

calibration data set
DISCRIM procedure, 1139, 1167
CALIS procedure
approximate covariance, 621
approximate standard errors, 576, 587, 648, 686
asymptotic covariance, 575, 645
asymptotic variances, 647
asymptotically distribution free estimation, 574, 646
chi-square indices, 653
chi-square, adjusted, 655
chi-square, displaying, 684, 685
chi-square, reweighted, 655
coefficient of determination, 585
compared to MIXED procedure, 2665
computation method, Hessian matrix, 589
computation method, Lagrange multipliers, 589
computation method, standard errors, 589
computational problems, 678, 680, 681
computational problems, identification, 669, 680, 724, 726, 732, 741
constrained estimation, 565
constraints, 565, 609, 610, 675, 676
constraints, program statements, 565, 628, 630, 675
COSAN model, 552, 591
degrees of freedom, 573, 576, 590, 676
determination index, 657
displayed output options, 583, 621
disturbances, prefix, 601
EQS program, 555
estimation criteria, 646
estimation methods , 549, 574, 644-647
exogenous variables , 662
factor analysis model, 554, 606, 608
factor analysis model, COSAN statement, 593
factor analysis model, LINEQS statement, 602
factor analysis model, RAM statement, 598
factor loadings, 641
FACTOR procedure, 567, 572, 606, 679
factor rotation, 607
factor scores, 641, 643, 687
fit function, 644
goodness of fit, 644, 649, 652, 684
gradient, 634, 664, 665
Hessian matrix, 621, 622, 634, 647, 665
initial values, 550, 590, 595, 597, 602, 661
input data set, 630
kappa, 659
kurtosis , 549, 584, 588, 658, 660
latent variables, 549, 601, 625
likelihood ratio test, 653, 674
LINEQS model, 553, 601
LISREL model, 554
manifest variables, 549
matrix inversion, 647
matrix names , default, 608
matrix properties, COSAN model, 592
MODEL procedure, 679
modification indices, 576, 584, 649, 673, 674, 687
optimization, 550, 577-581, 622, 664-666, 671, 672
optimization history, 668
optimization, initial values, 661, 666
optimization, memory problems, 666
optimization, termination criteria, 611, 615-620
output data sets, 634
output table names, 688
predicted model matrix, 643, 644, 663, 680, 683
prefix name , 594, 598, 602, 603
PRINCOMP procedure, 567
program statements, 628, 630
program statements, differentiation, 589
RAM model, 553, 596
reciprocal causation, 585
REG procedure, 679
residuals, 650
residuals, prefix, 601
SCORE procedure, 571, 586, 643
significance level, 588
simplicity functions, 607
singularity criterion, 590
singularity criterion, covariance matrix, 588, 590, 591
skewness , 658
squared multiple correlation, 657, 686
step length, 581
structural equation, 552, 585, 625, 658
SYSLIN procedure, 679
SYSNLIN procedure, 679
t value, 649, 686
test indices, constraints, 584
variable selection, 662
Wald test, probability limit, 590
CANALS method
TRANSREG procedure, 4576
Canberra metric coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1272
CANCORR procedure
analyzing data in groups, 763
canonical coefficients, 751
canonical redundancy analysis, 751, 761
computational resources, 768
correction for means, 760
correlation, 760
eigenvalues, 765
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 754, 769
examples, 753, 773
formulas, 765
input data set, 760
missing values, 765
OUT= data sets, 761, 766
output data sets, 761, 766
output table names, 771
OUTSTAT= data sets, 766
partial correlation, 761, 762, 764
principal components , relation to, 765
regression coefficients, 759
semipartial correlation, 762
singularity checking, 762
squared multiple correlation, 762
squared partial correlation, 762
squared semipartial correlation, 762
statistical methods used, 752
statistics computed, 751
suppressing output, 761
weighted product-moment correlation coefficients, 764
CANDISC procedure
computational details, 794
computational resources, 799
input data set, 795
introductory example, 785
Mahalanobis distance, 804
memory requirements, 799
missing values, 794
multivariate analysis of variance, 786
ODS table names, 802
output data sets, 791, 796, 797
%PLOTIT macro, 785, 808
time requirements, 799
canonical analysis
ANOVA procedure, 438
GLM procedure, 1760
repeated measurements, 448
response surfaces, 4046
canonical coefficients, 783
canonical component, 783
canonical correlation
CANCORR procedure, 751
definition, 752
hypothesis tests, 751
TRANSREG procedure, 4584, 4593
canonical discriminant analysis, 783, 1139
canonical factor solution, 1297
canonical redundancy analysis
CANCORR procedure, 751, 761
canonical variables, 783
ANOVA procedure, 438
TRANSREG procedure, 4584
canonical weights, 752, 783
cascaded density estimates
MODECLUS procedure, 2873
case weight
PHREG procedure, 3239
case-control studies
odds ratio, 1488, 1503, 1504
PHREG procedure, 3217, 3228, 3280
casewise deletion
PRINQUAL procedure, 3655
categorical data analysis,
See CATMOD procedure
categorical variable, 72
categorical variables,
See classification variables
parameterization, 845
CATMOD procedure
analysis of variance, 815
at sign (@) operator, 866
AVERAGED models, 881
bar () operator, 865
cautions , 869, 870, 887
cell count data, 861
classification variables, 864
compared to other procedures, 815, 869, 870, 1792
computational method, 891-894
continuous variables, 864
continuous variables, caution, 869, 870
contrast examples, 919
contrasts, comparing with GLM, 833
convergence criterion, 842
design matrix, 847, 848
design matrix, REPEATED statement, 882
effect specification, 864
effective sample sizes, 887
estimation methods, 817
_F_ specification, 840, 862
hypothesis tests, 888
input data sets, 813, 860
interactive use, 818, 828
introductory example, 818
iterative proportional fitting, 843
linear models, 814
log-linear models, 814, 870, 916, 919, 1616
logistic analysis, 815, 868, 933
logistic regression, 814, 869, 911
maximum likelihood estimation, 817
maximum likelihood estimation formulas, 895
memory requirements, 897
missing values, 860
MODEL statement, examples, 840
ordering of parameters, 880
ordering of populations, 863
ordering of responses, 863
ordinal model, 869
output data sets, 854, 866, 867
parameterization, comparing with GLM, 833
positional requirements for statements, 828
quasi-independence model, 919
regression, 815
repeated measures, 815, 850, 873, 925, 930, 933, 937
repeated measures, MODEL statements, 875
REPEATED statement, examples, 873
response functions, 836, 840, 852, 854-856, 859, 862, 901, 906, 944
_RESPONSE_ keyword, 836, 839, 840, 842, 850, 864, 870, 873, 881, 882, 884, 888, 898
_RESPONSE_= option, 837, 851
restrictions on parameters, 859
sample survey analysis, 816
sampling zeros and log-linear analyses, 871
sensitivity, 941
singular covariance matrix, 887
specificity, 941
time requirements, 897
types of analysis, 814, 864
underlying model, 816
weighted least squares, 817, 846
zeros, structural and sampling, 888, 919, 924
See cumulative distribution function
cdf plots
annotating, 3718
axes, color , 3718
font, specifying, 3719
options summarized by function, 3716, 3734
reference lines, options, 3719-3722
threshold lines, options, 3721
PROBIT procedure, 3715
ceiling sample size
GLMPOWER procedure, 1947
POWER procedure, 3419, 3496
cell count data, 1464
CATMOD procedure, 861
example (FREQ), 1527
cell of a contingency table, 72
cell-means coding
TRANSREG procedure, 4569, 4594, 4662
data (LIFEREG), 2083
LIFETEST procedure, 2186
observations (PHREG), 3283
survival times (PHREG), 3215, 3281, 3283
values (PHREG), 3218, 3272
censoring, 2083
LIFEREG procedure, 2094
variable (PHREG), 3218, 3228, 3235, 3283
center-point coding
TRANSREG procedure, 4568, 4668, 4670
TRANSREG procedure, 4571
centroid component, 4800
definition, 4799
centroid method
CLUSTER procedure, 966, 976
chaining, reducing when clustering, 972
character OPSCORE variables
PRINQUAL procedure, 3673
TRANSREG procedure, 4604
characteristic roots and vectors
ANOVA procedure, 437
GLM procedure, 1759
Chebychev distance coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1272
adjusted (CALIS), 655
displaying (CALIS), 684, 685
indices (CALIS), 653
reweighted (CALIS), 655
chi-square test
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4216
chi-square tests
examples (FREQ), 1530, 1535, 1538
FREQ procedure, 1469, 1470
power and sample size (POWER), 3429, 3432, 3457, 3462, 3505, 3506, 3524, 3541
chi-squared coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1273
choice experiments
TRANSREG procedure, 4660
Chromy's method
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4448, 4452
Cicchetti-Allison weights, 1497
Cityblock distance coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1272
class level
MIXED procedure, 2678
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4346
classification criterion
DISCRIM procedure, 1139
error rate estimation (DISCRIM), 1163
classification level
SURVEYREG procedure, 4391
classification table
LOGISTIC procedure, 2314, 2352, 2353, 2422
classification variable
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4329, 4337, 4341
classification variables, 72
ANOVA procedure, 423, 451
CATMOD procedure, 864
GENMOD procedure, 1660
GLM procedure, 1784
GLMPOWER procedure, 1937, 1938
MIXED procedure, 2681
sort order of levels (GENMOD), 1625
SURVEYREG procedure, 4375
TRANSREG procedure, 4560, 4569
VARCOMP procedure, 4836
closing all destinations
examples, ODS Graphics, 360
centers, 1380, 1392
definition (MODECLUS), 2878
deletion, 1390
elliptical , 387
final, 1380
initial, 1380, 1381
mean, 1392
median, 1389, 1392
midrange , 1392
minimum distance separating, 1381
plotting (MODECLUS), 2878
seeds , 1380
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4195
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4255
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4329
SURVEYREG procedure, 4376
cluster analysis
disjoint , 1379
large data sets, 1379
robust, 1379, 1392
tree diagrams, 4743
cluster analysis (STDIZE)
standardizing, 4143
CLUSTER procedure,
See also TREE procedure
algorithms, 986
association measure, 957
average linkage, 957
categorical data, 957
centroid method, 957
clustering methods, 957, 975
complete linkage, 957
computational resources, 986
density linkage, 957, 966
Euclidean distances, 957
F statistics, 972, 984
FASTCLUS procedure, compared, 957
flexible-beta method, 957, 967, 968, 981
hierarchical clusters, 957
input data sets, 969
interval scale, 988
k th- nearest -neighbor method, 957
maximum likelihood, 957, 967
McQuitty's similarity analysis , 957
median method, 957
memory requirements, 986
missing values, 987
non-Euclidean distances, 957
output data sets, 971, 990
output table names, 994
pseudo F and t statistics, 972
ratio scale, 988
single linkage, 957
size, shape, and correlation, 988
test statistics, 968, 972, 973
ties, 987
time requirements, 986
TREE procedure, compared, 957
two-stage density linkage, 957
types of data sets, 957
using macros for many analyses, 1013
Ward's minimum-variance method, 957
Wong's hybrid method, 957
cluster sampling, 164
clustering, 957,
See also CLUSTER procedure
approximate covariance estimation, 387
average linkage, 966, 976
centroid method, 966, 976
complete linkage method, 966, 977
density linkage methods, 966, 967, 969, 970, 972, 977, 980, 982
disjoint clusters of variables, 4799
Gower's method, 967, 981
hierarchical clusters of variables, 4799
maximum-likelihood method, 971, 980, 981
McQuitty's similarity analysis, 967, 981
median method, 967, 981
methods affected by frequencies, 974
outliers in, 958, 972
penalty coefficient, 971
single linkage, 967, 982
smoothing parameters, 979
standardizing variables, 972
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4203
transforming variables, 958
two-stage density linkage, 967
variables, 4799
Ward's method, 967, 983
weighted average linkage, 967, 981
clustering and computing distance matrix
Correlation coefficients, example, 1283
Jaccard coefficients, example, 1278
clustering and scaling
DISTANCE procedure, example, 1253
MODECLUS procedure, 2856, 2857, 2874
STDIZE procedure, example, 4143
clustering criterion
FASTCLUS procedure, 1379, 1391, 1392
clustering methods
ACECLUS procedure, 405
FASTCLUS procedure, 1380, 1381
MODECLUS procedure, 2856, 2874
See cumulative mean function
PHREG procedure, 3224
Cochran and Cox t approximation , 4775, 4780, 4785
Cochran's Q test, 1493, 1499, 1548
Cochran-Armitage test for trend, 1490, 1543
continuity correction (MULTTEST), 2949
MULTTEST procedure, 2946, 2948, 2964
permutation distribution (MULTTEST), 2949
two-tailed test (MULTTEST), 2951
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistics (FREQ), 1447, 1500,
See also chi-square tests
ANOVA (row mean scores) statistic, 1502
correlation statistic, 1501
examples, 1540
general association statistic, 1502
alpha (FACTOR), 1337
of contrast (SURVEYREG), 4392
of determination (CALIS), 585
of estimate (SURVEYREG), 4393
of relationship (INBREED), 1977
of variation (SURVEYMEANS), 4340
redundancy (TRANSREG), 4590
coefficient of variation
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4214
cohort studies, 1540
relative risk, 1489, 1507
REG procedure, 3895
column proportions
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4212
generating with PLAN procedure, 3358
combining inferences
MI procedure, 2561
MIANALYZE procedure, 2624
common factor
defined for factor analysis, 1292
common factor analysis
common factor rotation, 1294
compared with principal component analysis, 1293
Harris component analysis, 1293
image component analysis, 1293
interpreting, 1293
salience of loadings, 1294
groups (GLM), 1804
means (TTEST), 4775, 4789
variances (TTEST), 4775, 4784, 4789
comparisonwise error rate (GLM), 1809
complementary log-log model
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4284
complete block design
example (ANOVA), 428
example (GLM), 1847
complete linkage
CLUSTER procedure, 966, 977
complete separation
LOGISTIC procedure, 2339
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4277
completely randomized design
examples, 461
PLS procedure, 3367
compound symmetry structure
example (MIXED), 2733, 2789, 2794
MIXED procedure, 2721
computational details
Hessian matrix (CALIS), 589
KDE procedure, 2002
Lagrange multipliers (CALIS), 589
LIFEREG procedure, 2108
maximum likelihood method (VARCOMP), 4839
MIVQUE0 method (VARCOMP), 4839
MIXED procedure, 2772
restricted maximum likelihood method (VARCOMP), 4840
SIM2D procedure, 4109
standard errors (CALIS), 589
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4282
SURVEYREG procedure, 4384
Type I method (VARCOMP), 4838
VARCOMP procedure, 4838, 4842
computational problems
CALIS procedure, 678
convergence (CALIS), 678
convergence (FASTCLUS), 1390
convergence (MIXED), 2774
identification (CALIS), 669, 680, 724, 726, 732, 741
negative eigenvalues (CALIS), 681
negative R-square (CALIS), 681
NLMIXED procedure, 3098
overflow (CALIS), 678
singular predicted model (CALIS), 680
time (CALIS), 681
computational resources
ACECLUS procedure, 410
CANCORR procedure, 768
CLUSTER procedure, 986
FACTOR procedure, 1335
FASTCLUS procedure, 1402
LIFEREG procedure, 2123
MODECLUS procedure, 2882
MULTTEST procedure, 2960
NLMIXED procedure, 3103
PRINCOMP procedure, 3611
ROBUSTREG procedure, 4012
VARCLUS procedure, 4818
concordant observations, 1474
conditional and unconditional simulation
SIM2D procedure, 4091
conditional data
MDS procedure, 2477
conditional distributions of multivariate normal random variables
SIM2D procedure, 4108
conditional logistic regression
LOGISTIC procedure, 2365
PHREG procedure, 3217, 3283
Conditional residuals
MIXED procedure, 2764
confidence bands
LIFETEST procedure, 2169, 2176, 2205
Confidence intervals
LIFEREG procedure, 2115
confidence intervals
confidence coefficient (GENMOD), 1637
fitted values of the mean (GENMOD), 1641, 1669
individual observation (RSREG), 4042, 4043
means (ANOVA), 442
means (RSREG), 4042, 4043
means, power and sample size (POWER), 3432, 3438, 3448, 3456, 3463, 3473, 3512, 3522, 3532, 3563
model confidence interval (NLIN), 3029
pairwise differences (ANOVA), 442
parameter confidence interval (NLIN), 3028
profile likelihood (GENMOD), 1640, 1666
profile likelihood (LOGISTIC), 2314, 2315, 2345
TTEST procedure, 4780
Wald (GENMOD), 1643, 1667
Wald (LOGISTIC), 2319, 2346
confidence intervals, FACTOR procedure, 1327
confidence level
baseline survivor function (PHREG), 3225
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4323
SURVEYREG procedure, 4373
confidence limits
asymptotic (FREQ), 1475
baseline survivor function (PHREG), 3225, 3263
exact (FREQ), 1443
LIFETEST procedure, 2174, 2183, 2184, 2205
LOGISTIC procedure, 2350
MIXED procedure, 2674
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4213
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4340, 4342
SURVEYREG procedure, 4380
TRANSREG procedure, 4575, 4584, 4585, 4587, 4588
confidence limits, FACTOR procedure, 1327
MDS procedure, 2471
conjoint analysis
TRANSREG procedure, 4581, 4593, 4690, 4694
descent (NLMIXED), 3074
gradient (NLMIXED), 3072
gradient algorithm (CALIS), 577, 579-581, 665
connectedness method,
See single linkage
constant transformations
avoiding (PRINQUAL), 3673
avoiding (TRANSREG), 4603
constant variables
PRINQUAL procedure, 3673
TRANSREG procedure, 4578, 4604
constrained estimation
CALIS procedure, 565
boundary (CALIS), 565, 609, 675
boundary (MIXED), 2707, 2708
linear (CALIS), 565, 609, 676
modification indices (CALIS), 584
nonlinear (CALIS), 565, 610
ordered (CALIS), 675
program statements(CALIS), 565, 628, 630, 675
test indices (CALIS), 584
containment method
MIXED procedure, 2693
contingency coefficient, 1469, 1474
contingency tables, 72, 1431, 1450, 4196
CATMOD procedure, 816
continuity-adjusted chi-square, 1469, 1471
continuous variables, 451, 1784
GENMOD procedure, 1660
continuous-by-class effects
MIXED procedure, 2746
model parameterization (GLM), 1790
specifying (GLM), 1785
continuous-nesting-class effects
MIXED procedure, 2745
model parameterization (GLM), 1789
specifying (GLM), 1785
%CONTOUR macro
DISCRIM procedure, 1201
contour plots
plots, ODS Graphics, 324, 360
contrasts, 3076
comparing CATMOD and GLM, 833
GENMOD procedure, 1633
GLM procedure, 1749
MIXED procedure, 2681, 2685
power and sample size (GLMPOWER), 1934, 1937, 1950, 1951, 1956
power and sample size (POWER), 3438, 3439, 3442, 3513, 3536
repeated measurements (ANOVA), 447, 448
repeated measures (GLM), 1779
specifying (CATMOD), 831
SURVEYREG procedure, 4376, 4389
comparing treatments to (GLM), 1807, 1812
control charts , 23
control sorting
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4443, 4445
converge in EM algorithm
MI procedure, 2522
convergence criterion
ACECLUS procedure, 404
CATMOD procedure, 842
GENMOD procedure, 1637, 1647
MDS procedure, 2478, 2480, 2481
MIXED procedure, 2674, 2675, 2749, 2775
profile likelihood (LOGISTIC), 2314
convergence in EM algorithm
MI procedure, 2527
convergence in MCMC
MI procedure, 2555, 2566
convergence problems
MIXED procedure, 2774
NLMIXED procedure, 3099
distribution (MULTTEST), 2950
KDE procedure, 2005
Cook's D influence statistic, 1774, 4042
Cook's D
MIXED procedure, 2768
Cook's D for covariance parameters
MIXED procedure, 2768
Cook's D plots
plots, ODS Graphics, 353
CORR procedure, 21
correction for means
CANCORR procedure, 760
correlated data
GEE (GENMOD), 1611, 1672
correlated proportions,
See McNemar's test
CANCORR procedure, 760
estimates (MIXED), 2713, 2716, 2720, 2791
length (VARIOGRAM), 4860
matrix (GENMOD), 1638, 1656
matrix (REG), 3817
matrix, estimated (CATMOD), 842
principal components, 3610, 3612
range (KRIGE2D), 2034
correlation coefficients
power and sample size (POWER), 3426, 3502, 3503
Correlation dissimilarity coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1271
Correlation similarity coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1271
correlation statistic, 1501
CORRESP procedure, 1069
adjusted inertias, 1102
algorithm, 1097
analyse des correspondances , 1069
appropriate scoring, 1069
Best variables, 1104
binary design matrix, 1083
Burt table, 1076, 1084
coding, 1085
COLUMN= option, use, 1099
computational resources, 1096
correspondence analysis, 1069
doubling, 1085
dual scaling, 1069
fuzzy coding, 1085, 1087
geometry of distance between points, 1100, 1112, 1118
homogeneity analysis, 1069
inertia, definition, 1070
input tables and variables, 1072, 1082, 1083
matrix decompositions, 1079, 1100
matrix formulas for statistics, 1103
memory requirements, 1097
missing values, 1077, 1088, 1092
multiple correspondence analysis (MCA), 1076, 1101, 1123
ODS graph names, 1109
optimal scaling, 1069
optimal scoring, 1069
OUTC= data set, 1094
OUTF= data set, 1095
output data sets, 1094
output table names, 1108
partial contributions to inertia table, 1103
%PLOTIT macro, 1070, 1118, 1128
PROFILE= option, use, 1099
quantification method, 1069
reciprocal averaging, 1069
ROW= option, use, 1099
scalogram analysis, 1069
supplementary rows and columns , 1080, 1102
syntax, abbreviations, 1073
TABLES statement, use, 1072, 1081, 1088
time requirements, 1097
VAR statement, use, 1072, 1081, 1091
correspondence analysis
CORRESP procedure, 1069
COSAN model
CALIS procedure, 552, 591
specification, 560
structural model example (CALIS), 561
Cosine coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1272
counting process
PHREG procedure, 3241
LATTICE procedure, 2075
parameter estimates (MIXED), 2674, 2676
parameter estimates, ratio (MIXED), 2680
parameters (MIXED), 2661
principal components, 3610, 3612
regression coefficients (SURVEYREG), 4392
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4210
covariance coefficients,
See INBREED procedure
covariance matrix
for parameter estimates (CATMOD), 842
for response functions (CATMOD), 842
GENMOD procedure, 1638, 1656
NLMIXED procedure, 3101, 3106
PHREG procedure, 3222, 3233, 3245
REG procedure, 3817
singular (CATMOD), 887
symmetric and positive definite (SIM2D), 4107
covariance parameter estimates
MIXED procedure, 2750
Covariance similarity coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1271
covariance structure analysis model,
See COSAN model
covariance structures
examples (MIXED), 2723, 2782
MIXED procedure, 2664, 2721
GLMPOWER procedure, 1938-1941, 1951, 1956
MIXED procedure, 2743
model parameterization (GLM), 1787
covarimin method, 1291, 1318
coverage displays
FACTOR procedure, 1328
MIXED procedure, 2770
COVRATIO for covariance parameters
MIXED procedure, 2770
COVRATIO statistic, 3899
MIXED procedure, 2770
COVTRACE for covariance parameters
MIXED procedure, 2770
Cox regression analysis
PHREG procedure, 3219
semiparametric model (PHREG), 3215
Cramer's V statistic, 1469, 1474
Cramer-von Mises test
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3170
Crawford-Ferguson family, 1291
Crawford-Ferguson method, 1317, 1318
Crime Rates Data, example
PRINCOMP procedure, 3619
cross validated density estimates
MODECLUS procedure, 2872
cross validation
DISCRIM procedure, 1163
PLS procedure, 3368, 3374, 3384
crossed effects
design matrix (CATMOD), 877
GENMOD procedure, 1660
MIXED procedure, 2744
model parameterization (GLM), 1788
specifying (ANOVA), 451, 452
specifying (CATMOD), 864
specifying (GLM), 1784
crossover designs
power and sample size (POWER), 3549
crossproducts matrix
REG procedure, 3917
crosstabulation (SURVEYFREQ)
tables, 4227
crosstabulation tables, 1431, 1450, 4196
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4227
cubic clustering criterion, 970, 973
CLUSTER procedure, 968
cumulative baseline hazard function
PHREG procedure, 3257
cumulative distribution function, 2114, 3705
LIFETEST procedure, 2149
cumulative logit model
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4284
cumulative logits,
See also response functions
examples, (CATMOD), 869
specifying in CATMOD procedure, 853
using (CATMOD), 868
cumulative martingale residuals
PHREG procedure, 3223, 3266, 3271
cumulative mean function,
See mean function
cumulative residuals, 1718, 1725
custom scoring coefficients, example
SCORE procedure, 4086
ODS graphs, 363, 369, 371, 373, 379
ODS styles, 345, 374, 376, 378
Czekanowski/Sorensen similarity coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1276

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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