
Richard Hightower

Joseph D. Gradecki

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This book is dedicated to Christ, my wife and our sons.


I'd like to thank Scott Ferguson, Resin Architect, and Sam Heisz, Resin Software Engineer, for their excellent and thorough technical review of this book.

I'd like to thank Tim Ryan, Tiffany Taylor, and Liz Welch for their guidance and editing; also, thanks to everyone at Caucho for creating excellent products.


Richard Hightower is CTO of Trivera Technologies, a leading Java education company that offers online and classroom training, as well as consulting on enterprise Java application development. Rick is a software engineer by training who specializes in software development tools and processes, and developing enterprise applications using J2EE, XML, UML, JDBC, SQL, and open source technologies. Formerly he was the Senior Software Engineer for Java Architecture at Intel's Enterprise Architecture Lab. Rick is the co-author of the popular Java Tools for Extreme Programming. Rick has extensive experience in both developing with Resin and teaching classes about it.

Joseph D. Gradecki is a software engineer at Comprehensive Software Solutions, where he works on their SABIL product, a enterprise-level securities processing system. He has built numerous dynamic, enterprise applications using Java, AspectJ, servlets, JSPs, Resin, MySQL, BroadVision, XML, and more. He is the author of Mastering JXTA and the coauthor of MySQL and Java Developer's Guide (with Mark Matthews and Jim Cole). Mr. Gradecki holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Science and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science.

Mastering Resin
Mastering Resin
ISBN: 0471431036
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 180 © 2008-2017.
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