Section 7.2. Executing External Programs

7.2. Executing External Programs

The exec task executes a system command or external program. The attributes for this task appear in Table 7-2.

Table 7-2. The exec task's attributes






Specifies whether you want to append to output and error files.




Deprecated. Use executable and nested arg elements. Specifies the command you want to run.

Exactly one of command or executable.



Specifies the directory where you want to run the command.




Specifies the file where standard error output should be stored.




Specifies the name of a property where you want to store errors.




Specifies the command you want to run (without any command-line arguments).

Exactly one of command or executable.



Specifies the build should be stopped if the executable can't start.




Specifies the build should be stopped if the task encounters errors.




Specifies the file where the task should take input to run the executable with.




Specifies a string holding the input stream for the executable to run.




Specifies you want to send error output to Ant's log.




Specifies old environment variables should not be passed as new environment variables to a forked JVM.




Specifies the operating systems in which the executable can be run.




Specifies the name of a file in which to store the output.




Specifies the name of a property in which you want the output of the task to be placed.




Specifies the name of the executable should be resolved using the project's base directory, then using the execution directory if that doesn't work. Available since Ant 1.6.




Specifies the name of the property that you want to hold the return code. Use this only if failonerror is false and if fork is TRue.




Specifies you want to spawn a new process in which to run the command. To use this attribute, set fork to true.




Specifies you want the task to quit if it doesn't finish in the given time. Set the time in milliseconds.




Specifies you want to run the executable using the JVM's execution facilities.



If you're running a mixed Unix/Windows environment, such as Cygwin, exec task will not understand paths like /bin/release for the executable attribute because the JVM in which Ant is running is a Windows executable, which means it's unaware of the conventions used in Cygwin.

How you execute general code like this varies by operating system, so you can specify the operating system with the os attribute; operating system names are strings like "Linux", "Windows 2000", and so on. When you specify a target operating system, the command or program is only executed when the OS matches one of the operating systems you specify.

If you want to check the OS name for a target platform, use Java to display the value of the system property.

You can nest arg elements in the exec task to pass command-line arguments. And you can set the values of environment variables using nested env elements. The attributes of this element appear in Table 7-3.

You can send input to a program using the input and inputstring attributes.

Table 7-3. The env element's attributes





Specifies an environment variable that you want to replace with the absolute name of the file.

Exactly one of value, path, or file.


Specifies the name of the environment variable you want to work with.



Specifies the value for a path-like environment variable. Use ; or : as path separators.

Exactly one of value, path, or file.


Specifies the value of the environment variable.

Exactly one of value, path, or file.

7.2.1. Handling Return Codes

By default the return code of an exec is ignored. However, if you set failonerror to TRue, then any OS-specific return code that indicates failure means the build will fail. If you start an external program and the program fails to execute, the build halts unless failifexecutionfails is set to false. You can set the resultproperty to the name of a property that will be assigned the return code for testing. Any of these attributes can test if the results of your build functions as they should.

Example 7-2 shows how to execute a C++ compiler, cpp.exe, passing it a command line to execute and watching for errors by setting failonerror to TRue, which means the build will quit if there is an error.

Example 7-2. Running a JVM (ch07/exec/build.xml)
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <project default="main">     <property name="src" location="source" />     <property name="output" location="bin" />     <target name="main" depends="init, compile">         <echo>             Building and running....         </echo>     </target>        <target name="init">         <mkdir dir="${output}" />     </target>        <target name="compile">         <exec dir="." executable="/bin/cpp.exe"         failonerror="true">             <arg line="-c ${src}/*.cpp ${output}"/>         </exec>     </target> </project>

You can use this task to run any general program. Here's an example that will launch the Internet Explorer in Windows, assuming a default installation of that browser, and open the exec task's documentation page:

<?xml version="1.0" ?> <project default="main">     <property name="browser" location=         "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe"/>     <property name="file" location="${ant.home}/docs/manual/coretasks/exec.html"/>     <target name="main">         <exec executable="${browser}" spawn="true">             <arg value="${file}"/>         </exec>     </target> </project>

This example starts emacs on X Window's display 1:

<?xml version="1.0" ?> <project default="main">     <target name="main">         <exec executable="/usr/bin/emacs">             <env key="DISPLAY" value=":1.0"/>         </exec>     </target> </project>

7.2.2. Targeting Operating Systems

The exec task depends on a specific operating system. If you want your build file to work on multiple platforms, use the os attribute to specify which exec task is intended to run on which platform.

In Example 7-3, two platforms are targeted. The build file executes the ls command on Linux, sending the output to ls.txt, and works on Windows via the dir command, sending output to dir.txt.

Example 7-3. Targeting operationg systems (ch07/targeting/build.xml)
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <project default="main">     <target name="main">         <exec dir="." executable="ls" os="Linux" output="ls.txt" />         <exec dir="." executable="cmd.exe" os="Windows 2000" output="dir.txt">             <arg line="/c dir"/>         </exec>     </target> </project>

Here's what you might see in Linux:

-bash-2.05b$ ant Buildfile: build.xml main: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds -bash-2.05b$ cat ls.txt build.xml ls.txt

Here's what you might see in Windows:

C:\ant\ch07\exec>ant Buildfile: build.xml main: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds C:\ant\ch07\exec>type dir.txt  Volume in drive C has no label.  Volume Serial Number is 1512-1722  Directory of C:\ant\ch07\exec 06/25/2004  01:06p      <DIR>          . 06/25/2004  01:06p      <DIR>          .. 06/25/2004  02:02p                 311 build.xml 06/25/2004  02:02p                 104 dir.txt                2 File(s)            455 bytes                2 Dir(s)  29,627,777,024 bytes free

7.2.3. Handling Timeouts

You can limit the amount of time you want to wait for an external program to execute by setting the timeout attribute to a millisecond value. If the timeout is reached and the program hasn't returned, it's killed and the java tasks's return value will be 1. In that case, the build will halt if failonerror is true. Here's an example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?> <project default="main">     <target name="main">         <exec dir="." executable="databaseConnect" timeout="100"                failonerror="true" />     </target> </project>

7.2.4. Executing Shell Commands

How about shell and batch scripts? In Unix, executing shell scripts is no problem. Assign the executable attribute the name of the script. In Windows, it's a different story. To execute a batch (.bat) file, execute the command-line processor, cmd.exe, and pass the name of the batch file using an arg nested element and the /c switch:

<exec dir="." executable="cmd" os="Windows 2000">     <arg line="/c backup.bat"/> </exec>

If you're running a Unix-like shell in Windows, execute the command shell, sh, and use the -c switch, which sends the output to a file:

<exec executable="/bin/sh">     <arg value="-c" />     <arg value=" &gt; results" /> </exec>

7.2.5. Checking for External Programs Before Executing Them

When you start launching external programs, ensure the desired programs are available before launching them. Example 7-4 shows how you can do that with the available task, where the existence of cc is verified before compiling C code. If cc is found, the build file sets a property named cc.ok, which is checked by the compile target before the compilation is attempted.

Example 7-4. Checking for external programs (ch07/checkfirst/build.xml)
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <project default="main">     <property name="src" location="source" />     <target name="main" depends="check, compile">         <echo>             Compiling....         </echo>     </target>     <target name="check">         <condition property="cc.ok">             <or>                 <available file="cc" filepath="/usr" />                 <available file="cc" filepath="/usr/bin" />                 <available file="cc" filepath="/usr/local/bin" />             </or>         </condition>     </target>     <target name="compile" depends="check" if="cc.ok">         <exec dir="." executable="cc">             <arg line="${src}/"/>         </exec>     </target> </project>

    Ant. The Definitive Guide
    Ant: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition
    ISBN: 0596006098
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 115
    Authors: Steve Holzner © 2008-2017.
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