this book, 716-717
electronic version of book, 717
exams accessible on, 716
technical support, 717
using under Linux OS, 716
using under Microsoft Windows OS, 716-717
Linux installation and, 57
mounting, 240
Older CD-ROM Support Options, 344
chage command, 231
Character Devices submenu, kernel options, 344
chgrp command, 28, 576, 667
chkconfig command
activating iptables, 638
activating Squid, 450
checking Apache service, 429-431, 446
checking FTP server, 455-456, 458
checking NIS, 604, 610
checking NTP, 586
checking xfs service, 386
disabling Telnet, 631
managing runlevels, 220, 277
managing Samba runlevels, 487
managing services from command line, 269
chmod command, 28
chown command, 28
chroot /mnt/sysimage command, 679-680
chroot_local_user=YES command, 457
CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing), 566, 630
CIFS (Common Internet File System), 484, 485
classes, IP address, 37-38
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), 566, 630
clearpart command, 196
client/server architecture, X Windows System, 370-372
configuring with redhat-config-authentication, 606-608
DHCP, 269, 583-585
DNS, 548-549
LDAP, 605
mail clients. See mail clients
NFS, 569-571, 576-577
NIS, 604-605, 609
Samba, 490-493
X Clients. See X Clients
CNAME (canonical name), DNS resource records, 555
Code Maturity Level options, kernel options, 340
command line
adding users to /etc/passwd file, 222
adding users with useradd command, 224
mail clients, 468
X Clients, 388-390
command mode, vi, 6-7
Common Internet File System (CIFS), 484, 485
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), 398
compressed files, 19
CONFIG_QUOTA, 301-302, 310
configuration errors, boot process and, 686-688
configuration files
Apache Web server, 432-433
CUPS, 517-518
DNS, 547-548
kernel, 335-336
Kickstart, 189
name resolution, 39-40
NFS, 565
NIS, 610
NTP, 586
raidtab, 178
Samba, 486
sendmail, 461-462
shell, 300
system logs, 622-623
/tmp directory, 159
users, 32
X Window, 372
connectivity information, 267-268
connectivity testing, ping, 38-39
Console Driver Options, kernel options, 345
consoles, available during installation, 158-160
control flags, PAM, 615-616
controls command, 550
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), 398
cp command, 19
cps command, 629
Intel architecture and, 45
support for, 51
cracking passwords, 225
executable permissions and, 29
port security and, 44
protecting against, 631
root access and, 221, 663
cron command, 33
cron system, 349-354
anacron, 669-670
creating cron jobs, 34, 352
overview, 349
running cron jobs, 352-353
security and, 354
self test, answers, 364
self test, questions, 360
setting up for users, 351-352
system crontab and components, 349-351
tmpwatch, 670-671
two-minute drill, 357
crond script, 270
crontab command
format, 350
setting up cron jobs, 34
switches, 351-352
variables, 349-350
CrossOver Office, 170
CRT monitors, 132
Cryptographic options, kernel options, 346
CTRL-ALT-F1, 158
CTRL-ALT-F2, 158
CTRL-ALT-F3, 158
CTRL-ALT-F4, 158
CTRL-ALT-F5, 158
CTRL-ALT-F7, 158
CUPS (Common Unix Printing System), 516-530
configuration files, 517-518
configuration tool. See redhat-config-printer
overview, 22, 516-517
Printing Support group, 107
verifying printer sharing, 528-529
Web-based interface, 525-528
cupsd script, 270
custom installation, 94-107
baseline packages, 95
default packages, 96-97
list of package groups, 100-107
overview, 94-95
package groups selection, 98-99
self test, answers, 152
self test, questions, 148
two-minute drill, 144-145
cylinders, hard drive, 75
| < Day Day Up > |