

ICollidable interface
properties and methods defined, 9
IComparable interface
CompareTo method, 218
used in Gamelights class, 218
ICullable interface, 8
identity matrix, 99
IDisposable interface
Dispose method, 31
Model class, inheriting from, 171
ParticleGenerator, class inheriting from, 154
Thinker class, inheriting from, 265
IDynamic interface
Model class, inheriting from, 171
ParticleGenerator class, inheriting from, 154
supporting movement of objects, 85
Update method, 9, 85, 171, 188
If/Else statements
using to create appearance of intelligence, 234
Ignition property, CarDynamics class, 333
IgnitionState enumeration, 329, 332
Image class
constructor, 38
inheriting IDisposable, 38
Load method, 38
members , 38
ImageButton class, 42
constructor, 44
ClickTest method, 47, 51
Dispose method, 44
GetDestRect method, 46
GetSrcRect method, 46
GetTexture method, 46
Hit Test methods, 47
HoverTest method, 51
Render method, 44
Position property, 46
Size property, 46
states, 43
as surface or texture, 38
creating height maps, 389
creating textures, 389
editing, 388
index buffers, locking, 169
IndexOfKey method, Thinker class, 263
inelastic collisions, 362
inference engines
classes used to implement, 237
knowledge-and logic-based approach, 235
maintaining a state, 240
XML file format for data, 237
Initialize method, GameEngine class, 71
InitializeLights method, GameLights class, 224
InLineOfSight method
ITerrainInfo interface, 9
Terrain class, 135
input interface, unifying, 34
InputObject class
creating keyboard and mouse devices, 33
InRect method
BillBoard class, 151
determines if object is in rectangle, 182
Model class, 182
Object3D class, 182
ParticleGenerator class, 165
TerrainQuad class, 128
IntegratePosition method, CarDynamics class, 340, 352
multiple inheritance and C#, 7
IRenderable interface example, 8
Intersect method, Mesh class, 169
inverse_mass attribute, CarDynamics class, 340
InvSourceAlpha state, RenderState class, 149
IRenderable interface
multiple inheritance and C# example, 8
Render method, 8
IsAlive property, Thread class, 265
IsBackground property, Thread class, 262
IsCulled property, ICullable interface, 8
IsTireLoose method, CarDynamics class, 356
IsTireSquealing method, CarDynamics class, 356
IsTrue property, Fact class, 238
IsVisible property, Console class, 66
ITerrainlnfo interface, 9, 10, 129

Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
ISBN: 1590590813
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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