Chapter 11. Graphics and Multimedia

    Section 11.1.  Hacks 99-107

    Hack 99.  Image Conversion in a Pinch

    Hack 100.  Problem-Free CD Burning

    Hack 101.  Save Streaming Music to Your PC

    Hack 102.  Import Lyrics into iTunes and iPod

    Hack 103.  Convert from Apple iTunes Format

    Hack 104.  Use Ogg Vorbis for Digital Music

    Hack 105.  Hack Windows Media Player with TweakMP

    Hack 106.  Fix Windows Media Player's Privacy Problems

    Hack 107.  Make Videos with Windows Movie Maker

Windows XP Hacks
Windows XP Hacks, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596009186
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 191 © 2008-2017.
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