Organization of This Book

This book is divided into two parts:

  • Part I, "Getting Started," takes you on a tour of InDesign CS2, the newest version from Adobe. It was important not to make assumptions about what you do and do not know about InDesign, so we've made sure that all the tools, palettes, and basic conventions of InDesign are covered, as well as how it integrates with other Adobe products.

  • Part II, "Projects," contains a variety of projects you'll likely be asked to complete on the job. The projects start from the common, but fairly simple, assignment of developing business collateral and move through progressively more complex projects like preparing advertisements, product sheets, brochures, interactive presentations, newsletters, catalogs, order forms, and even annual reports. This portion of the book will prepare you for almost any marketing requirement you may be asked to fulfill.

    If you have your own resource files, fonts, logos, and images, feel free to use them as you work through each project. But if you don't have those assets readily available, we've provided them for you on the publisher's website.

  • In Part III, "Appendixes," you'll find Appendix A, "Glossary," which lists and defines the key terms used throughout the book. Appendix B, "Resources," provides additional information on popular plug-ins you might want to get, links where you can find user groups and associations, training information, and a list of web and print publications.

Adobe InDesign CS2 @work. Projects You Can Use on the Job
Adobe InDesign CS2 @work: Projects You Can Use on the Job
ISBN: 067232802X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 148 © 2008-2017.
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