Chapter 10. Working with Layers

[ LiB ]

Chapter 10. Working with Layers

If you're old enough to remember your teacher using overhead transparencies in school, then you'll probably understand the concept of layers quite easily. Think of a layer as a thin, transparent piece of paper on which you can draw. You can draw on multiple layers, but the end result is that everything appears to be on one single layer. Because your images can become very complex, layers allow you to manage your document by separating elements onto different layers. In this chapter you'll learn how to:

Create layers

Edit and remove layers

Change how layers react to each other

[ LiB ]

Corel Painter 8 Fast & Easy
Corel Painter 8 Fast & Easy (Fast & Easy (Premier Press))
ISBN: 1592001491
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 142
Authors: Eric Grebler © 2008-2017.
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