I often meet resistance to the topic of managing emotions at work. I'm not surprised anymore when someone verbally attacks me, or my ideas. There are people who just do not want to deal with the soft-sided emotional contents of business, are themselves dysfunctional , afraid, threatened by their own humanity, or just plain mean/ I understand. But when I run into someone who seems to be on a mission to make me look bad I find it interesting. I use my tools and move into a non-spinning zone of neutrality to avoid taking it personally or getting worked up into someone else's emotional frenzy. Then I teach the drama triangle. Difficult people are now surrounded with individuals who know that it is relatively easy not to participate in collective chaos. This is a good moment for me when I see an entire group of people relieved to stop spinning. It's a great moment for them also because from this point forward they have a portable tool to avoid the chaotic agenda of someone else. They are now equipped to identify anyone who wants to contribute to the team and anyone who would rather stir up emotional sabotage .

Emotional Terrors in the Workplace. Protecting Your Business' Bottom Line. Emotional Continuity Management in the Workplace
Emotional Terrors in the Workplace: Protecting Your Business Bottom Line - Emotional Continuity Management in the Workplace
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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