Object Browser displaying in Visual Basic, 57 Hide Search Results button, 104 overview, 90-91 PivotTable overview, 123-24 searching for properties values, 102-3 selecting properties, 101
object classes, 90-91
object libraries, 2-3
object models, viewing online, 122-23
objects changing properties, 9-13 collections overview, 52 listing in Immediate window, 55-56 methods overview, 53-54 online Help, 121-22 overview, 51-54 properties overview, 52-53 referencing, 60 Selection, 9 viewing object model on line, 122-23 workbooks as, 52 worksheets as, 63
Office Data Connection (odc) files, importing, 259- 60
Offset property, 102
OLE Automation. See Automation
OLE DB data provider, 259
OnAction property, 251
On Error GoTo statement, 179
On Error Resume Next statement, 178
one-time breakpoints, 158-59
online Help, 121-22
Open event, 204
opening dBase files in Excel, 41 EIS application, 258 Excel toolbars, 257 files, 3 text files, 27-29 workbooks, 3
Open method, 42
OpenText method, 32
OptionButton object Accelerator property, 229 adding to user forms, 228-30 Caption property, 230 implementing, 246-48 Name property, 230 overview, 228 role in adding option buttons to user forms, 229-30 Value property, 229
Option Explicit statement, 173
Orientation property in MergeVertically macro, 12 PivotField object, 135 PivotFields collection, 128 |