Defining a New Site

Site management in Dreamweaver begins with defining a site. When you define a site in Dreamweaver, you're essentially establishing a reference between Dreamweaver and the files on your computer. Dreamweaver then takes a snapshot of those files and caches them. By caching the files, Dreamweaver can automatically detect whether changes are made to image paths, links, and so on and can automatically fix them for you. Of course, we'll get to all that as we progress through the chapter; for now, keep in mind that everything begins with defining a new site. You can begin the process of defining a site by selecting Manage Sites from the Site menu. The Manage Sites dialog appears, similar to Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3. The Manage Sites dialog allows you to create new or edit existing sites.

The Manage Sites dialog includes various buttons, each constituting specific functionality. That functionality is outlined here:

  • New: Selecting this option opens a submenu that allows you to choose from either Site or FTP & RDS Server options. For our examples, we'll use the Site option from this submenu. In Chapter 25, "Working with Dynamic Data," we'll review the FTP & RDS Server option.

  • Edit: Choose this option to edit a site that's already been defined. Selecting this option opens the New Site dialog.

  • Duplicate: Allows you to duplicate a site and its configured settings. This option is useful if you've preconfigured numerous options and want to reuse them on a new site.

  • Remove: Permanently deletes a site from Dreamweaver. It's important to note that choosing this option only removes the reference to files on the computer, not the files themselves.

  • Export: Use this option when migrating sites to another computer with a fresh installation of Dreamweaver. This option creates an .STE file that can be backed up and later imported.

  • Import: Use this option to import backed up sites (.STE files) into the Manage Sites dialog.

  • Help: Choosing this option opens the Dreamweaver Help window with the Manage Sites dialog indexed.

  • Done: Closes the Manage Sites dialog.

Now that you have an idea how the Manage Sites dialog works and the functionality it encapsulates, let's actually create a new site. Choose the Site option from the New button's submenu. The Site Definition window appears, similar to Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4. The Site Definition window features a wizard that guides you through the process of defining a new site.

The Site Definition window is split into two tabs: Basic and Advanced options. The next section sheds light on each.

The Site Definition Window

With the Site Definition window open, notice that the interface is split into two tabs: Basic and Advanced. You can use either tab to define a new site, however, the options provided in each tab are dramatically different. If you're a beginning web developer who doesn't understand the myriad of terms and acronyms, the Basic tab, which guides you through an easy-to-understand wizard, is probably for you. If, however, you're a seasoned veteran who wants fine control over your site management experience, the Advanced tab is the selection you should pick. Don't worry if you're unsure; I'll walk through both options starting with the Basic tab.

When the Site Definition window opens for the first time, notice that it defaults to the Basic tab. The Basic tab provides an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand wizard that gently guides you through the site definition process. The first window that appears simply asks you for the site name. By defining a site, we're only creating a reference between Dreamweaver and the files on the computer so that Dreamweaver can help you manage those files better than the operating system could. The name you enter here is merely a unique name for that reference, nothing more. I'll enter Dorknozzle. Below the name option, you'll find a text box that refers to the URL of your site. If the site you're defining contains a valid HTTP address (for example,, enter that here. In the long run, entering the HTTP address for your website helps Dreamweaver manage site root relative links and absolute links (those that refer to your website) through its link checker. When you finish entering these values, click Next. The second window of the Basic window appears, similar to Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.5. The second window in the Basic tab allows you to choose a server technology.

From this second screen, you'll choose to work with a server technology or not. Although we'll be working with server technologies in Part V, "Dynamic Web Page Creation," for now, we'll choose the radio button titled "No, I do not want to use a server technology" and click Next. The third part of the Basic window appears similar to Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6. The third window allows you to set a path to the files on your local computer.

Once again, the practice of defining a site is the process of establishing a reference between Dreamweaver and the files on your local computer. On this third screen, you essentially tell Dreamweaver where those files are located. You'll want to choose the "Edit local copies on my machine, then upload to server when ready" option. Use the folder icon to browse to the folder where your files are located. If you've been working out of the same location I have, your text box should have the path C:\Dorknozzle populated. Of course you don't have to use the same path I do, but it is recommended so that we're on the same page throughout the book.


The second radio button allows you to work with files directly off the network. Assuming that your organization's web server physically resides on the network and you don't feel the need to test your work before uploading to the web server, go ahead and check this option. Then point the path to the location of the files on the web server.

When you've configured the third screen, click Next.

Assuming that you're not using a server technology (in which case, the submenu skips over Testing Files and goes directly to Sharing Files), the fourth part of the Basic window appears similar to Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7. The fourth part of the Basic window allows you to set the properties, including path and connection options to the remote computer.

Now that you've set the path to the files on your local computer, it's time to set the path and connection settings to the remote server. Dreamweaver's built in FTP client will allow you to transfer files between your local computer and the remote computer (typically a web server that can be accessed by the general public). It's for this reason that you'll want to configure this screen by selecting one of the following options from the Remote Server menu:

  • None: Choose None if you don't want to use the built-in FTP client to upload files to a remote computer. Using this option assumes that you're defining a site purely for the site management features.

  • FTP: The most common option FTP allows you to configure connection and login properties to a remote computer. After the connection and login properties have been established, you can use Dreamweaver's built-in FTP client to transfer files between your local computer and the remote computer.

  • Local/Network: You'd use this option for two reasons: First, assuming that your web server is accessible from the network, you'd want to choose this option to configure the path to the web server instance on the network. Second, if your organization's intranet can feed off a folder that resides on the network, this is a viable option.

  • WebDAV: Short for Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, WebDAV allows teams to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers. WebDAV includes numerous versioning and control features such as file lockingwhich prevents authors from overwriting each other's changes, remote file management, versioning, and so on.

  • RDS: If you've configured ColdFusion as your server technology of choice, you can use the RDS option to connect to the ColdFusion application server. This is discussed later in the book.

  • SourceSafe Database: Microsoft's Visual SourceSafe is a versatile source control and version program that relies on a self-contained database for the management of files within teams. Select this option and configure the settings when working with SourceSafe instances. This feature is discussed in much more detail in Chapter 12,"Building Dreamweaver Websites within Teams."

Although we could get away with choosing None for most of our examples, it would defeat the purpose of learning about one of the more important features built into Dreamweaver: the FTP client. For this reason, I'll choose FTP. However, unless you've purchased web space from a third-party web hosting company, you may want to choose None and re-reference the FTP sections of this chapter when you can follow along with your own settings.

After selecting the FTP option from the Remote Server menu, the screen tailors itself to allow you to configure path and connection details for your remote computer (see Figure 4.8).

Figure 4.8. The FTP option allows you to set a remote path and connection information.

The screen exposes the following options:

  • Hostname: Enter the physical path of the remote computer here.

  • Hostname Folder: If you're working in a specific folder on the remote computer, enter that here.

  • FTP Login: Enter your login name here.

  • FTP Password: Enter your password here.

  • Save: If you don't want to type your password every time you want to transfer files to the remote computer, choose this check box.

  • Use Secure FTP: Secure FTP or SFTP, is the newest standard for transferring files between local and remote computers securely. Although normal FTP transfers your data in an unencrypted format, SFTP encrypts data using DES, TripleDES, Blowfish, and RSA encryption algorithms. But don't think you can just select this option to begin using SFTP; SFTP relies on third-party software running on the web server to facilitate the secure interaction between the local and remotes computers. For more information on SFTP, consult Appendix C, "General Resources."

  • Test Connection: After you've configured the options on this screen, click this button to test the connection. If everything goes well, you should receive a dialog stating that the connection to the web server succeeded. If the connection doesn't succeed, however, review your settings. Typical issues include the wrong hostname, a bad username, or even a forgotten password.


In this example, I've defined FTP settings for the Dorknozzle project. Because there's no practical way for me to share my FTP information with all the readers of this book, you'll be on your own to find a web hosting provider for the FTP examples throughout the book.

After you've configured the screen, click Next. The fifth part of the Basic window appears similar to Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.9. Configure this screen to enable Dreamweaver's built-in source control features.

As you may have guessed from reviewing this screen, Dreamweaver's built-in source control features can be configured here. Because we'll be exploring this functionality with more detail in Chapter 12, "Building Dreamweaver Websites within Teams," for now, click the radio button titled "No, do not enable check in and check out" and click Next.

Finally, the sixth screen appears allowing you to review the settings you've made in the wizard (see Figure 4.10).

Figure 4.10. Review your site definition settings in the Summary screen.

If you see errors, click the Back button until you get to the screen that contains the problems. If everything looks good, click Done. Dreamweaver scans the folder and file structure of your local files, caches them, and then adds the site reference to the Manage Sites dialog, similar to Figure 4.11.

Figure 4.11. The newly defined site name is added to the Manage Sites dialog.

To begin working with your newly defined site, click Done to close the Manage Sites dialog. You probably noticed a sentence in the summary screen (refer back to Figure 4.10) that reads Your site can be further configured using the Advanced Tab. The next few sections provide a detailed look at the Advanced tab's features. To open your site and use the Advanced tab, select your site from the Manage Sites dialog (you can open the Manage Sites dialog by choosing the Manage Sites option from the Site menu) and click Edit. When the Site Definition for Dorknozzle dialog appears, choose the Advanced tab. The screen resembles Figure 4.12.

Figure 4.12. The Advanced interface features various configurable categories.

The Advanced interface is separated into the following configurable categories:

  • Local Info

  • Remote Info

  • Testing Server

  • Cloaking

  • Design Notes

  • Site Map Layout

  • File View Columns

  • Contribute

Let's review each.

The Local Info Category

Similar to the first two screens in the Basic tab, the Local Info category (shown in Figure 4.12) allows you to configure the following information:

  • Site name: Creates a name for your defined site. Remember, this is merely a name for the reference made between Dreamweaver and the files on your local computer.

  • Local root folder: Add the path to the files on your local computer here.

  • Refresh local file list automatically: Deselect this option to speed up the file copy process within Dreamweaver. Unfortunately, files in the list are not refreshed automatically. Instead, you'll have to go to the File panel's submenu and select View, Refresh.

  • Default images folder: Use this option to set a path to the default images folder in your site. Doing this allows you to use the file browser in Dreamweaver's Files panel to drag and drop images from anywhere on your computer into the active document. Dreamweaver then copies the image into the default images folder of your defined site.

  • Links relative to: If you want to change the relative path of the links you create to other pages in the site, select a Links Relative To option. By default, Dreamweaver creates links using document-relative paths. Select the Site Root option to change the path setting for the entire site to use site root relative paths (discussed in more detail in the previous chapter). If you select the Site Root option, make sure that you specify the HTTP address in the next option.

  • HTTP address: Specify the complete web address to your site here (for example, This allows Dreamweaver to verify links to absolute URLs. Dreamweaver also uses this address to make sure that site root-relative links work on the remote server, which may have a different site root. For example, if you are linking to the file C:\Dorknozzle\images\image.gif (where Dorknozzle is your local root folder), and the URL of your completed site is (where DorknozzleApp is your remote root folder), then entering the URL in the HTTP Address text box ensures that the path to the linked file on the remote server is /DorknozzleApp/images/image.gif.

  • Case-sensitive links: Enabling this check box guarantees that Dreamweaver checks case when checking for links throughout your site.

  • Cache: Ensure that this option is selected so that Dreamweaver can take a snapshot of your folder and file structure. Deselecting this option nullifies many of the site management features including the Assets panel, which is discussed in more detail in Chapter 14, "Workflow Enhancement."

Because we've already configured most of these options in the Basic tab, I'll leave the configuration alone and move directly to the Remote Info category.

The Remote Info Category

Similar to the remote configuration screen in the Basic tab, the Remote Info category, also shown in Figure 4.13, allows you to further configure remote computer options such as firewall settings, passive FTP, etc.

Figure 4.13. Use the Remote Info category in the Advanced tab to configure further options such as firewall settings and passive FTP.

A detailed list of features and functionality is listed here:

  • Access: Choose from a list of access methods from this menu. These options include None, FTP, Local/Network, WebDAV, RDS, and Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe®. In most scenarios you'll use the FTP option from the Access menu. When this option is selected, the options listed next are present.


    As we progress through the book, we'll discuss the other options within the Access list. For instance, in Chapter 12, "Building Dreamweaver Websites within Teams," we'll discuss both the WebDAV and SourceSafe options. Similarly, in Chapter 22, "Working with Server-Side Technologies," we'll discuss the Local/Network option.

  • FTP host: Enter the FTP path to the remote computer here. In most cases you would simply use the URL of the site as the web host. If you are pointing directly to an FTP server, an IP address might be used instead.

  • Host directory: If you're working in a folder on the remote computer, enter that here.

  • Login: Enter the login name for your remote computer here.

  • Password: Enter the password for your remote computer here.

  • Use passive FTP: By default, Dreamweaver uses Active FTP. Simply put, Active FTP allows the remote server to configure FTP access to it. If you have your own firewall software, you may want to check this option. Doing this effectively enables your firewall software to set up and configure the FTP connection to the remote computer dynamically. For more information on FTP, including passive FTP, review Appendix C, "General Resources."

  • Use firewall: Choose this option if you connect to the remote server from behind a firewall.

  • Firewall Settings: If you've checked the Use Firewall check box, your next step is to configure firewall settings. Clicking this button launches the Site category in the Preferences dialog. We'll discuss these option in more detail in Chapter 5, "Defining Preferences."

  • Use Secure FTP (SFTP) : As I mentioned earlier, files are transferred from the local and remote computer un-securely. If your remote computer has SFTP software installed, you can check this option to use Secure FTP instead of the normal, un-secure FTP.

  • Server Compatibility: Select this option to further maximize the compatibility between Dreamweaver and your remote computer. Selecting this option launches the Server Compatibility dialog which includes options for FTP performance optimization as well as the option for using a different method of rolling back files when Check In and Check Out is enabled.

  • Maintain synchronization information: Select this check box if you want Dreamweaver to automatically synchronize your local and remote files. If you disable this option, synchronization becomes a manual chore, available from the Synchronize Sitewide option in the Site menu.

  • Automatically upload files to server on save: A dangerous option, checking this box gives Dreamweaver free reign to upload files to your remote computer as soon as you save the file locally. I don't typically recommend checking this option.

  • Enable file check in and check out: If you're working in a team collaborative environment, check this option to allow developers to Check In and Check Out files. This option effectively enables the source control functionality built into Dreamweaver. We'll discuss this option with more detail in Chapter 12, "Building Dreamweaver Websites within Teams."

Again, we've managed to configure most of the options that we need to this point when we used the Basic tab. For now, I'll leave the configurations alone and move onto the Testing Server category.

The Testing Server Category

Once you start working with server-side technologies (ASP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, or PHP to name a few), the Testing Server category, shown in Figure 4.14, becomes more useful.

Figure 4.14. The Testing Server category allows you to choose a server technology and an access method.

A detailed list of features and functionality exposed by the Testing Server category is presented here:

  • Server model: Choose an option from this menu to set the server technology for the site. Options include ASP JavaScript, ASP VBScript, ASP.NET C#, ASP.NET VB, ColdFusion, JSP, and PHP MySQL. We'll begin to discuss the various server technology options in Part V, "Dynamic Web Page Creation."

  • Access: The second menu available on this screen is the access method used to connect to the testing server. Options include FTP, Local/Network, WebDAV, and RDS (available only if RDS is selected as the Access option from the Remote Info category). Because the testing server can also be the local computer, it is possible to select a server technology without specifying an access method.

Because we're not working with server technologies just yet, I'll keep the option None for both Server Model and Access menus.

The Cloaking Category

As we progress through the chapter, you'll learn about features such as site synchronization, file Get and Put, and more. As you work with some of these operations, you might decide that you'll need to exclude files in an effort to improve the performance of Dreamweaver's site-scanning capabilities. Furthermore, you might decide to explicitly exclude certain files from consideration during these operations. The Cloaking category exists for this reason. Shown in Figure 4.15, the Cloaking category of the Site definition dialog allows you to hide folders and ultimately files and prevent them from being used within a variety of Dreamweaver operations including site synchronization, Get and Put, find and replace, and more. This category also provides the option of tweaking cloaking options to cloak only those files with specific extensions.

Figure 4.15. The Cloaking category allows you to enable or disable cloaking and even allows you to cloak files with specific extensions.

The Cloaking category exposes the following functionality:

  • Enable cloaking: Enables or disables cloaking.

  • Cloak files ending with: When the Enable Cloaking option is enabled, this check box also becomes enabled. You can then click this check box to enter specific file extensions separated by spaces to exclude all files with the specified extension type.

Because we'll be discussing cloaking in more detail later in the chapter, make sure that the Enable Cloaking check box is selected.

The Design Notes Category

Covered in more detail in Chapter 12, "Building Dreamweaver Websites within Teams," Design Notes let you share and edit information about pages within a site with members of a team. By enabling Design Notes on the screen shown in Figure 4.16, you can create text-based notes which are in turn saved to a _notes folder in the site's root.

Figure 4.16. Enable collaborative note sharing for a site using Design Notes.

A complete list of features available through the Design Notes category is listed here:

  • Maintain Design Notes: Enables or disables Dreamweaver's ability to keep Design Notes.

  • Clean Up: As you will see, Design Notes are associated with pages. If pages are no longer needed or are deleted, Dreamweaver doesn't necessarily delete its respective Design Notes. Click this button to manually delete Design Notes not associated with pages.

  • Upload Design Notes for sharing: Check this option to make Design Notes available to other members of your collaborative team. If this option is selected, Design Notes are automatically transferred to the remote computer. If you just want to maintain Design Notes for yourself, disable this option.

Although we won't be discussing Design Notes until Chapter 12, it won't affect our work if we enable these options now. So make sure that the Design Notes check box is selected and that the Upload Design Notes for Sharing check box is selected as well.

The Site Map Layout Category

Another benefit to defining a site in Dreamweaver is to take advantage of the site map feature. The Dreamweaver site map, discussed in more detail later in this chapter, is a visual organization of files and links within your defined site. Shown in Figure 4.17, the Site Map Layout category facilitates configuration of the site map feature.

Figure 4.17. Configure Dreamweaver's site map feature from the Site Map Layout category.

The Site Map Layout category can be broken down into the following list of features:

  • Home page: Creating a site map begins with defining a home page. Generally, all pages in a website stem from a home page. For this reason, you'll want to browse to your home page file from here. In our case, the index.htm file should already be selected.

  • Number of columns: Enter a number in this text box to set the number of pages to display per row in the site map window.

  • Column width: Enter a number in this text box to set the width of the site map columns in pixels.

  • Icon labels: Use one of these options to choose whether the name displayed with the document icons in the site map is represented as a filename or as a page title.

  • Display files marked as hidden: Select this option to display HTML files you've marked as hidden in the site map. Hidden files will show italicized.

  • Display dependent files: Choose this option to display dependent files in the site map. Dependent files are images or other non-HTML content that the browser loads when it loads the main page.

Generally, the default options in this category will suffice. As long as the path to index.htm is listed in the Home Page text box, we're ready to move on.

The File View Columns Category

Like your operating system's file explorer, the Dreamweaver Site Management window (covered later) supports the customization of columns to be made visible or hidden. The File View Columns category shown in Figure 4.18 allows you to show or hide Name, Notes, Size, Type, Modified, and Checked Out By columns.

Figure 4.18. Use the File View Columns category to show or hide columns in the Site Management window.

The File View Columns category can be broken down into the following list of features:

  • Enable column sharing: Check this box to share file view column and custom file view columns with other members of a collaborative team.

  • Add (+)/Remove () : Allows you to add a custom view column. After you've added the custom column, you can associate the column with a property of the Design Notes menu. Click the Remove () icon to remove a custom column. Dreamweaver does not allow you to remove built-in columns; they can only be hidden.

  • Move Up/Move Down: Click the Move Up or Move Down icons in the top-right corner of the screen to reposition the file view columns. Repositioning the columns changes the arrangement of the columns in the Site Management window (moving from left to right).

  • File View Columns list: Lists built-in and customized file view columns. Select a file view column from this list to interact with other configurable options on the screen.

  • Column name: Allows you to name a custom file view column. Built-in file view columns cannot be renamed.

  • Associate with design note: Custom file view columns must be associated with Design Notes. After you've created a custom file view column, select an option from this list to associate a Design Note property with the custom file view column. Options in this list include Assigned, Due, Priority, and Status.

  • Align: Sets the alignment of text in the file view column. Options include the standard Left, Center, and Right align.

  • Show: Enable or disable this check box to show or hide a file view column.

  • Share with all users of this site: Allows you to share custom file view columns with other members of the collaborative team.

It's fine if the Notes column is hidden because we won't be working with Design Notes until Chapter 12, "Building Dreamweaver Websites within Teams." Also, because we won't be using the Check In and Check Out functionality until Chapter 12, go ahead and select the Checked Out By column name in the File View Columns pane and uncheck the Show check box.

The Contribute Category

Macromedia's Contribute makes it easy for content managers in your organization to add and modify content on the website without the need to know Dreamweaver. You can make your site accessible through Contribute by enabling the check box in the Contribute category screen, shown in Figure 4.19.

Figure 4.19. Enable Contribute compatibility by enabling this check box.

It's important to note however, that Dreamweaver does not allow you to select this option if an Access method has not been chosen first. Contribute is covered in much more detail in Chapter 13, "Managing Website Content Management Using Contribute."

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Unleashed
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Unleashed
ISBN: 0672327600
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 237
Authors: Zak Ruvalcaba © 2008-2017.
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