

maintenance. See also Database Maintenance Plan
Analysis Services documentation and, 537
costs, 650
files and filegroups, 126
intrusive , 294, 652 “53
log shipping and, 278
medium impact, 651
plans in run book, 535
routine, 649 “50
Windows Server 2003 enhancements, 156
majority node set (MNS) cluster, 157 “59, 198 “99
Manage Your Server, 148
MAPI, 225
MapSids utility, 682 “83
masking, 106 “7, 145
Masks disk failure, 78 “79
Masks SQL process failure, 78 “79
master database
failover clusters and, 65
file protection and, 125
upgrades and, 603 “4
master databases
backing up, 370
log shipping multiple databases, 280
rebuilding, 561, 566 “70
restoring, 571 “73
stored procedures, 299 “300
/MAXMEM swith, 673 “74
MCS (Microsoft Cluster Service), 52
MDAC 2.6, 595
mean time between failures (MTBF), 11, 110
mean time to recovery (MTTR), 11
media banding, 110
media copy phase, 482
Media Sense, 170
media sets, 452, 485
memory, 657 “81
32-bit, 141 “42, 677
/3GB boot.ini switch, 664
64-bit, 141 “42, 674
accessing, 663
AWE (Address Windowing Extensions), 668 “70
clusters and, 678 “81
configuration for failover clusters, 223 “24
memory split in Windows, 658 “60
multiple instances and, 678 “81
overview of, 657 “58
PAE (Physical Address Extensions), 665 “67
paging files and, 660 “61, 670 “74
physical, 658
recommendations, 674 “81
requirements, 519
tuning options, 664
upgrades and, 596 “98
/USERVA boot.ini switch, 665
virtual, 661 “62
Windows servers and, 140 “41
Merge Agent, 353, 355
merge replication
disaster recovery scenarios, 371 “72
distribution databases, 366
log shipping and, 374 “75
overview of, 69
primary keys and, 348
publication databases, 366
subscription database, 367
table rows and columns , 349
when to use, 346
Message Queueing (MSMQ), 549
Metadata support, 78 “79
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer, 146, 644 “45
Microsoft Cluster Service (MCS), 52 case study, 527 “31
background, 527 “28
barriers to availability, 530 “31
failover clusters, 528
high availability and, 527 “31
planning and development, 528 “29
production environment, 529
Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN), 45
Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator. See
MS DTC (Microsoft Distributed Transaction
Microsoft Exchange Server, 225 “26
Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF), 35 “36
Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), 681, 703, 705 “6
Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS)
failover clusters and, 225 “26
list of failover problems, 260 “61
MPS (Microsoft Product Support) Reporting Tool, 263
production change plan and, 42
Microsoft Search Service, 265, 605
Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF), 35 “36
Microsoft Support Life Cycle, 29
Microsoft Visio, 539
Microsoft Visual Source Safe, 537
Microsoft Web site information
antivirus programs, 166
change management, 35
disk arbitration process, 105
firewalls, 165
geographically dispersed clusters, 60
HCL (Hardware Compatibility List), 160
index tuning, 722
Microsoft Support Life Cycle, 29
MOM (Microsoft Operations Manager), 706
monitoring, 702
Network Attached Storage, 101
Network Load Balancing, 199, 201
ports, 165
RPCs (remote procedure calls), 165
server clusters, 53, 164, 181
testing implementations , 45
troubleshooting Sysperfinfo, 718
Windows Catalog, 160 “61
Windows Server 2003, 64 bit, 142
Windows server security, 146
WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), 705
Microsoft Windows Authentication, 641, 646 “47
migration. See also upgrades
applications and data, 606 “7
objects, 602
between SQL Servers, 274
users, 606 “7
mirrored stripes , 116 “17
mirroring (RAID 1)
overview of, 115
sample drive configurations, 133 “37
MNS (majority node set) cluster, 157 “59, 198 “99
model database, 574 “75, 603 “4
MOF (Microsoft Operations Framework), 35 “36
MOM (Microsoft Operations Manager), 681, 703, 705 “6
monitoring, 691 “726. See also Log Shipping Monitor
automating data collection, 712 “14
availability and, 699 “701
capacity planning and, 724
critical services, 723 “24
database log space, 722
deadlocks, 721
Event Viewer and, 704
extended blocks, 721
ground rules, 696 “99
hardware layer, 702 “3
index fragmentation, 722 “23
log files, 704
log shipping, 321 “23 case study, 528
Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), 705 “6
overview of, 692 “95
Profiler/Trace Core, 718 “21
read/write statistics per file, 723
sqldiag.exe, 704
SQL Server alerts, 706 “7
SQL Server Notification Services, 708
SQL Server Profiler, 704
Sysperfinfo and, 714 “18
System Monitor, 704, 709 “14
system uptime, 708
transaction log space, 722
WMI, 704 “5
failover clusters, 218
overview of, 121
volumes , 178 “79
MPIO (multipath I/O) stack, 106, 162
MPS (Microsoft Product Support) Reporting Tool, 263
msdb database
backing up, 500
file protection and, 125
log shipping more than one database, 280
log shipping tables, 300 “301
replication and, 369 “70
restoring, 573 “74
sample drive configurations, 133 “37
size of, 88, 603
SQL Server 2000 upgrade and, 603 “4
stored procedures in, 299 “300
MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network), 45
MS DTC (Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator)
configuring, 183
creating on Windows 2000 Server, 184 “87
creating on Windows 2003 Server, 187 “89
server cluster design and, 520
MSF (Microsoft Solutions Framework), 35 “36
MSMQ (Message Queueing), 549
MTBF (mean time between failures), 11, 110
MTTR (mean time for recovery), 11
multifile backups , 450 “52
multipath I/O (MPIO) stack, 106, 162
multiple-instance clusters, 63

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 High Availability
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 High Availability
ISBN: 0735619204
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 137 © 2008-2017.
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